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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Walking the talk: putting women's rights at the heart of the HIV and AIDS response

    Using research from 13 countries, this report demonstrates that gender inequalities and the persistent and systematic violation of their rights are leaving women and girls disproportionately vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. Poverty and limited access to education and information, discriminatory laws and ingrained gender inequalities all deny women and girls their rights. …

  2. Teacher Service Commissions and the challenges of HIV and AIDS

    In March 2003, personnel from education ministries in the four countries in the UNESCO-Nairobi cluster grouping (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda) met for the first cluster consultation on HIV, AIDS and education. There was general consensus at the meeting that Ministries of Education need to pay greater attention to issues of management, care and support, coordination, and protecting the overall quality of education. …

  3. Séminaire d'évaluation sur l'éducation à la santé et la prévention du VIH/SIDA et des IST à l'école 30 octobre au 3 novembre 2002

    Ceci est le rapport du séminaire d'évaluation sur l'éducation à la santé et la prévention du VIH/SIDA et des IST à l'école organisé du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 2002, à Bamako, au Mali. Ce séminaire a été organisé par l'Internationale de l'Education (IE) en collaboration avec l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Centre pour le Développement de l'Education (EDC), les Centres pour le Contrôle et la Prévention des Maladies (CDC) et avec la participation de l'UNESCO. …

  4. Report on the Sub-regional Meeting on HIV/AIDS and Education for UNESCO Cluster Offices in Eastern and Southern Africa

    Participants met in Harare to brief each other on the HIV/AIDS initiatives they are implementing in their regions and to discuss ways to increase collaboration and networking between UNESCO, UNESCO Cluster Offices and UNAIDS Inter-Country Team for Eastern and Southern Africa. …

  5. Primary School Teachers' Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on HIV/AIDS, Life Skills, Gender and Sexuality

    This research was conducted using both the quantitative and qualitative approaches in order to assess comprehensively, the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of primary school teachers, student teachers, and other stakeholders in the education system with regard to life skills, gender, sexuality, and HIV/AIDS. The purpose was to provide adequate information to guide the introduction of an HIV/AIDS and life skills programme in primary schools and teachers training colleges. …

  6. National University of Rwanda HIV/AIDS control policy

    This document details the HIV and AIDS policy and programmes of the National University of Rwanda.

  7. HIV/AIDS and the role of the Education Service Commissions

    Le Bureau de l'UNESCO-Nairobi a organisé, du 16 au 18 juin 2003, la deuxième de la série de ses consultations sur le thème du VIH/SIDA et l'Education au Nile Conference Centre de Kampala, en Ouganda. Cette Consultation a fait suite à la recommandation de la première en série, organisée par le Bureau de l'UNESCO-Nairobi, et qui a eu lieu à Kigali (Rwanda) au mois de mars 2003. La recommandation principale de la Consultation de Kigali a été de réunir les responsables des Commissions chargées de l'enseignement et celles des enseignants de différents pays du Bureau de l'UNESCO-Nairobi, à savoir le Burundi, le Kenya, le Rwanda et l'Ouganda, afin de leur offrir l'occasion de ré examiner les effets de l'épidémie du VIH/SIDA sur la qualité de l'enseignement. La Consultation de Kampala a, de ce fait, réuni des Responsables des Commissions chargées de l'enseignement et celles des enseignants, ceux des ressources humaines dans les départements de l'Education et des Finances, les principaux responsables des syndicats d'enseignants, et des représentants du Bureau de l'UNESCO-Nairobi. Des membres de Mobile Task Team - MTT (Equipe mobile de travail sur le VIH et l'éducation) ont également participé à cette Consultation. Le but de la Consultation était d'améliorer non seulement la compréhension des participants de l'influence du VIH/SIDA sur le service éducatif et la qualité de l'enseignement, mais aussi celle de la manière dont les responsables des services de gestion des enseignants pourraient maintenir la qualité de l'enseignement face au VIH/SIDA. La Consultation visait trois objectifs principaux. Le premier objectif était développer la prise de conscience parmi les cadres dirigeants des services des enseignants et promouvoir leur compréhension des défis primordiaux imposés par le VIH/SIDA sur la qualité des services de l'enseignement. Le second objectif était de promouvoir l'esprit d'engagement parmi les principaux responsables des services de l'enseignement et des ministères de l'éducation, de façon à répondre de manière appropriée à l'impact du VIH/SIDA sur le service éducatif, la qualité de l'enseignement et les éducateurs en tant qu'employés. Le troisième objectif était d'identifier des actions prioritaires au sein des instances d'administration des commissions des enseignants et de gestion des ressources humaines de l'enseignement en général, et d'en ressortir des plans d'action.

  8. HIV/AIDS Policy

    The KIST HIV/AIDS Policy is comprised of the following key components: i. Rights and responsibilities of staff and students infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS; ii. Provision of preventive, care and support services and education on campus; iii. Integration of HIV/AIDS issues into teaching, research and other KIST activities; iv. Advocacy, networking and collaboration with other organizations and the community; v. Implementing structures, procedures, monitoring and research.

  9. HIV and education sector policies and strategic plans in some African countries

    The present document is divided into the following sections: In chapter 2, responses in the form of general policies and HIV are discussed with the intention to define some criteria for assessing and characterising such instruments. Chapter 3 focuses more on education and tries to highlight some of the main socio-economic characteristics of the relationship between HIV and education. Chapter 4 reviews some African countries national HIV policies and educational policies. …

  10. HIV and conflict: a double emergency. "Without war, we could fight AIDS"

    In the decade ahead, HIV/AIDS is expected to kill ten times more people than conflict. In conflict situations, children and young people are most at risk from both HIV/AIDS infection and violence. In this report, Save the Children calls on governments, donors and humanitarian agencies to uphold children's rights and to channel resources into preventing what for many young people is already a double emergency.

  11. HIV and AIDS in context: the needs of learners and educators

    The following 'think piece' is a collection of observations selected principally from a very rapid September 2003 tour of Malawi, Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda, recent fieldwork in Botswana, Rwanda and Zimbabwe, and UNESCO Nairobi cluster workshops on education and teachers held in Kigali and Kampala early in 2003. The 2003 tour confirmed previous impressions about where we are and where we need to go. Many of the observations and comments on HIV and teacher education are personal: they are meant to challenge our perceptions of what we are doing and how we are doing it. …

  12. Girls, women and HIV/AIDS in eastern Africa

    A desk review based on studying available literature on girls, women and HIV/AIDS in eastern Africa. This study focuses on girls, women and HIV/AIDS in Eastern African Region. It covers Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi. The focus of the study was to get a comprehensive understanding of the issues of girls, women and HIV/AIDS in the region. It is also a contribution of UNICEF ESAR in the review of the status of women, girls and HIV/AIDS ten years since the Beijing Conference. …

  13. Education for All HIV and AIDS: the teachers' union response

    In order to better meet the needs of teachers' representatives worldwide, EI and its partners decided to merge two key training programmes dealing with Education For All and HIV and AIDS prevention in schools. The two issues are inextricably linked. HIV and AIDS represent a direct threat to reaching the "Education For All" goals, whilst lack of schooling contributes to the further spread of the epidemic. The publication presents the two separate EI programmes - EFA and HIV and AIDS - and shows why EI chose to combine them. …

  14. Draft HIV/AIDS and Education Policy and Strategic Planning Framework 2002-2006

    This document sets out provisional policy and strategic priorities identified by MINEDUC in the education sector's fight against HIV and AIDS. The battle against the HIV/AIDS pandemic is not only about limiting its spread. …

  15. Contextualizing HIV/AIDS in educational planning and management. A training needs assessment for educational planners and managers in Rwanda

    The first AIDS case was identified in Rwanda in 1983, and since then the prevalence rates of the epidemic have remained high, despite efforts at prevention. In Rwanda, impact studies also predict adverse impacts of HIV/AIDS on the supply and quality of education in the country.Educational planners and managers at various levels need to recognise the nature and extent of this impact and be equipped with the necessary conceptual and analytical tools to deal with HIV/AIDS. …


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