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The NSP Working Group met from June 2012 to October 2013 and identified the following priority areas for the Cook Islands Integrated National Strategic Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health. These priority areas are integrated with each other and not prioritised within themselves; each is as important as the others: leadership and policies, prevention and gender rights, program integration, comprehensive management of STIs and family planning, reproductive health and gender based violence.
The National HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk & Especially Vulnerable Adolescents to HIV & AIDS in Bangladesh (2013-2015) was informed by the result of the Mapping and Size Estimation of Most At Risk Adolescents in Bangladesh conducted in 2011 with support from UNICEF. This strategy emphasizes key actions to improve legislation, policy and programmes to reduce risk and protect MARA/EVA in Bangladesh from HIV and AIDS. …
Grundlagen für die Sexualpädagogik in den Schulen. Hinweise zur Durchführung.
Este cuadernillo del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, dirigido a la comunidad educativa, brinda información para que la ciudadanía conozca sus derechos y sepa cómo hacerlos valer. En la primera sección, se presentan los núcleos centrales de la noción de violencia institucional desde el paradigma de los derechos humanos. En la segunda sección, proponemos un enfoque pedagógico para abordar la temática, algunas orientaciones generales para la intervención educativa y respuestas a preguntas posibles de hacerse desde lo institucional. …
El Ministerio de Educación de la Nación presenta aquí un material que propone una reflexión acerca de las formas que puede asumir el maltrato entre pares en la escuela, sea bajo las formas del hostigamiento o del acoso. El material contiene un breve desarrollo teórico y sugiere actividades para trabajar en la conformación de los grupos, promoviendo vínculos solidarios, pluralistas y basados en el respeto mutuo. Asimismo contiene algunas orientaciones para actuar una vez que se produce una situación de acoso entre pares.
Esta Guía fue pensada para facilitar y promover la implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) en las escuelas de todos los niveles educativos, en el marco de las Jornadas de Formación Institucional en ESI que el Ministerio de Educación de Nación pone en marcha como parte de su política educativa, para el período 2012-2015 en todo el país.
This policy applies to all people who provide and support learning in schools and senior secondary schools (colleges) and early learning settings including Child and Family Centres, Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS) and child care facilities. A systemic drug education and drug management policy is essential to ensure all educational leaders have a consistent approach to providing drug education and managing drug related incidents including the confiscation of licit and illicit drugs.
The Third National Sexually Transmissible Infections Strategy 2014-2017 is one of five strategies aiming to reduce sexually transmissible infections (STI) and blood borne viruses (BBV), and the morbidity, mortality and personal and social impacts they cause.
This act deals with the problem of adolescent pregnancy in Thailand. It describes prevention and solution strategy for educational establishments, and defines powers and duties of the instituted "Prevention and Solution of the Adolescent Pregnancy Problem Committee".
The School Nutrition and Meals Strategy was developed to guide the implementation of Kenya’s School Meals initiatives at all levels, abiding by the broad national goals as stipulated in the country’s Vision 2030 and in alignment with the Kenya Constitution (2010).
This paper updates WFP’s 2009 school feeding policy four years after its approval. It clarifies WFP’s new approach of supporting government-led programmes, and outlines innovations. The revised policy increases alignment with the new Strategic Plan (2014–2017), the draft Strategic Results Framework, and the safety net and nutrition policies, and supersedes the 2009 policy.
Improving young people’s health demands urgent effort at both county and national level. In this respect, the Nairobi City County together with its partners, has developed the Nairobi City County Plan of Action to Strengthen School Health Programming. This Plan of Action is aimed at providing specific guidelines to ensure that school age children, teachers, support staff and community members access quality and equitable services for improved health using SRH as an entry point. …
Esta resolución aprueba la directiva que norma la campaña educativa nacional de sensibilización y promoción para una vida sin drogas “Estudiantes Sanos, Libres de Drogas”, que forma parte de la presente resolución.
Objetivo: la prevención y sanción del hostigamiento sexual, producidos en las relaciones de dependencia – cualquiera sea la forma jurídica de esta relación – en la Sede Central del Ministerio de Educación, Direcciones Regionales de Educación, Unidades de Gestión Educativas Locales, Programas Nacionales, Órganos Descentralizados, Instituciones de Educación Superior No Universitaria Públicas e Instituciones Educativas Públicas del sector.
The strategic goals of the Strategy are: Everyone in Ireland will receive comprehensive and age-appropriate sexual health education/information and will have access to appropriate prevention and promotion services; Equitable, accessible and high quality sexual health services, which are targeted and tailored to need, will be available to everyone; and Robust and high quality sexual health information will be generated to underpin policy, practice, service planning and strategic monitoring. …