Good Practices on Training Module Development and Cascading Module from UNESCO-CFIT project in Ethiopia

UNESCO-CFIT project, “Harnessing Technology for Quality Teacher Training in Africa”, is a flagship project on enhancing quality teacher training in Africa. The project aims at using ICT – Information and Communications Technology, including computers, internet, mobile devices – to support the target countries in enhancing their teacher training institutions. The focus is not only to increase the quantity, but also to improve the quality of both pre- and in-service teachers. Eight African countries are part of this project in Phase I, with Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia and Namibia being the first group, and Liberia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Tanzania and Uganda being the second group. Phase II, launched at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 29 to 31 March 2017, includes two additional countries: Togo and Zambia.

In Ethiopia, this project has been implemented as “Enhancing Teacher Education for Bridging the Education Quality Gap in Ethiopia" since March 2014. By working closely with Hawassa College of Teacher Education and Bahir Dar University, the Phase I of this project has generated many good practices with productive achievements. Hawassa College of Teacher Education shared their experience on training module development and cascading module.

Link to the Brief Report.