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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Proposing a conceptual framework to address social norms that influence adolescent sexual and reproductive health

    With 1.8 billion young people aged 10-24 years in the world today, the cohort of adolescents and youth is the largest in history. Concurrently, millions of adolescents are confronting sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges, including high rates of unmet need for contraception, unintended pregnancy, and clandestine and unsafe abortion. Social norms or shared understandings of how oneself and others should behave can alleviate or exacerbate these challenges. …

  2. Learning content in sexuality education

    A guide written by the government of the province of Quebec to explain to parents what their children will learn in sexuality education from primary to secondary school.

  3. A tool for change: working with the media on issues relating to sexual orientation, gender identity, expression and sex characteristics in Thailand

    A Tool for Change: Working with the Media on Issues Relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics in Thailand analyzes news media coverage of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), and LGBTIQ identities across media platforms in Thailand. The research found that LGBTIQ people are often represented in the news media inaccurately, stereotypically, or without a clear understanding of SOGIE. The study recommends that a professional code of conduct on reporting SOGIESC issues be developed. …

  4. Loi N° 1/13 du 22 septembre 2016 portant prévention, protection des victimes et répression des violences basées sur le genre

    Par cette loi, le gouvernement est chargé de prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires de sensibilisation pour modifier les schémas et modèles de comportement socioculturel de l'homme et de la femme, en vue de parvenir à l'élimination des pratiques coutumières ou de tout autre type qui sont fondés sur l'idée de l'infériorité ou de la supériorité de l'un ou de l'autre sexe ou d'un rôle stéréotypé de l'homme ou de la femme.

  5. Life orientation sexuality education in South Africa: Gendered norms, justice and transformation

    Research on sexual practices among young South Africans has proliferated in light of the national imperatives to challenge the spread of HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence and unwanted early pregnancies. It has been widely acknowledged that, in order to respond to these social problems, we need to understand the enmeshment of gender, class, age and other forms of social inequality, and how these are played out in ‘normal’ heterosexual relationships.

  6. An introduction to welcoming schools: an inclusive approach to addressing family diversity; gender stereotyping and name-calling in K-5 learning environments

    The Welcoming Schools Guide is a comprehensive resource that facilitates the creation of fully inclusive, respectful and supportive elementary school environments for all students and their families. …

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