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This case study explores how the Talent Youth Association, supported by Link Up, promotes the integration of comprehensive sexuality education in school curricula in Ethiopia in order to enable young people to understand and claim their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Eastern and Southern Africa have some of the highest rates of HIV prevalence among young people in the world. Now more than ever, they need accurate information and supports regarding their sexual and reproductive health. From television and radio programmes, the internet, movies and friends, young people, including your child, are being exposed to untrusted information everywhere - and it’s often inaccurate. Your child needs the right information about their sexuality so they can make informed and safe decisions about their life and future. …
Сборник лучших практик профилактической работы по проблеме ВИЧ и СПИДа среди учащейся и студенческой молодежи
This handbook is a product of a collaborative effort of UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and members of the Asia-Pacific interagency task team on Young Key Populations who responded to the need for a tool to equip young people who are interested in understanding key terms and data related to HIV. It is designed as a “comic book” and can be translated and used widely in both Asia-Pacific and other regions.This handbook is for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years old of age who are interested in HIV issues and have some basic math skills. …
The Framework contains the following ten sections: 1. Planning a peer education programme. 2. Selecting programme managers/coordinators. 3. Getting young people involved as peer educators. 4. Training of peer educators. 5. Implementing peer education programmes. 6. Developing Content of peer education. 7. Providing Materials and condoms. 8. Supporting peer educators – how to keep them motivated. 9. Building linkages with services. 10. …
This guide aims to help health care providers, educators and advocates in the field of sexual and reproductive health and rights to better understand and use evidence on adolescents’ knowledge and behaviors. The guide provides demographic and socioeconomic information about adolescents, as well as measures of their access to, need for, and use of sexual and reproductive health information and services. …
The purpose of this toolkit is to provide you with information and guidance in order to become a impactful, expert young leader for SRHR. Whether you have been involved in the field of SRHR for years or are brand new, this toolkit highlights important aspects of SRHR and provides numerous additional resources to build your knowledge and capacity to take action. Divided into four major sections, each builds upon the previous: Section 1: Appreciating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. …
This report is intended to inform advocates and decision makers about how to support the sexual reproductive rights of young people around the world. It argues that comprehensive sexuality education is critical for young people to realize their rights. This report recommends that high quality comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) should be delivered to all young people, both inside and outside schools. …
El gobierno de El Salvador ha priorizado el tema de Adolescentes y Jóvenes y especialmente la salud de los adolescentes dentro de sus políticas, planes y programas. El Banco Mundial, a través de su Departamento de Desarrollo Humano para América Latina y el Caribe y con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario Nórdico, está implementando el proyecto sobre Salud Reproductiva en los Jóvenes en Centroamérica: Incorporando una Perspectiva de Derechos Humanos y ha apoyado la realización de investigaciones sobre el tema en 3 países de la Región. …
This Caribbean adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) situational analysis is informed and structured by two conceptual frameworks: the Mapping Adolescent Programming and Measurement (MAPM) framework and the Ecological Framework for Health. The MAPM framework complements the logical framework and other tools for designing, monitoring and evaluating programs. It begins by defining the outcomes that are subject to change. For the purposes of this analysis the ASRH outcomes analyzed are HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), adolescent pregnancies and abortions. …
Ce document, issu d'une collaboration entre les enseignants, les parents d’élèves et les élèves vise à répondre aux préoccupations des jeunes / adolescents(e) s en matière de santé de la reproduction.
L’importance et la place de la santé de la reproduction dans le Plan National de Développement Sanitaire justifie amplement l’élaboration de ce document cadre en vue de l’atteinte des OMD compte tenu du retard important noté dans ce domaine. …
This AYSA report focuses on young people aged 10-24 years. It was carried out in order to better understand the lives of young people in Lao PDR and the factors that are affecting them, both positively and negatively, with the aim of identifying priority areas for action that would improve their lives and contribute to the social and economic development of the country, now and in the future.
The Government of Ethiopia is committed to improving the reproductive health status of young Ethiopians, 10-24 years old. This adolescent and youth reproductive health strategy reaffirms that commitment by setting forth its priorities and agenda for the next decade. This strategy advances the goal of Ethiopia to provide health services to all Ethiopians and to achieve the objectives of the National Reproductive Health Policy and the Health Sector Development Plan. …
O documento do PNSR apresenta-se estruturado em 5 partes que procuram reflectir a situação da saúde reprodutiva em Cabo Verde no quadro das recomendações do CIPD, dos objectivos do Milénio para o Desenvolvimento e no contexto nacional, a situação no que concerne aos indicadores de saúde reprodutiva, problemas e causas e o nível de oferta de serviços existentes por componente, salientando os principais problemas e constrangimentos. …