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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. How reliable are reports of early adolescent reproductive and sexual health events in demographic and health surveys?

    CONTEXT: Age at sexual debut, age at first marriage or first union and age at first birth are among the most widely used indicators of health and well-being for female adolescents. However, the accuracy of estimates for these indicators, particularly for younger adolescents, is poorly understood. METHODS: For each of nine countries in Africa and Latin America, Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from two surveys conducted five years apart were used to examine women’s reports of age at sexual debut, marriage or first union, and first birth. …

  2. Accessing the ‘right’ kinds of material and symbolic capital: the role of cash transfers in reducing adolescent school absence and risky behaviour in South Africa

    This article investigates how well South Africa’s Child Support Grant (CSG) responds to the material and psychosocial needs of adolescents, and the resultant effects on schooling and risky behaviour. One driver of schooling decisions is shame related to poverty and the ‘social cost’ of school, where a premium must often be paid for fashionable clothes or accessories. The other driver relates to symbolic and consumptive capital gained through engaging in sexual exchange relationships. The anticipated impacts from the CSG are partial because of these non-material drivers of adolescent choices. …

  3. 2° encuesta mundial de salud escolar Argentina 2012

    El objetivo de la segunda Encuesta Mundial de Salud Escolar es: Proporcionar datos precisos sobre comportamientos relativos a la salud, factores de riesgo y de protección entre los alumnos, para: - Establecer prioridades, elaborar programas, diseñar los recursos en los mismos y formular políticas de salud escolar y de los jóvenes. - Brindar la posibilidad a los gobiernos, las agencias internacionales y otros organismos de hacer comparaciones entre los países y dentro de los mismos sobre la prevalencia de los comportamientos relativos a la salud y los factores de protección. …

  4. When caring is not enough: The limits of teachers’ support for South African primary school-girls in the context of sexual violence

    Between 2011 and 2012, 40.1% of all sexual offences in South Africa involved children under 18. Important scholarship has demonstrated how large-scale social and economic inequalities structure African girls’ risk to and experience of sexual violence leading to a condemnation of violent masculinities and the social processes that produce it. Under conditions of chronic poverty and unstable living conditions, girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence is increased. …

  5. Ending violence and other human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. A joint dialogue of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and United Nations

    On 3 November 2015, a joint dialogue on sexual orientation and gender identity was held between the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Commission or ACHPR), Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (Inter-American Commission or IACHR), and United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms in Banjul, The Gambia, ahead of the 57th ordinary session of the African Commission. The dialogue hosted by the African Commission was supported and organised by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). …

  6. Urban adolescent SRH SBCC implementation kit

    This tool helps develop programs for urban adolescents on sexual and reproductive health and behavior change. It is divided into four parts: Part 1 provides the background and information on how to use the I-Kit. Part 2 includes the seven essential elements of program planning and interactive worksheets. Part 3 provides strategies to address program implementation challenges. Part 4 encourages to share what has been learned. Then, additional resources are provided for further information. The Help section includes acronyms, glossary, icon key, and references.

  7. A young peer trainer's guide to provide sexual health and drug-related harm reduction education

    This guide is the result of a series of workshops conducted in 2009 and 2010 by young people in Romania, India, Mexico and Canada. During these workshops, the authors identified gaps in the information young people have regarding sexual health and drug use. They also identified the best ways to talk about drug use and sexual health among young peers. This guide provides information, practical activities, and resources to facilitate youth-led peer trainings. …

  8. Join in circuit facilitator manual: Zimbabwe

    This manual aims to guide trained JIC facilitators on how to conduct JIC activities and can be used as reference material during JIC facilitator trainings. It is also for anyone who wishes to know more about the JIC concept. Thematic areas covered by the JIC are referred to as stations. The manual consists of three main chapters: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the JIC concept, methodology and the main objectives of the JIC stations. Chapter 2 gives information on the roles and responsibilities of JIC facilitators and of the facilitation skills needed for JIC. …

  9. Documenting and learning from experiences of comprehensive sexuality education: report on a convening

    New evidence demonstrates an important step in the pursuit of transformational change with regards to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), worldwide. A Population Council study revealed that the inclusion of gender and power in a CSE curriculum are the two most important factors in predicting its success for improving health outcomes. Innovative, feminist-friendly approaches to monitoring and evaluating CSE programs are important tools for organizations as we continue building on established research and achieving future success with regards to CSE. …

  10. Comprehensive sexuality education: what we know

    Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) empowers young people, protects human rights, and addresses gender norms and gender equality. This kind of empowerment approach—which enables girls and other marginalized young people to see themselves as equals and to protect their own health—is gaining traction in some countries. CSE that incorporates gender, power, and rights is more likely to reduce rates of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy. …

  11. The efficacy of HIV and sex education interventions among youths in developing countries: a review

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) among youths represent an important public health challenge in developing countries. The incidence of HIV peaked in the 1990’s and saw a decline from 2005. What was done to prompt the decline? To answer this question selecting studies between 1990 and 2005 was appropriate to assess whether the drop in HIV incidence in developing countries was as a result of education interventions. …

  12. An inventory of alcohol-related questions in the demographic and health surveys and an analysis of alcohol use and unsafe sex in Sub-Saharan Africa

    This report provides an overview of Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) survey questions related to alcohol consumption and an analysis of outcomes from these questions in DHS surveys. It first examines the questions on alcohol use and the response categories in all surveys that included questions about ever, typical, or current alcohol consumption. The inventory found that alcohol questions were included in 65 surveys in 42 developing countries between 1987 and 2014, and 19 different questions related to alcohol consumption were identified. …

  13. Is the sexual behaviour of young people in sub-Saharan Africa influenced by their peers? A systematic review

    Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa are highly vulnerable to HIV, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Evidence for the effectiveness of individual behaviour change interventions in reducing incidence of HIV and other biological outcomes is limited, and the need to address the social conditions in which young people become sexually active is clear. Adolescents' peers are a key aspect of this social environment and could have important influences on sexual behaviour. There has not yet been a systematic review on the topic in sub-Saharan Africa. …

  14. Strengthening the evidence base on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Eastern Caribbean

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sub- Regional Office for the Caribbean/Barbados is working to strengthen the evidence base on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in four countries: Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The research presented in this document aims to generate new knowledge and provide the baseline data to inform the development of programmes to support adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. …

  15. Effects of peer education intervention on HIV/AIDS related sexual behaviors of secondary school students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental study

    Background: Worldwide, about 50 % of all new cases of HIV occur in youth between age 15 and 24 years. Studies in various sub-Saharan African countries show that both out of school and in school adolescents and youth are engaged in risky sexual behaviors. School-based health education has been a cornerstone of youth-focused HIV prevention efforts since the early 1990s. In addition, peer-based interventions have become a common method to effect important health-related behavior changes and address the HIV/AIDS pandemic. …


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