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Das Nationale Programm HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017 beschreibt die Strategie zur Prävention sowie zur Diagnose und Behandlung von HIV und anderen STI. Es basiert auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage des Epidemiengesetzes. Der Schwerpunkt der Strategie liegt auf besonders gefährdeten Gruppen und auf bereits Infizierten und ihren Partnerinnen und Partnern. Die Strategie fokussiert darauf, die Bevölkerung auf die Gefährdung der sexuellen Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren und sie zu deren Erhalt sowie zum Schutz vor sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen zu befähigen.
This document is structured into 4 sections. The introduction briefly outlines the Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy from a gender point of view with an overall and independent consideration of sexual and reproductive health. The section on sexual health reports the work methodology to develop the strategic lines. Each of the four specific sexual health lines (health promotion; health care; training professionals; research, innovation and good practices) includes aims and recommendations. The section on reproductive health reports the reproductive health situation in Spain. …
Este guia surge na sequência do Projeto Adoles(Ser), realizado na Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa (MAC) e da necessidade de partilhar e transmitir informação a professores e técnicos que pretendam consolidar conhecimentos e competências no âmbito da educação sexual. Apresentamos as linhas orientadoras do projeto, os seus objetivos e resultados, enquadrados numa breve contextualização da adolescência e da sexualidade. Damos ainda destaque a algumas atividades e boas práticas utilizadas, possibilitando a sua replicação em contexto escolar no quadro de programas sobre sexualidade.
El documento describe las características de los programas efectivos (del proceso de desarrollo curricular y del currículo), así como las buenas prácticas en instituciones educativas, y menciona que el enfoque de educación integral en sexualidad basado en un marco de derechos busca dotar a la gente joven de los conocimientos, aptitudes, actitudes y valores indispensables para la determinación y gozo de su sexualidad, tanto física como emocionalmente.
The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Solomon Islands have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Solomon Islands, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Solomon Islands. …
The National Reproductive Health Policy gives a description of national sexual and reproductive health issues, outlines the objectives of the policy and provides what could be done to alleviate the problems and address identified needs. …
The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Samoa’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Samoan citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service planning and delivery. Areas of focus included access to family planning information and services, and to a range of appropriate commodities to meet the needs of all groups within communities. …
This National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy is to contribute positively to the improvement of reproductive health status of the people of Samoa, particularly women and adolescent, by listing some of the major challenges in the area of sexual and reproductive health and identifying Key Strategic Areas in addressing immediate and future actions. The Key Strategic Areas for cooperation based on a contextual analysis of the evolution in health issues in Samoa takes into account the experience of all health sector partners and relevant documents/data.
This handbook gives a detailed insight into the initiative in Ohangwena, which provides an example which can be expanded and improved upon in Namibia, and in the other 22 ESA countries.
La presente Guía Por una sexualidad libre… está organizada en cuatro temas, a saber: Sexualidad y género. Sexualidad y relaciones afectivo-eróticas. Salud sexual, VIH, sida e ITS. Estigma, discriminación y alternativas para el autocuidado. Tales rubros constituyen la base temática que se desarrolla en los talleres, cada sesión cuenta con objetivos específi cos por tema. …
In 2011, the Division of Reproductive Health (DRH) in collaboration with FHI 360 undertook a review of adolescent and youth reproductive health programs in the country that included a desk review, mapping of youth serving organizations (YSOs), and interviews with stakeholders from the YSOs and development partners. …
The Jamaica National Integrated Strategic Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV (NISP) 2014-2019 was developed to direct the implementation of an integrated approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV planning and programming in Jamaica over the next five years. The plan provides a blue print for achieving the vision of an integrated programme while supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. …
The strategy was jointly developed by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). By connecting interventions on HIV with those on Hepatitis B and C as well as other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), the strategy aims to create synergies in prevention, diagnosis, testing and care for patients. The document describes developments and challenges in Germany (part 1), the objectives of the strategy (part 2), the areas of intervention (part 4) and international contributions in both Europe and globally (part 5).
Libro que presenta el Ministerio de Educación de la República de Cuba (MINED), en respuesta a los acuerdos de conferencia ministerial y con vista a darle continuidad a las acciones formativas que en las mencionadas esferas viene desarrollando en los centros escolares del Sistema Nacional de Educación y en las Universidades de Ciencias Pedagógicas (UCP) un proceso de consolidación y reforzamientos de los temas de salud sexual y reproductiva, sexualidad y género.
Esta Guía de Consejería se enmarca dentro de un conjunto de acciones del Programa Nacional de Salud Integral de Adolescentes y Jóvenes del Ministerio de Salud, iniciado en el año 2008, y entrega recomendaciones prácticas a los equipos de salud. Incluye conceptos básicos de salud sexual y salud reproductiva, desarrollo temáticos específicos de consejería para la prevención del embarazo e ITS/VIH/SIDA, uso del condón, abordaje de distintas orientaciones e identidad sexual y consejería en hombres. …