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This document offers a set of guiding principles for an effective and greatly expanded response to children and adolescents affected by HIV/AIDS. It is hoped that it will enrich discussions among stakeholders at all national and international levels It is anticipated that in the coming years these principles will be revised to incorporate new lessons as community, national, regional and global efforts expand and evolve.
This is a project document submmited to the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education in Zimbabwe where UNESCO proposes to support the strengthening of the HIV/AIDS and Life Skills Programme in teacher training colleges. The report looks at the status of the ongoing programme and with input from the collges tries to identify the areas in need of support.
This a two paged paper that outlines USAID's efforts in the education sector to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS. Specifically, it outlines USAID's approach called Education Sector Support (ESS) comprised of three components: classroom based- focused on quality and quantity of student learning; systemic- promotes African led national plans of educational system reform and; sustainable - improves policy analysis, build capacity to manage change and increase expenditure in education. USAID stresses the application of ESS to all levels involved in education from ministry to community. …
This paper summarizes the main points of the strategic plan for the education sector in Ghana. It outlines the goals and the proposed interventions.
This paper outlines the key priorities for DFIDCA in HIV/AIDS in education. It follows the general assumption that education in an AIDS infected world is not similar to education in an AIDS free world (Kelly 2000).