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La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école. Elle précise toutes les informations nécessaires pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des mesures d'hygiène, indispensables aussi bien dans le déroulement, au jour le jour, de la vie de l'école que dans certaines situations plus exceptionnelles. Ces mesures quotidiennes sont à préciser dans le règlement intérieur de l'école adopté par le conseil d'école. Leur élaboration et leur application nécessitent une étroite collaboration entre les équipes éducatives, les familles et les personnels
The Act gives Scottish Ministers the power to set nutritional requirements for food and drinks in schools by Regulations. This guidance is intended to help those who are involved in providing food and drinks in schools to implement the Regulations. It explains the nutritional requirements in the Regulations and provides guidance on how to comply with them. The guidance also makes recommendations on other practical aspects not covered by the Regulations.
School meals have multiple benefits and there is hard evidence that supports this claim. However, due to the multi-faceted nature of school meals, it is difficult to obtain a complete overview of the evidence. This paper attempts to give such an overview. It collects existing, independent evidence of the benefits and impacts of school meals and uses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as thematic areas to organize the evidence. The paper also gives an indication of the specific targets to which school meals can contribute. …
Even when quality schools, textbooks, and teachers are all provided, children can only receive effective education if they are in school and prepared to learn. Poor health and hunger both reduce attendance and hamper learning in school. School health and school feeding (SHSF) programs can help overcome these barriers to learning for all—especially among children and youth from poor households, who are most likely to suffer from health and nutrition problems. …
Given the changing circumstances in the nutrition landscape, there is a need to reassess and reiterate the role of the schools in improving health and nutritional status of children. This discussion paper shows that schools offer a unique opportunity to improve nutrition using a systemic, multi-sectoral approach. Social, health, economic and ethic arguments coalesce in and around schools. …
School meals programmes have an important role to play in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. When appropriately designed, they have the potential to improve the diets and nutrition knowledge and practices of millions of schoolchildren and their communities. This publications sheds light on country practices and experience that can serve to inform nutrition-sensitive school meals programmes in other countries. …
We study the effect of the world’s largest school feeding program on children’s learning outcomes. Staggered implementation across different states of a 2001 Indian Supreme Court Directive mandating the introduction of free school lunches in public primary schools generates plausibly exogenous variation in program exposure across different birth cohorts. We exploit this to estimate the effect of program exposure on math and reading test scores of primary school-aged children. …
Objeto principal: Disponer sobre la atención de la alimentación escolar y el Programa "Dinero Directo en la Escuela" para los alumnos de educación básica.
The objective of the study is to document the progression of school health and nutrition and its integration within the education sector in sub-Saharan Africa between 2000 and 2015. It analyses the education sector plans (ESPs) in terms of the Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH) framework and the World Bank Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) School Health survey from a set of countries in sub-Saharan Africa. …
Guatemala suffers the double burden of malnutrition with high rates of stunting alongside increasing childhood overweight/obesity. This study examines the school food environment (SFE) at low-income Guatemalan elementary schools and discusses its potential impact on undernutrition and overweight/obesity. From July through October 2013, direct observations, in-depth interviews with school principals (n = 4) and food kiosk vendors (n = 4, 2 interviews each) and also focus groups (FGs) with children (n = 48, 8 FGs) were conducted. …
This study examined the attendance patterns by region of schools which participated in School Feeding Programmes (SFPs) in poor, remote rural areas of Jamaica and determined wether there was a significant difference in attendance over a 10 year period between children who took different lunch types. The study revealed peaks and troughs in the average annual attendance by region, but found no significant difference in attendance by lunch type. …
L’éducation représente un défi majeur de développement au Burkina Faso où 48% de la population a moins de quinze ans.Une bonne santé et une nutrition adéquate sont des facteurs déterminants d’un apprentissage et d’une éducation de qualité. En effet,la malnutrition et les problèmes de santé sont reconnus comme étant des causes de faible scolarisation, d’absentéisme, de mauvais résultats scolaires et de décrochages scolaires précoces. …
The School Nutrition and Meals Strategy was developed to guide the implementation of Kenya’s School Meals initiatives at all levels, abiding by the broad national goals as stipulated in the country’s Vision 2030 and in alignment with the Kenya Constitution (2010).
Costa Rica’s School Child and Adolescent Food and Nutrition Programme (PANEA) is an example of a consolidated school feeding programme mostly funded by the central government and managed at school level by School Education Boards. It is part of the government’s efforts to reduce poverty and to ensure poor families’ children’s enrolment and retention within the education system, and its main service is the School Canteen. …
Today, Bolivia offers an example of a highly decentralised approach to school feeding as there is not yet a national program. The name was changed to Complementary School Feeding (Alimentación Complementaria Escolar - ACE) in 2007 to help highlight that food provided at school has to be regarded as a complement to the food children consume at home. ACE programs can be divided into two broad categories. The rural model provides breakfast and/or lunch cooked in the schools premises. …