UNESCO Forum of Ministers of Culture | 2019
High Representatives confirmed
When :
from Tuesday 19 November, 2019
to Tuesday 19 November, 2019
Type of event :
Category 2-Intergovernmental meeting
Where :
UNESCO HQ - Room/Salle I, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75007, Paris, France
Contact :
Live webcast English | French |
The interpretation of proceedings serves to facilitate communication and does not constitute an authentic record of the proceedings. Only the original speech is authentic.
On 19 November 2019, UNESCO will host the Forum of Ministers of Culture, a major event to discuss the central place of culture in public policies around the world and its impact on sustainable development. More than 140 Ministers and high representatives will be present to mark a high point during the 40th session of the General Conference of UNESCO (12-27 November 2019). UNESCO, the only United Nations agency for culture, is returning to the tradition of ministerial meetings in the field of culture, 21 years after the Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1998.
As a platform for priority setting and public policy development, this ministerial meeting is an opportunity to make decisive progress on the role of culture in development. Four themes will be explored on this occasion:
- Culture and heritage, a renewable energy for dialogue and peace
- Culture at the heart of education, a fundamental dimension for human development and innovation
- Investing in culture and creativity for sustainable development and employment
- Culture in the public space, a driving force for urban and social transformation
In the field of culture, the ministerial meetings organized by the Organization in the 1980s and 1990s gave rise to founding concepts, which subsequently fed into the elaboration of major cultural conventions. In particular, they have made it possible to broaden the concept of culture to include intangible cultural heritage and cultural diversity, and to define a global agenda for cultural policies. Since 2015, the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development has been developing a common roadmap for sustainable development. Culture is at the heart of this vision, which is based on a project of more inclusive and resilient societies.
In response to contemporary changes, UNESCO is strengthening its multidisciplinary scope and addressing the issue of sustainable development in a comprehensive manner by emphasizing the linkages between culture and social, economic and environmental issues. On the occasion of the Forum of Ministers of Culture, Ministers will share their views through interactive exchanges to present their cultural policy priorities and visions for the future in response to the challenges and opportunities of contemporary societies.
Culture and public policy for sustainable development (Coming Soon)
The participants to the UNESCO Forum of Ministers of Culture, to be held on 19 November 2019 in Room I, must ensure the accreditation to the 40th session of the General Conference in order to obtain their badges to access the Headquarters of UNESCO for security reasons.
This accreditation is done through the Internet via the following link: https://fr.unesco.org/general-conference/registration . For any technical questions related to accreditation at the General Conference, please contact Ms. Yousser Mrad (Y.Mrad@unesco.org).
Once the accreditation is completed, you will be able to collect the specific additional badge to attend the Forum of Ministers of Culture, which will only be valid on 19 November 2019, to give you access to the Room I where the Forum will be held. You can collect the badge at UNESCO (Fontenoy building, 3rd floor, Office 3.010, blue corridor) from Tuesday, 12November 2019.
For any technical question concerning the withdrawal of the badge for the Forum of Ministers of Culture, please contact Ms. Hélène Morales (h.morales@unesco.org) or Mr. Jamel Ben Abdallah (j.benabdallah@unesco.org)