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All In! to #EndAdolescentAIDS is a platform for action and collaboration to inspire a social movement to drive better results with and for adolescents through critical changes in programmes and policy. It aims to unite actors across relevant sectors in order to accelerate reductions in AIDS-related deaths and new HIV infections among adolescents by 2020 as part of the global push to end the AIDS epidemic for all by 2030. …
This programming guide prepared by the World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) provides practitioners with useful information for planning and implementing food and nutrition support as part of a comprehensive treatment, care and support programme for adults and adolescents living with HIV. It serves as a resource for governments, UN organizations, donors, civil society, and other organizations providing support to countries.
Background: In 2005, the resources needed to support orphans and vulnerable children in sub-Saharan Africa were estimated at US$1.1–4.1 billion. Approaches to support vulnerable children have changed considerably since then. This study updates previous estimates by including new types of support and information on support costs. Methods: We considered 16 types of support categorized as economic strengthening, education support, social care and community outreach, and program support. …
Pediatric HIV infections jeopardize children’s health and survival. Much less is known about how the experiences of being orphaned, living with chronically ill parents, or living in a severely affected community impact child health. Our study responds by examining which HIV/AIDS-related experiences place children at greatest risk for poor health. …
This paper describes a recent study conducted jointly by the authors in the Khomas Region of Namibia. The study developed and trialled research and documentation methods regarding very young children who had been infected or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Because of the stigma attached to the disease, effective methods for assessing ‘real’ needs of the target population have been elusive in Namibia and elsewhere. …
Objectives: It is not known whether cumulative ‘cash plus care’ interventions can reduce adolescent HIV-infection risks in sub-Saharan Africa. This study investigated whether parental AIDS and other environmental adversities increase adolescent HIVrisk behaviour and whether social protection provision of ‘cash’ or integrated ‘cash plus care’ reduces HIV-risk behaviour. Design: A prospective observational study with random sampling (<2.5% baseline refusal, 1-year follow-up, 96.8% retention). …
The aim of this study is to assess whether the Government of Kenya’s Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (Kenya CT-OVC) can reduce the risk of HIV among young people by postponing sexual debut. The program provides an unconditional transfer of US$20 per month directly to the main caregiver in the household. An evaluation of the program was implemented in 2007–2009 in seven districts. Fourteen Locations were randomly assigned to receive the program and fourteen were assigned to a control arm. A sample of households was enrolled in the evaluation in 2007. …
The overall goal of the strategy is to mobilise and provide leadership towards ZERO new HIV infections and reduce the number of deaths among women and children in Kenya. This framework will provide guidance for the strategic engagement of the First Lady of the Republic of Kenya to catalyze action and accelerate the attainment of national and international commitments to HIV, maternal and child health targets. To catalyse and sustain on-going efforts in HIV, maternal and child health, the Office of the First Lady will focus on: 1. Accelerate Programs. …
Focusing on the first and second decades of life, the Children and AIDS: Sixth Stocktaking Report, 2013: reviews the HIV burden among children and adolescents and the progress being made; identifies key strategies to accelerate access to HIV prevention, treatment, protection, care and support for children and adolescents; summarizes opportunities arising from recent scientific advances, new technology and emerging practice innovations; seeks to mobilize national and international efforts to keep children HIV-free and ensure that children living with HIV remain AIDS-free.
La Stratégie nationale de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida au Canada sert de guide et offre une approche globale pour les peuples autochtones du Canada, afin de diminuer les taux élevés du VIH et du sida, en particulier chez les jeunes autochtones. La SNJAVSC a été élaborée grâce aux conseils et aux suggestions des jeunes engagés, qui siègent au Conseil national de la jeunesse autochtone sur le VIH et le sida. Le succès de la SNJAVSC dépend de la collaboration avec le RCAS et ses partenaires et de la participation significative continue des jeunes autochtones du Canada dans l'élaboration des décisions, de la politique, de la programmation, de l'éducation et des approches liées aux questions du VIH et du sida. Les points forts et les déterminants sociaux de la santé des jeunes autochtones ont été exposés dans des approches basées sur les droits de l’homme et sur la diminution des effets négatifs. Lors de la mise en pratique de la SNJAVSC, il est fortement recommandé de mettre en oeuvre ses stratégies, ses objectifs et ses buts. Plus important encore, une approche intégrée, collaborative, culturellement pertinente et adaptée aux jeunes est au coeur de la réussite de la SNJAVSC. Cette stratégie est délivrée par le RCAS, avec des orientations et des conseils émis par des jeunes autochtones, afin d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être des personnes atteintes et affectées par le VIH et le sida au Canada.
Background: Effective and scalable HIV prevention for adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa is needed. Cash transfers can reduce HIV incidence through reducing risk behaviours. However, questions remain about their effectiveness within national poverty-alleviation programmes, and their effects on different behaviours in boys and girls. Methods: In this case-control study, we interviewed South African adolescents (aged 10–18 years) between 2009 and 2012. …
The Minimum Standards serve as a framework to guide the regional harmonisation of approaches for a continuum of care and support in HIV, TB and malaria for children and adolescents in the SADC region. This is necessary to improve the effectiveness of national and community efforts to accelerate child survival and achieve comprehensive developmental outcomes for children and adolescents. …
A guide to indicators for monitoring and evaluating national HIV/AIDS prevention programmes for young people has been developed in collaboration with UNAIDS cosponsors and a wide range of other partners to provide an overview of core indicators that should be used at national level to monitor and evaluate programmes directed to HIV prevention among young people. …
President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR's) response to the millions of children impacted by HIV/AIDS was to designate 10% of its budget to securing their futures, making it the leading supporter of programs reaching orphan and vulnerable children (OVC) programs globally. This article describes the evolution of PEPFAR's OVC response based on programmatic lessons learned and an evergrowing understanding of the impacts of HIV/AIDS. …
The SADC Protocol on Health stipulates that Member States should cooperate in dealing with health issues in a harmonised manner as an essential ingredient for the effective control of communicable diseases in the region notably, HIV, TB and Malaria. As part of the response, key strategic frameworks to guide action in the control of these three diseases have been developed by SADC but these mostly address the adult population. In this context, the SADC Secretariat is mandated to develop The SADC Minimum Standards for Child and Adolescent HIV, TB and Malaria Continuum of Care. …