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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Construction of safety and risk factors by learners in the Limpopo Province, South Africa: Results of a baseline survey of learners in the Sekhukhune, Bohlabela and Vhembe districts

    In 2004, the University of Pretoria was contracted by the United Nations' Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Limpopo Department of Education (LDoE) to conduct research in Limpopo, South Africa, examining issues related to safety and threats for learners at the foundational (Grade R-3), intermediate (Grade 4-7) and senior (Grade 8-12) phases. The purpose of the research was to provide baseline data and potential strategies for longer term school-based and community-based programmes to develop Child Friendly Schools (CFS) and Schools as Centres for Care and Support in Limpopo. …

  2. Beacon of Hope: Evaluation of the Kenya Girl Guides Association HIV/AIDS Program for School Children

    HIV infection rates among young Kenyan women outnumber those of young men by nearly six to one. Younger adolescents (10-15 years old) get most of their information about sexuality from their peers, who need to be equipped with accurate information and skills in order to better carry out their communication role.The Kenya Girl Guides Association (KGGA) reaches over 100,000 school-going adolescents and has recently embarked on a "Peer Education on HIV and AIDS Prevention" program to equip girls and their peers with information and skills regarding HIV prevention and care. …

  3. Analyse de la compréhension de la sexualité et du SIDA par la jeunesse rwandaise

    Face à l'ampleur de l'infection au VIH/SIDA qui est grandissante au niveau de la jeunesse rwandaise, plusieurs mouvements et associations combattant ce fléau sont nés dont le Club anti-sida " LA TROMPETTE". Ce club a pour but de faire connaître le SIDA et ses méfaits en vue de prévenir de ce fléau la population en général et la jeunesse en particulier. C'est dans le cadre de sa mission, que le club vient d'organiser une enquete à travers tout le pays auprès des jeunes scolarisés et non scolarisés.

  4. Santé reproductive des adolescents (es). Bouclette 4: grossesse non désirée

    Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le dernier d'une série de quatre, produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique. Il traite des risques et des conséquences d'une grossesse précoce.

  5. From Policy to Practice: Sexual Health Education in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools

    This study explores the path from policy to practice of sexual health education in Zimbabwe, in order to identify the barries to programme implementation and key elements of success. Zimbabwe relatively high secondary school enrollment rates make secondary school a potential source for providing young people with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves from risks and lead healthy lifestyles.

  6. A Teenage Parenting Guide: Helpful Hints for you and your family Plus A toolkit of people and organisations who can help you

    This book contains basic life skills education for teenagers and parents from dealing with adolescence, sex, teenage preganancy, abuse, nutrition and addiction to human rights, conflict in the home, marriage and legal and financial issues.


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