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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. UNESCO Tanzania: Provision of alternative learning opportunities for adolescent girls forced out of schools due to teenage pregnancies. Final evaluation report

    The aim of the pilot programme was to 1) provide adolescent girls who had been previously expelled from secondary school due to pregnancies, access to alternative learning opportunities and empower them through income generating and life skills; 2) develop and test self-learning modules and empowerment toolkits for learners and facilitators; and 3) assess and document good practices and achievements to inform strategies addressing the issues related to adolescent girls. …

  2. Sénégal: étude sur les grossesses precoces en milieu scolaire: rapport final

    Les grossesses précoces constituent une vive préoccupation dans beaucoup d’établissements scolaires au Sénégal en raison du nombre important de cas recensés chaque année. Toutefois, même si des études se sont penchées sur la fécondité des adolescentes et les pratiques sexuelles en milieu jeune, il n’existe pas des statistiques pour cerner de façon exhaustive l’ampleur du phénomène en milieu scolaire [...]. …

  3. Expanding access to secondary school education for teenage mothers in Kenya: a baseline study report

    The objectives of this study were to: 1) foster an understanding of the current situation and context in regard to out-of-school teenage mothers and their potential support systems for school re-entry at the household and school levels in Homa Bay County, 2) clarify possible solutions for promoting school re-entry on the part of out-of-school girls, their families, and the education sector, and 3) provide a benchmark against which changes resulting from an intervention to promote school re-entry may be measured by the endline period.

  4. Education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy: a policy dialogue in Homa Bay County, Kenya

    In collaboration with the Strengthening Evidence for Programming on Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP) Research Programme Consortium, the Population Council has implemented a project since 2014 to increase the demand for secondary school education in Homa Bay County, Kenya – an area characterized by high, unintended teenage pregnancy and female school drop-out rates.

  5. Regional module for teacher training on comprehensive sexuality education for East and Southern Africa

    The module was developed as a resource to support pre–service training of teachers for the delivery of school–based sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.

  6. Life orientation sexuality education in South Africa: Gendered norms, justice and transformation

    Research on sexual practices among young South Africans has proliferated in light of the national imperatives to challenge the spread of HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence and unwanted early pregnancies. It has been widely acknowledged that, in order to respond to these social problems, we need to understand the enmeshment of gender, class, age and other forms of social inequality, and how these are played out in ‘normal’ heterosexual relationships.

  7. Guías en salud sexual y reproductiva: manual para la atención a la mujer en el proceso de embarazo, parto y puerperio

    El objetivo de este manual es brindar herramientas a los equipos de salud, para la atención integral de la mujer durante el proceso del embarazo, trabajo de parto, parto y puerperio, y así garantizar los mejores resultados para su salud y la del recién nacido. A su vez, se incluyen referencias a prácticas habituales que no están recomendadas y deben ser abandonadas.

  8. Unintended pregnancies in Kenya: a country profile

    The report draws on data from four Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys (KDHS) (1993, 1998, 2003 and 2008/09), the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey (KAIS) (2007), the Kenya Service Provision Assessment (KSPA) (2004 and 2010) and the Kenya National Survey for Persons with Disabilities (KNSPWD) (2008). Levels of key family planning and reproductive health indicators are set out, as well as fertility-and abortion indicators in Kenya. An equity lens was used, which differentiates these indicators by age, marital status, region, education and wealth. …

  9. Making the case for investing in adolescent reproductive health: a review of evidence and PopPov research contributions

    Solid evidence on the links between preventing adolescent childbearing and alleviating poverty can motivate policymakers and donors to invest in reproductive health and family planning programs for youth. Research that documents the clear cause-and-effect relationship between program interventions and outcomes, such as better health and delayed childbearing among teens, can guide decisions about investments in research or programs. …

  10. Can sexuality education advance gender equality and strengthen education overall? Learning from Nigeria’s family life and HIV education program

    The imperative to prepare the largest generation of young people in history for adulthood has driven a search for fresh approaches to educating adolescents about their bodies and sexuality. Recently, there have been calls among health experts and educators for a comprehensive, integrated approach to sexuality education that addresses not only health issues such as HIV and pregnancy, but also helps to achieve broader outcomes such as ensuring gender equality, increasing access to education for girls, and improving the quality of education overall. …

  11. Policies for sexuality education in the European Union: note

    The note evaluates the state of play of the provision of sexuality education in the context of schooling and in the context of family planning facilities in 24 European Union Member States. The note compares the situation in the Member States and gives an overview of the points of reflection in relation to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  12. Girlhood, not motherhood: preventing adolescent pregnancy

    When a girl becomes pregnant, her present and future change radically, and rarely for the better. Pregnancy before a girl is physically, developmentally and socially ready jeopardizes her right to a safe, successful transition into adulthood. This publication presents strategic thinking and reviews the best available evidence on effective strategies and interventions to empower girls and reduce their vulnerability to adolescent pregnancy. …

  13. Conférence régionale sur l’éducation à la santé de la reproduction : appel à l'action

    Cet appel est le résultat principal d'une conférence régionale sur l’éducation à la santé de la reproduction qui a eu lieu à Dakar, Sénégal, du 7 au 9 octobre 2015 et a réuni des participants de 17 pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, y compris des représentants des ministères de l’Éducation et de la Santé, de la société civile, des agences des Nations unies et des jeunes. …

  14. Education sector response to early and unintended pregnancy: a review of country experiences in sub-Saharan Africa

    In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), early and unintended pregnancy leads to a colossal loss of educational opportunities for girls: A high proportion of pregnancies among adolescent girls aged 15-19 years in the region are unintended, and nearly all adolescent girls who have ever been pregnant are out of school in most SSA countries. Existing studies that show associations between early/unintended pregnancy and school dropout lead to critical questions about how the education sector is responding to the issue in SSA. …

  15. Universal access to reproductive health: progress and challenges

    Reproductive health is critical to advancing development. Its importance, particularly in terms of access to rights-based family planning, is now well recognized in not only improving women’s chances of surviving pregnancy and childbirth, but also in contributing to gender equality, better child health, preventing and responding to HIV transmission, better education outcomes and poverty reduction. Universal access to reproductive health affects and is affected by many aspects of life. …


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