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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Cuidando mi salud y mi vida: guía metodológica para docentes III ciclo de educación básica: séptimo, octavo y noveno grados

    En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía, y el plan didáctico. Una segunda parte contiene la descripción de las unidades con su respectivo contenido sus expectativas de logro, los recursos, objetivos de la actividad, los saberes previos, construcción de nuevos saberes, consolidación de nuevos saberes, la evaluación, otros recursos didácticos y finalmente la información complementaria. En seguida se presenta el glosario, la bibliografía y anexos.

  2. Cuidando mi salud y mi vida: guía metodológica para docentes II ciclo de educación básica: cuarto, quinto y sexto grados

    En esta guía se presentan: las orientaciones metodológicas, la estructura de la guía, y el plan didáctico. Una segunda parte contiene la descripción las unidades con su respectivo contenido sus expectativas de logro, los recursos, objetivos de la actividad, los saberes previos, construcción de nuevos saberes, consolidación de nuevos saberes, la evaluación, otros recursos didácticos y finalmente la información complementaria. En seguida se presenta el glosario, la bibliografía y anexos.

  3. Manual de conocimientos básicos para la prevención del VIH: para docentes en los centros escolares

    El manual de conocimientos básicos sobre prevención del VIH para docentes, contiene una selección de contenidos conceptuales para apoyar el desarrollo de las actividades de aprendizaje propuestas en las guías de prevención del VIH para docentes de primero, segundo y tercer ciclo de educación básica y educación media, elaboradas por el Ministerio de Educación.

  4. Guía metodológica de prevención del VIH para docentes: educación media

    La guía de prevención del VIH tiene la finalidad de ofrecer un instrumento metodológico que facilite la labor del personal docente que trabaja en educación media, aportando una serie de actividades diseñadas desde las características e intereses de las y los estudiantes que cursan su bachillerato.

  5. Guía metodológica prevención del VIH para docentes: 3er ciclo, educación básica

    Esta guía metodológica forma parte de un conjunto de materiales didácticos dirigidos a docentes de Educación Básica y Educación Media, con el propósito de proporcionarles una herramienta de trabajo que además de información, incluya estrategias metodológicas con un enfoque integral para la prevención del VIH. Las actividades están diseñadas de acuerdo a las características del estudiantado de Tercer Ciclo de Educación Básica. …

  6. Guía metodológica prevención del VIH para docentes: 2do ciclo, educación básica

    La guía metodológica de prevención del VIH para docentes del segundo Ciclo de Educación Básica, tiene como finalidad, ofrecer un instrumento metodológico que facilite la labor del personal docente que trabaja en Educación Básica, y aporta una serie de actividades tomando en cuenta las características e intereses del alumnado que estudia en este nivel.

  7. Guía metodológica prevención del VIH para docentes: 1er ciclo, educación básica

    El documento ofrece a los y las docentes, una estructura didáctica que permite organizar las experiencias de aprendizaje en cinco unidades y cada una de éstas con las correspondientes actividades que a su vez retoman los objetivos y competencias de los Programas de estudio del Primer Ciclo de Educación Básica.

  8. Factors associated with HIV infection among educated Malawians: analysis of the 2010 demographic and health survey

    Introduction: Among people who have ever attended school, higher educational attainment appears to be associated with higher prevalence of HIV. This study assesses the association between education and HIV status in Malawi, among individuals with some education, after adjusting for various background characteristics.

  9. 'Close to the bone'?: catalysts for integrating HIV and AIDS into the academic curriculum

    Integrating HIV and AIDS into the academic curriculum remains a challenge which, for various reasons, is not fully taken up by academics at universities. Although much is being done in the health arena, and education is often put forward as the 'antidote' for the epidemic, only a few academics have introduced HIV and AIDS into their curricula. In this article, the authors explore why some academics have integrated HIV and AIDS into their curricula; what the catalyst was for doing so; and how these academics see this integration. …

  10. ‘You need to have some guts to teach’: teacher preparation and characteristics for the teaching of sexuality and HIV/AIDS education in South African schools

    Using in-depth interviews, the authors asked sexuality educators in South Africa about their own professional preparation and what they believed were necessary educator characteristics for teaching Sexuality Education. Their findings show that the teachers taught Sexuality Education without any appropriate qualification or preparation, but because they had a lighter teaching load and had room to take on more teaching hours. Nevertheless, they all mention that ‘not anybody can teach Sexuality Education’. …

  11. A farewell to abstinence and fidelity? Comment

    Sex has regularly proven to be a polarising issue for the UN Member States, and the 2016 High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS on June 8–10 was no exception. The Political Declaration adopted at the meeting addresses the sexual health needs of young people (15–24 years), including adolescents (11–19 years). 2000 new HIV infections occur among young people every day. HIV is the leading cause of death among adolescents in Africa, and the second-highest cause of death worldwide in this age group. …

  12. Promoting parent engagement in schools to prevent HIV and other STDs among teens: information for state and local education agencies

    Parent engagement in schools is defined as parents and school staff working together to support and improve the learning, development, and health of children and adolescents (See Box 1). School staff may already engage parents in a variety of ways that support teens’ academic success, such as through parent-teacher conferences and open houses. …

  13. Development of a relief teacher strategy to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in the education sector. Desk review report

    The terms of reference (TOR) calling for the development of a relief teacher strategy to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in the education sector indicate that “Namibia’s teachers are at a relatively high risk of HIV infection. Projections suggest that in 2002, around one in seven (teachers) were HIV-infected (Abt Report, 2002, p.vi). The report further indicates that teacher losses averaged 1.5% between 2000 and 2002, with higher rates (2%) reported in the country’s northern parts. …

  14. School-based interventions for preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents (Review)

    Background: School-based sexual and reproductive health programmes are widely accepted as an approach to reducing high-risk sexual behaviour among adolescents. Many studies and systematic reviews have concentrated on measuring effects on knowledge or self-reported behaviour rather than biological outcomes, such as pregnancy or prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Objectives: To evaluate the effects of school-based sexual and reproductive health programmes on sexually transmitted infections (such as HIV, herpes simplex virus, and syphilis), and pregnancy among adolescents.

  15. HIV and AIDS: a deep human concern. A compilation of lectures and presentations from the annual Irish Aid professor Father Michael Kelly lecture series 2006-2015

    Originally hailing from Tullamore, Ireland, Professor Father Michael Kelly has spent more than 50 years living and working in Zambia, where he is now a citizen. Since 2006, the Irish Aid Professor Fr. Michael Kelly Lecture on HIV and AIDS has been held annually to honour his lifetime contributions to tackling HIV and AIDS, and to reducing their associated stigma, discrimination, and impacts on human rights. …


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