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La stratégie nationale de santé sexuelle couvre les champs suivants : l’accès aux droits humains (2), le respect des genres et des sexualités ; la promotion de la santé sexuelle par l’information, l’éducation, la communication et la formation à une santé sexuelle ; l’information sur les dysfonctionnements et les troubles sexuels, leur prévention, dépistage et prise en charge ; la prévention par la vaccination VHB et HPV, le dépistage et la prise en charge des IST dont le VIH et les hépatites virales ; la promotion de la santé reproductive (prévention de l’infertilité liée aux causes infecti …
The South African National LGBTI HIV Plan 2017-2022 (LGBTI HIV Plan) was developed to guide the work of all LGBTI stakeholders and implementers in South Africa. The Plan is inclusive of all sexual minorities living in South Africa, and recommends evidence-based and multi-sectoral HIV interventions to address the HIV epidemic in the country. The Plan builds on consensus of LGBTI stakeholders from across South Africa on priorities, challenges, and goals related to providing appropriate, accessible and acceptable services for LGBTI people. …
This document outlines a strategy for the design and implementation of nutrition-sensitive school meals in Kenya. It is based on the commitment of the Government of Kenya to ensure that school children are well nourished and healthy and are able to learn and develop to their full potential. The national government commits to strengthening the National School Meals and Nutrition Programme. The government aims to ensure that all children in pre-primary and primary schools receive at least one nutritious meal per school day. …
Act for the prevention and solution of the adolescent pregnancy problem, B.E. 2559 (2016).
School meals are the highlight of the school day, and support learning, school satisfaction, food competence and development of food sense. The lunchbreak gives the daily work schedule a natural structure and provides pupils as well as school staff an opportunity for refreshment. School catering implemented in compliance with recommendations provides balanced and healthy food that is attractive in appearance, companionship, socialising and well-being. It supports the coping and growth of children and young people, and healthy weight development. …
The international evidence is clear. Building the knowledge, skills, resilience and aspirations of young people, and providing easy access to welcoming services, helps them to delay sex until they are ready to enjoy healthy, consensual relationships and to use contraception to prevent unplanned pregnancy. …
High levels of violence, shaped by a range of highly unequal social relations, have been a prominent feature of South Africa both historically, as well as post-democracy. However, this violence has not affected all equally. Women have been more likely than men to be held responsible for much of the violence inflicted upon them which has also not historically been regarded as criminal, or provided with effective legal remedies. This lack of legal and political recognition of violence towards women was addressed relatively soon following the first democratic elections in 1994. …
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école. Elle précise toutes les informations nécessaires pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des mesures d'hygiène, indispensables aussi bien dans le déroulement, au jour le jour, de la vie de l'école que dans certaines situations plus exceptionnelles. Ces mesures quotidiennes sont à préciser dans le règlement intérieur de l'école adopté par le conseil d'école. Leur élaboration et leur application nécessitent une étroite collaboration entre les équipes éducatives, les familles et les personnels municipaux.
The policy is developed as an integral part of the National Development Policy, ‘Vision 2020” and The White Paper on Health Sector Development and Reform of 2002. It also responds to the recommendations of the National Youth and Gender Policies. It provides the guiding principles and appropriate strategies for planning, allocation of resources, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Sexual and reproductive Health services.
This guide lays out Bangladesh's strategy for social and behavior change communication to help achieve sustainable development goals. The main focus is on the health, population and nutrition sectors for 2016 to 2021.
The guidance circular provides information to schools on: strategic planning for sex and relationships education; developing effective sex and relationships education; working in partnership with parents/carers and the wider community. The guidance is supported by supplementary materials to help schools in the delivery of their sex and relationships education programmes.
The rate of learner pregnancy in South Africa, highlighted by improved reporting in the Department of Basic Education (DBE), has become a major social, systemic and fiscal challenge not only for the basic education sector, but crucially, for national development in general and for the basic education system in particular. It impacts the lives of thousands of young people, often limiting their personal growth, the pursuit of rewarding careers and their ambitions, with incalculable impact on South Africa's socioeconomic systems. …
The Department of Basic Education National Policy on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Tuberculosis 2017 was developed through a participatory consultative process with stakeholders inside and outside the Basic Education sector. The Policy presents a bold new vision for the sector, to drive the response on HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) as well as Tuberculosis.
La educación que reciben las y los estudiantes en el sistema educativo, debe contribuir a su formación integral, la misma que incluye los aspectos: físico, psicológico, social, emocional, intelectual, ético, moral y sexual, y para lo cual se requiere de acciones de orientación, acompañamiento y guía de parte del personal docente, así como de un entorno escolar promotor del desarrollo saludable. …
L’Assemblée nationale de Sénégal a adopté, en sa séance du mardi 19 juillet 2005, cette loi sur la santé de la reproduction.