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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Consultation on HIV/AIDS and education

    UNESCO Nairobi Cluster Office Report of the Consultation on HIV/AIDS and Education. 4 to 6 March 2003, Kigali, RwandaThe purpose of the consultation was twofold: (1) to raise awareness and understanding on how HIV/AIDS affects education and how education affects HIV/AIDS; and (2) to identify the way forward with regard to a strategic response to HIV/AIDS in and through education. …

  2. Case of Rwanda

    This paper summarises the impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector in Rwanda, looking at the impact on the school population, the impact on teaching staff and the impact on education budget. It also presents a series of recommendations to the Education Ministry to reduce the impact.

  3. Assessment of the impact of AIDS on the education sector in Rwanda

    Rwanda faces major challenges in strengthening its education system to meet national development objectives, as well as specific education goals of Universal Primary Education and Education for All. The HIV/AIDS epidemic creates an additional challenge to the system. This study is intended to provide information on current and expected HIV/AIDS impacts on the education sector in Rwanda, to inform planning. …

  4. Analyse de la compréhension de la sexualité et du SIDA par la jeunesse rwandaise

    Face à l'ampleur de l'infection au VIH/SIDA qui est grandissante au niveau de la jeunesse rwandaise, plusieurs mouvements et associations combattant ce fléau sont nés dont le Club anti-sida " LA TROMPETTE". Ce club a pour but de faire connaître le SIDA et ses méfaits en vue de prévenir de ce fléau la population en général et la jeunesse en particulier. C'est dans le cadre de sa mission, que le club vient d'organiser une enquete à travers tout le pays auprès des jeunes scolarisés et non scolarisés.

  5. Counselling and HIV/AIDS

    HIV counseling is an important component of HIV/AIDS prevention. Evaluations from Uganda and Rwanda demonstrated this. Yet, there is a reluctance among some decision-makers and service managers to give HIV counseling its proper due as a discipline through which trained practitioners can produce measurable useful results. It is under-resourced and not fully appreciated.


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