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This paper reviews and describes research practices and program interventions addressing the sexual and reproductive health of very young adolescents (VYA) and identifies promising program components and research/evaluation practices. The paper is not exhaustive but serves as a tool for further discussion of what is needed in VYA programming and research
This review was undertaken by the Ministry of Education Focal Points for school health and HIV/AIDS from countries in Sub-Saharan Africa participating in the Accelerate Initiative, together with representatives of stakeholders and partners, using data collated during the 2007 school health and HIV/AIDS Focal Point Survey. …
Cette étude sur l'intégration du genre dans les programmes de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA est une étude évaluative menée auprès des institutions oeuvrant dans le secteur de la lutte contre le SIDA au Rwanda. Les institutions évaluées sont celles du secteur public, privé, ainsi que le secteur communautaire et les structures organisationnelles. …
This document describes four family and community-centered approaches to caring for and treating HIV-affected children and households, three in Rwanda and one in Kenya. The four projects described all share a common commitment to delivery of care in the community rather than limiting provision of care to health facilities. …
This chartbook aims to provide policymakers, program managers, and the interested public in sub-Saharan Africa and around the world with a better understanding of the needs and experiences of youth in the region and how investments in youth can help achieve the MDGs. The data is drawn primarily from the Demographic and Health Surveys.
Le Plan National de Prévention 2005-2009 est un instrument de mise en exécution du Plan Stratégique Multisectoriel 2005-2009. Il vise à donner des directives opérationnelles pour la mise en oeuvre d'activités de prévention du VIH, présenter les grandes lignes de la politique nationale en matière de prévention du VIH au Rwanda, détailler l'organisation institutionnelle des structures de coordination et donner un plan de travail indiquant les activités de prévention qui doivent être entreprises par domaine. …
Between December 2006 and May 2007, In-country training of Trainers (ToT) workshops for the integration of HIV and AIDS into the curriculum for engineering, biological and physical sciences were held in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya. As a follow-up to these workshops evaluation was carried out in all the four countries. …
Ce rapport d'enquête a pour objectif de favoriser le processus d'intégration sociale des enseignants de l'école primaire vivant avec le VIH/SIDA aussi bien dans leur milieu professionnel que dans la communauté rwandaise en luttant contre leur stigmatisation et leur discrimination. …
The project on Higher Education Science and Curriculum Reform: African Universities Responding to HIV and AIDS was jointly organized by UNESCO's Regional Bureau for Science and Technology in Africa and African Women in Science and Engineering (AWSE), Nairobi, Kenya. This report summarizes the in-country training workshops held for universities in four countries - Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya between 2006 and 2007. …
The Sourcebook documents 12 cases in 6 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa - Kenya, Rwanda, Swaziland, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, and Zambia - that represent a wide range of approaches designed to address the educational rights and needs of orphans and vulnerable children. The single unifying feature of all of the cases was each intervention's goal of assisting children to exercise their right to education as guaranteed in article 28 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sexual and reproductive health encompasses health and well-being in matters related to sexual relations, pregnancies, and births. It deals with the most intimate and private aspects of people's lives, which can be difficult to write about and discuss publicly. As a result, the public misunderstands many sexual and reproductive health matters. In addition, cultural sensitivities and taboos surrounding sexuality often prevent people from seeking information and care and preclude governments from addressing the issues. …
It is still widely anticipated that the AIDS epidemic will have a devastating impact on the education sector in Africa. Faced with this impending crisis, leading experts have called for a transformation in the functioning of schools and the mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS in the education sector supported by donors. Numerous reports and articles state that the number of teachers dying from AIDS-related illnesses continues to increase very rapidly and that this is causing serious shortages of teachers. This article updates the figures that are known in that field.
This impact analysis revealed that the number of HIV positive teachers is likely to increase, as could AIDS mortality and absenteeism. ART, particularly second-line ART could reduce these problems and save money. HIV prevalence in Rwandan teachers could reach 12% by 2015. Considerable effort is required to reduce pupil-teacher ratios and increase orphan school attendance. Rwanda can celebrate its successes in increasing net enrolment.
In 2006 and 2007, UNESCO and AWSE jointly organised a training of trainers workshop for universities in Ghana, Rwanda, Botswana and Kenya. The primary objective of the workshop was to provide training for lecturers in engineering, mathematics, chemistry, biological ad physical sciences on how to mainstream and integrate HIV and AIDS into the engineering and science courses and also prepare them as trainers of trainers in the respective faculties and the institution as a whole. …
This report summarizes HIV prevalence and the associations between HIV serostatus and key characteristics and behaviors of adult women and men in 22 developing countries, primarily in sub- Saharan Africa. Data come from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) conducted between 2001 and 2006. In most of these surveys, nationally representative samples of women age 15-49 and men age 15-59 were tested for HIV. …