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This article provides statistics which show how and why HIV prevalence among young people is falling. The article shows statistics in different regions and countries of the world where young people are living with HIV. Then, the article gives statistics about what kind of young people are at higher risk of HIV: sex workers, homosexuals, and injecting drug users. The article explains, through statistics, what is fueling the epidemic and what programs can work. …
This booklet provides statements on specific topics to facilitate discussion among stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific on issues affecting key populations vulnerable to HIV infection. These are: 1. Injecting drug users; 2. Sex workers and their clients; 3. Men who have sex with men; 4. Young people and children; 5. Mobile populations; 6. People living with HIV; 7. Children orphaned and affected by AIDS; 8. Women.
Providing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education in schools is a cost-effective way of reaching young people because the majority of adolescents are enrolled in school. This policy brief describes the current state of SRH education in schools in Egypt and presents the rationale and recommendations for improvements. It highlights portions of UNESCO’s guidelines related to SRH education and describes the pioneering work of some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) working in this field in the country.
This Toolkit shares information, tools, activities, and skills building ideas and methods to support organisations and individuals to better understand the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) in HIV and gender-based violence work in their communities. This Toolkit provides a means to disseminate information pertaining to African sexualities, human sexuality and sexual minorities. It specifically addresses how sexual orientation and gender identity relates to and interconnects with HIV and gender based violence. …
The purpose of this paper is to provide practical guidance to policymakers and program managers on how to engage men and address harmful male norms in seven key areas of intervention in relation to HIV/AIDS: 1 Social and Behaviour Change in Men; 2 Violence against women; 3 Men, Sex Work and Transactional Sex; 4 Men, Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS; 5 Male Circumcision; 6 Men, VCT and Treatment; 7 Male Norms and the Caregiving for People Living with and Affected by HIV/AIDS. …
Despite decades of investment in HIV prevention, a large and vulnerable population—that of adolescent girls—remains invisible, underserved, and at disproportionate risk of HIV. Given the changing shape of the epidemic and the leveling off or shrinking of resources, there is an urgent need to rebalance HIV investments between treatment and prevention and to develop evidence-based approaches for protecting the large and vulnerable populations of adolescent girls who remain at risk of HIV. This paper outlines a stepwise engagement process for improving girls’ lives and reducing their HIV risk.
This publication is the result of a partnership between UNESCO and the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+). It builds upon the respective work of these organisations in relation to supporting the ideals of Education for All and the role of the education sector in the global response to HIV (UNESCO) and the Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention framework (GNP+). The overall purpose is to better define the role and responsibilities of the education sector in supporting young people who are living with HIV (YPLHIV) to realise their personal, social and educational potential. …
Education is essential to prepare adolescent girls for healthy, safe and productive transitions to adulthood. However, adolescent girls in much of the developing world are underserved by the education sector – too many are not in school, or are not receiving a quality, relevant education in a safe and supportive environment. At the same time, programs that emphasize girls’ healthy and productive transitions to adulthood are not adequately linking with the education sector. …
On any given day, more than one billion children around the world attend school. Many of these children enjoy their right to be taught in a safe and stimulating environment. For many others, however, schooling does not guarantee such opportunity. These girls and boys are exposed to bullying, sexual and gender-based violence, corporal punishment and other forms of violence with or without the approval of education authorities. Many are also exposed to schoolyard fighting, gang violence, assault with weapons, and sexual and gender-based violence by their own peers. …
The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in awareness about early and forced marriage of girls as a widespread violation of human rights. In short, early and forced marriage exacerbate gender inequality and the likelihood of poor outcomes throughout life. Combining public education about the negative effects of early and forced marriage with positive preventive strategies is valuable. The Association for the Struggle Against Violence Against Women (ALVF) in Cameroon is one such example. …
One in every three girls in the developing world is married by the age of 18. One in seven marries before they reach the age of 15. In countries like Niger, Chad, Mali, Bangladesh, Guinea and the Central African Republic (CAR), the rate of early and forced marriage is 60 per cent and over. It is particularly high in South Asia (46 per cent) and in sub-Saharan Africa (38 per cent). …
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering? This 4-minute video produced by UNESCO, and supported by UNAIDS, gathers testimonies of young people who suffered from bullying and discrimination in the school environment because of who they are. Bringing into light the real life experiences of HIV-positive, gay, lesbian, overweight and pregnant students helps break the silence often surrounding these issues. …
Are you happy with the sex and relationships education you have received? If not, it helps to know what you can do to make a difference in your local area. Read on to learn more about your rights, top tips and other young people like you who have made a difference.
El programa de educación no formal de la UNESCO para la reducción del impacto por el uso de drogas y el VIH / SIDA busca mitigar la vulnerabilidad de grupos de personas que se encuentran en situación de pobreza. …
Sex, love and intimacy play an important part in what it means to be human. Whether for pleasure and/or procreation; whether straight, gay or bisexual; and irrespective of gender or HIV status making informed choices about our sexual and reproductive lives helps shape our dreams and desires. Linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV recognizes the vital role that sexuality plays in people's lives. …