Ayacucho: USAID, 2001. viii, 71 p.
Chung, Carmela E.
Dierna Straatman, Rosa
Quispe Córdova, Maricela
Reynaga, Gumercinda F.
La Red Nacional de Promoción de la Mujer
World Education
Indigenous girls in rural areas live in the most extreme poverty and make up the least educated groups in Peru. These girls face numerous constraints to obtaining an education. Enrollment rates are lower for girls in rural areas, and their grade repetition rates are higher than those for boys. Adolescence is particularly difficult, as girls face a number of risks during this time. Once they begin menstruation, completing their primary school education is a formidable challenge, and opportunities for advancing to secondary school are limited. The research presented here examines barriers to education encountered by rural girls when they reach menarche.
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