Harare: GIZ, 2013. 79 p.
Lorey-Wagner, Jutta
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ
This manual aims to guide trained JIC facilitators on how to conduct JIC activities and can be used as reference material during JIC facilitator trainings. It is also for anyone who wishes to know more about the JIC concept. Thematic areas covered by the JIC are referred to as stations. The manual consists of three main chapters: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the JIC concept, methodology and the main objectives of the JIC stations. Chapter 2 gives information on the roles and responsibilities of JIC facilitators and of the facilitation skills needed for JIC. It provides tips for facilitators, as well as basic background information on HIV and AIDS, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception and aspects of positive living. There are notes on how to facilitate each station, including guidance on what happens at each station, its objectives, the tools needed for the station and the main message and reference material for each station. Chapter 3 provides a monitoring and reporting section for the JIC in Zimbabwe . Chapter 4 provides basic information on the main issues in JIC. The fact sheets can be used as hand-outs for JIC participants to provide background information for those topics that require technical information. Other resource materials available should be used in conjunction with the manual and the JIC tools to maximize benefit across available information, education and communication (IEC) materials.
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