In order to better serve Member States while distinctly strengthening the process of becoming a global Centre of Excellence (CoE), in its areas of competence, IBE should operationalize its CoE strategy by focusing on the following six areas:
- Innovation and Leadership in Curriculum and Learning [Norms and Standard Setting Function of IBE]
- Critical and Current Issues in Curriculum [Laboratory of Ideas Function of IBE]
- Knowledge Creation and Management in Curriculum and Learning [Clearing House Function of IBE]
- Systemic strengthening of the quality and development-relevance of education and effective lifelong learning for all [Capacity Builder Function of IBE]
- The International Conference on Education (ICE) [Intellectual Leadership, Leadership for Global Dialogue and Advocacy for Curriculum and Learning]
- Institutional and Organizational Development of IBE to ensure capacity to implement the CoE Strategy [Capacity Builder Function of IBE]