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This week, the IBE-UNESCO is taking part in the second face-to-face session of Training Course on Curriculum and Learning in Malaysia



Following the successful face-to-face and online sessions of the training course in curriculum and learning towards Education 2030, IBE-UNESCO will lead this week (October 8-12) in Putrajaya, Malaysia, the second session of the face-to-face phase.
Since 2009, the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) has been going through a systematic curriculum reform process for Basic Education, from developing, implementing and revising the newstandard-based curriculum as well as elaborating textbooks and training teacher trainers and teachers. At the same time, the Curriculum Development Division (CDD) of the MOE strives for the strengthening of its capacities by training its team with concrete and up-to-date professional development programmes. Due to IBE-UNESCO’s recognized expertise in Curriculum, Learning and related areas, the CDD invited IBE-UNESCO to facilitate a comprehensive and customized training course in curriculum and learning.
In the aftermath of the successful first face-to-face (August 2018) and online (mid-August-end of September) sessions, the two IBE-UNESCO’s experts, Mr. Renato Opertti, Senior Programme Specialist, and Ms. Carmel Gallagher, Senior Consultant, will facilitate the second face-to-face meeting is taking place in Putrajaya, Malaysia this week (October 8-12).
With the support of IBE-UNESCO’s 2017 Edition Resource Pack for Curriculum Design and Development as the main training tool, the second session of the training course will revolve around four main areas: i) Development of textbooks and other teaching and learning materials; (ii) Capacity development for curriculum implementation; (iii) Processes of curriculum implementation; and (iv) Student assessment and curriculum evaluation. The second face-to-face meeting will also provide the participants with the opportunity to discuss the group productions elaborated as assignments for the online training session.
60 MOE staff, mostly from the Curriculum Development Division (CDD) covering all subject areas from ECCE to K12, as well as from the Policy and Research, Textbook and Technology Divisions, are expected to attend the course.