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A Global Citizenship Education week at the IBE-UNESCO



This week, IBE-UNESCO is hosting the Expert Review Meeting of Phase III of the project “Global Citizenship Education Curriculum Development and Integration” in partnership with UNESCO-APCEIU.

The three-year project, “Global Citizenship Education Curriculum Development and Integration” launched in 2016 by UNESCO’s Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (UNESCO-APCEIU) reached its third and final phase on supporting the governments of Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia and Uganda in implementing GCED initiatives. 

Experts from the four countries as well as UNESCO-APCEIU and IBE-UNESCO representatives will reunite in Geneva for a two-day meeting (13-14 June), which will give the opportunity to the different stakeholders to engage in a series of activities reflecting on the different outcomes of the project. Particularly, the main agenda foresees a series of presentations by each country representative on the achievements made so far within the three-year project, with a specific focus on this third Phase, as well as a discussion about their plans to sustain this GCED momentum. Countries experiences reflect a variety of approaches and points of entrance to strengthen GCED in the policies, curricula, pedagogy and teacher education.  

Within the framework of the project and in addition to the meeting, the publication “Global Citizenship Education Tools and Piloting Experiences of Four Countries: Cambodia, Colombia, Mongolia and Uganda” developed by IBE-UNESCO will be launched as part of the series In-Progress Reflection. This publication is the result of the thorough analysis of the tools and the piloting processes carried out by the country team with the support of UNESCO-APCEIU and IBE-UNESCO and presented as a final product of Phase II. The report not only shows the outstanding achievements of the countries but also reflects upon the challenges underlining these types of interventions and on the ways in which these can be addressed in light of similar future initiatives.