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The goal of OVC services in an effort to improve the general wellbeing of OVC. The objectives of the OVC Standard Service Delivery Guidelines include: To provide key OVC stakeholders with Standard Service Delivery Guidelines and an 1. implementation guide; To harmonize OVC service delivery thereby increasing access to and quality of care and 2. support; and to contribute to an OVC data management system for OVC issues. The OVC Standard Service Delivery Guidelines document has three parts. The first part deals with the background, guiding principles, and implementation at different levels. …
This mapping exercise was conducted because impact mitigation, and particularly support to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), is seen as one of the "unfinished agendas" for the country and a top priority in the HIV and AIDS response. It has been conducted alongside a Situation and Response Assessment and estimate of the OVC population, so that together they can be used to analyse coverage and identify geographical and programmatic gaps and priority areas. …
This report was commissioned by the National Orphans and Vulnerable Children Multisectoral Task Force (NOVCTF) as a background study to inform the development of a Multisectoral National Plan of Action. The Task Force priorities for 2007 were to conduct a national assessment of responses to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on children and develop and implement a national plan to guide efforts to mitigate the impact of the HIV epidemic on children. …
Children have the right to participate in the implementation of national policies for children, and their participation adds value to the policy implementation process. As a result, enabling and enhancing child participation in national policies is an important aim of communication for development. However, a significant challenge to facilitating child participation in policy implementation is how to communicate policy details to children of varying capacities. …
This issue of FieldNotes presents IYF's experiences and lessons learned in Tanzania, where the Planning for Life project integrated youth reproductive health education and family planning services into its HIV prevention activities and trained local youth service providers to offer youth-friendly reproductive health services.
The overall purpose of the rapid assessment and response (RAR) is to improve health of vulnerable young people (10-24 years, in particular drug users, sex workers and mobile population), reduce vulnerability and strengthen prevention, through targeted interventions that will aim to minimise the impact of HIV/AIDS. …
A la luz de los instrumentos normativos que protegen y garantizan los derechos sexuales y los derechos reproductivos de los/las adolescentes en el plano internacional y la legislación vigente en el ámbito nacional, el estudio que se presenta analiza la problemática y vaivenes de la política pública frente al embarazo adolescente, la educación sexual en los hogares, escuelas y la orientación sexual y reproductiva en los servicios de salud. …
Estudio realizado en la localidad de Iguanillas, en el sur del estado de Puebla. Indaga en los distintos elementos que marcan la especificidad de los hombres jóvenes rurales en tránsito del mundo infantil al mundo adulto. Así, se analiza la influencia de la escuela, el trabajo, la migración, la sexualidad, el matrimonio y la paternidad. Hay elementos, como la escuela o el matrimonio, que pueden ser semejantes para mujeres y hombres y sirven, desde la perspectiva de la generación para marcar la etapa juvenil o su terminación (el matrimonio). …
Estudio de la situación del VIH/sida desde la perspectiva de los derechos humanos de niñas, niños y adolescentes (13 a 18 años) privados de libertad en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina. Se analiza la legislación vigente incluyendo Tratados y Pactos internacionales, leyes nacionales y provinciales. Se evalúa la atención médica recibida en los centros en los que están recluidos. …
Planning for Life (PFL) was implemented by the International Youth Foundation (IYF) from March 2007 to November 2009 with financial support by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The goal of PFL is to integrate Youth Reproductive Health and Family Planning into IYF's youth development programs through increased awareness and capacity building at three operational levels: Field level pilot programs in Tanzania, India, and the Philippines; IYF National Headquarters (HQ); and among IYF Global Partners. …
This is a step-by-step guide to creating a sustainable youth-led organization on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). This guide intends to: Provide steps that you can take while building a sustainable youth-led SRHR organization; Examine key lessons learned related to ensuring the sustainability of youth-led SRHR organizations and delineate challenges and strategies to overcome them; Highlight a few additional resources for young people interested in creating, maintaining or strengthening youth-led SRHR organizations.
This paper's focuses on areas of relatively poorly addressed or understood aspects of young people's sexual and reproductive health. The authors propose to argue for the need to supplement our knowledge and programmatic interventions with regard to three specific issues related to young people's lives that need attention: (a) an overlooked sub-population of married adolescent girls; (b) an overlooked behavior of sex without consent; (c) programmatic interventions that work (or do not) in enhancing young people's health and development.
This guide aims to support young people's sexual pleasure and health, and to help them develop strong intimate relationships. It explores how human rights and sexual well-being are related and suggests strategies to help make decisions about dating, relationships, sex and parenthood. …
The African Youth Alliance is a five-year initiative to expand national campaigns in Botswana, Ghana, Uganda, and the United Republic of Tanzania to educate youth (aged 10-24) about reproductive health matters, including HIV/AIDS prevention, and to provide them with the necessary information, skills, and support to protect themselves. The initiative began in 2000. This document gives an overwiev of this innovative program in Zanzibar.
This document is a compilation of organizations working in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS among young people in India. A number of organizations and experts are working in these areas but not much is known regarding their programmes and achievements.The names of the institutions are arranged alphabetically.