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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Case study: Costa Rica’s school child and adolescent food and nutrition programme

    Costa Rica’s School Child and Adolescent Food and Nutrition Programme (PANEA) is an example of a consolidated school feeding programme mostly funded by the central government and managed at school level by School Education Boards. It is part of the government’s efforts to reduce poverty and to ensure poor families’ children’s enrolment and retention within the education system, and its main service is the School Canteen. …

  2. Bolivia's complementary school feeding: a case study

    Today, Bolivia offers an example of a highly decentralised approach to school feeding as there is not yet a national program. The name was changed to Complementary School Feeding (Alimentación Complementaria Escolar - ACE) in 2007 to help highlight that food provided at school has to be regarded as a complement to the food children consume at home. ACE programs can be divided into two broad categories. The rural model provides breakfast and/or lunch cooked in the schools premises. …

  3. Revised school feeding policy: promoting innovation to achieve national ownership

    This paper updates WFP’s 2009 school feeding policy four years after its approval. It clarifies WFP’s new approach of supporting government-led programmes, and outlines innovations. The revised policy increases alignment with the new Strategic Plan (2014–2017), the draft Strategic Results Framework, and the safety net and nutrition policies, and supersedes the 2009 policy.

  4. Water, sanitation, and hygiene in education efforts: a resource guide

    This resource guide serves as a tool for implementers and advocates in the WASH and education nexus to pursue and promote integrated programming. It contains summaries of manuals and reports, mapping resources, and a list of organizations working on WASH in Schools.

  5. Nairobi City County plan of action to strengthen school health programming

    Improving young people’s health demands urgent effort at both county and national level. In this respect, the Nairobi City County together with its partners, has developed the Nairobi City County Plan of Action to Strengthen School Health Programming. This Plan of Action is aimed at providing specific guidelines to ensure that school age children, teachers, support staff and community members access quality and equitable services for improved health using SRH as an entry point. …

  6. Preschool health and nutrition: guidance for program managers

    The purpose of this guidance is to help program managers supporting preschools around the world to identify the most appropriate preschool health and nutrition interventions within their context. The guidance is primarily a reference from which program managers can draw from when designing their program. The guide starts with a background on ECCD and preschool education, health and nutrition problems of preschoolers, a recommended approach to preschool H&N;, and the information that should be collected prior to program implementation. The guide is then organized by health topic. …

  7. SABER school feeding country report: Uganda 2014

    This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Uganda. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …

  8. SABER school feeding country report : Zanzibar 2015

    This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Zanzibar. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …

  9. Resolución Ministerial No.0201-2009-ED aprueban directiva "Procedimientos para la prevención y sanción del hostigamiento sexual en el sector educación"

    Objetivo: la prevención y sanción del hostigamiento sexual, producidos en las relaciones de dependencia – cualquiera sea la forma jurídica de esta relación – en la Sede Central del Ministerio de Educación, Direcciones Regionales de Educación, Unidades de Gestión Educativas Locales, Programas Nacionales, Órganos Descentralizados, Instituciones de Educación Superior No Universitaria Públicas e Instituciones Educativas Públicas del sector.

  10. Programa nacional de alimentação escolar, PNAE: perguntas frequentes

    Temas abordados: 1. Nutrição 2. Agricultura familiar 3. Conselho de alimentação escolar 4. Recursos financeiros 5. Denúncia 6. Prestação de contas.

  11. Learning from experience: good practices from 45 years of school feeding

    The UN World Food Programme has 45 years of experience in school feeding. This analysis, Learning from Experience, has harvested existing knowledge on the topic, drawing from 134 evaluations, case studies, an ongoing consultation process and operational experience.

  12. A road map for school health promotion, a model for cognitive-oriented school health policy making and implementing policies for schools

    Background: School health promotion programs implemented in different countries have experienced varying degrees of success. Their success rate depends on various factors such as adaptation with the local charactristics of communities. Objectives: This paper aims to provide an experimental model for school health policy making in a large group of non-governmental schools in Iran. Materials and Methods: To institutionalize school health policies, appropriate organizational structure was established at the headquarters. …

  13. Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people’s health and well-being. Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study: international report from the 2013/2014 survey

    Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a WHO collaborative cross-national study, has provided information about the health, well-being, social environment and health behaviour of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls for over 30 years. This latest international report from the study presents findings from the 2013/2014 survey, which collected data from almost 220 000 young people in 42 countries in Europe and North America. …

  14. Schools for Health in Ireland: co-ordinator’s handbook for developing a health promoting school. Post-primary

    This co-ordinator’s handbook has been developed to assist schools with the implementation of the framework for developing a health promoting school at post-primary level.

  15. Schools for Health in Ireland: framework for developing a health promoting school. Post- primary

    This publication offers a framework to schools against which they can look at their school, assess health needs and begin a process of working towards better health for all members of the school community. The framework outlines the Health Promoting School (HPS) concept including its aims, core values and criteria. It briefly outlines the process of work involved in becoming a Health Promoting School. The framework is written for all members of the school community – students, staff and visitors. …


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