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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Strategy on HIV infection and AIDS (2011-2015)

    The National Strategy for the Response to the HIV Epidemic offers a five-year framework for development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national response to the HIV epidemic. The general goal of the Strategy is prevention of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections, and the provision of treatment and support for all Persons Living with HIV/AIDS. The main components of the Strategy are: 1. Prevention of HIV infection in especially vulnerable and other vulnerable population groups of particular interest; 2. …

  2. National sexual and reproductive health policy 2011-2016

    This National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy is to contribute positively to the improvement of reproductive health status of the people of Samoa, particularly women and adolescent, by listing some of the major challenges in the area of sexual and reproductive health and identifying Key Strategic Areas in addressing immediate and future actions. The Key Strategic Areas for cooperation based on a contextual analysis of the evolution in health issues in Samoa takes into account the experience of all health sector partners and relevant documents/data.

  3. National school health policy

    The key objective of this policy is to guide, protect, and promote healthy measures for all school children in Papua New Guinea. The policy will address these key areas: 1. Effective collaboration and partnership between NDoH, DoE, and other stakeholders; 2. Promoting school health education programs, health promoting schools and providing school medical; 3. Proper nutrition for school aged children; 4. Sexual reproductive education for upper primary and secondary schools; 5. Ensuring all schools in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are drug, alcohol and tobacco free; 6. …

  4. Gender assessment of the national response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

    The assessment, aimed at understanding gender dynamics critical for successful implementation of HIV and AIDS programmes in Nigeria, is to complement the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-2015. Findings will be used to strengthen and consolidate existing HIV and AIDS control efforts at all levels and contribute to the implementation of the NSP and PCRP (President's Comprehensive Response Plan for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria).

  5. Dutch gender and LGBT-equality policy, 2013-2016

    This policy plan presents the government’s views on emancipation policy for 2013-2016. Section I outlines the historical context of emancipation policy by placing the current policy objectives in perspective. Attention is then turned to policy values and the responsibilities arising for the government. Spearheads for emancipation policy in the years ahead are being described, as well as a number of explorations in relation to the new themes: ‘intersex’, ‘women and health’, ‘women and the media’ and ‘the success of girls or the boy problem’. …

  6. Jamaica: national integrated strategic plan for sexual and reproductive health and HIV 2014-2019

    The Jamaica National Integrated Strategic Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV (NISP) 2014-2019 was developed to direct the implementation of an integrated approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV planning and programming in Jamaica over the next five years. The plan provides a blue print for achieving the vision of an integrated programme while supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. …

  7. Protocolo de identificación, atención y referencia de casos de violencia dentro del sistema educativo nacional

    El presente protocolo se enmarca dentro de la Estrategia de Educación Integral de Sexualidad y Prevención de la Violencia para luchar contra la violencia en los centros educativos, las familias y las comunidades. Este protocolo constituye una herramienta de orientación para los centros educativos que permite identificar, atender y referir los casos de violencia física, psicológica y sexual en contra de niñas, niños y adolescentes, así como casos de maltrato infantil, discriminación por VIH, racismo y acoso o hostigamiento sexual. …

  8. Estrategia nacional de educación para la convivencia pacífica y prevención de la violencia 2016-2020: comprometidos con la educación

    La Estrategia Nacional de Educación para la Convivencia Pacífica y Prevención de la Violencia 2016-2020, constituye una respuesta a las necesidades y proyectos de formación integral de la niñez y juventud guatemalteca en el marco de la Política General de Gobierno 2016-2020 y el Plan Estratégico de Educación 2016-2020. La estructura de la presente estrategia se compone de la descripción, estrategias, principios, objetivos, componentes, metas y proyectos. …

  9. National schools' policy on drugs, Grenada

    The revised National Policy on Drugs, Grenada, provides the education system with relevant and updated guidelines and protocols, to address substance use and related problems, among students and school personnel. It has five principal goals. These are to: 1. Ensure the health, safety and welfare of students, teachers and other stakeholders being served by the school, specifically in relation to the issue of substance use; 2. Promote a safe, healthy and substance free environment to support student development and academic achievement; 3. …

  10. Integrated strategy for HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other sexually transmitted infections

    The strategy was jointly developed by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). By connecting interventions on HIV with those on Hepatitis B and C as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the strategy aims to create synergies in prevention, diagnosis, testing and care for patients. The document describes developments and challenges in Germany (part 1), the objectives of the strategy (part 2), the areas of intervention (part 4) and international contributions in both Europe and globally (part 5).

  11. Fiji school health policy 2016

    The policy's main goal is to institutionalise wellness in all schools in Fiji through an enabling environment and multisectorial partnership to ensure that children achieve their optimal growth and development. The objectives of Fiji's school health policy 2016 are: -Wellness activities supported and implemented in all schools through inclusion in the school curriculum by the Ministry of Education, Heritage and Arts (MoEHA). -Integrated approach to School Health Programs (SHPs) within the Ministry of Health & Medical Services’ (MoHMS) public health programs. …

  12. Protocolo de actuación para el abordaje de la violencia sexual en las comunidades educativas de El Salvador

    El Protocolo de actuación para el abordaje de la violencia sexual en las comunidades educativas de El Salvador busca orientar a la comunidad educativa hacia la “cero tolerancia” de los delitos del acoso sexual, agresión sexual y violación sexual, conductas que atentan contra la integridad física y emocional de niñas, niños y adolescentes en El Salvador.

  13. Fundamentos de la educación integral de la sexualidad en el currículo de El Salvador: educación inicial, parvularia, básica y media

    Esta propuesta educativa sobre Educación Integral de la Sexualidad (EIS) en El Salvador, está sustentada en el marco de los derechos humanos incluyendo los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, además, los enfoques de género, diversidad, inclusión y desarrollo humano, con el fin que el estudiantado alcance una educación integral, bienestar, autonomía, capacidad de tomar decisiones libres y responsables; así como planificar y decidir sobre los aspectos que conciernen a su sexualidad y su futuro. …

  14. La educación de la sexualidad desde los enfoques de género, de derechos y sociocultural en la promoción de la salud sexual y reproductiva

    Libro que presenta el Ministerio de Educación de la República de Cuba (MINED), en respuesta a los acuerdos de conferencia ministerial y con vista a darle continuidad a las acciones formativas que en las mencionadas esferas viene desarrollando en los centros escolares del Sistema Nacional de Educación y en las Universidades de Ciencias Pedagógicas (UCP) un proceso de consolidación y reforzamientos de los temas de salud sexual y reproductiva, sexualidad y género.

  15. Resolución ministerial: 139/2011: Programa de educación de la sexualidad con enfoque de género y derechos sexuales en el sistema nacional de educación

    Objetivo general: Promover el desarrollo de un comportamiento sexual sano, pleno y responsable en niñas y niños, adolescentes y jóvenes a partir de la formación y desarrollo de conocimientos, habilidades psicosociales, valores y actitudes que favorezcan los modos de conducta y las relaciones humanas sustentadas en el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y la igualdad de género.


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