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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Politiques et pratiques cantonales en matière de prévention VIH/SIDA et d'éducation sexuelle à l'école

    Cette étude, menée dans le cadre de l'évaluation globale de la stratégie de prévention du SIDA en Suisse, décrit et analyse les politiques appliquées dans les écoles suisses en matière de prévention VIH/SIDA et d'éducation sexuelle. Cette étude expose un panorama exhaustif, actuel et précis de la situation de la prévention VIH/SIDA en Suisse, car elle a investigué dans chacun des cantons puisque que la responsabilité politique de l'éducation échoit aux 26 cantons. …

  2. UNESCO's strategy for responding to HIV and AIDS

    As the UN specialised agency for education, UNESCO supports lifelong learning that builds and maintains essential skills, competencies, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes. This includes learning in formal educational settings; through non-formal educational activities; and through informal education. …

  3. The National strategy for sexual health and HIV: Better prevention, better services, better sexual health

    This is the first national strategy for sexual health and HIV. It is a strategy that will modernise sexual health and HIV sevices in the United Kingdom. It addresses the rising prevalence of STIs and of HIV. This strategy aims to:- reduce the transmission of HIV and STIs- reduce the prevalence of undiagagnosed HIV and STIs- reduce unintended pregnancy rates- improve health and social care for people living with HIV- reduce the stigma associated with HIV and STIs

  4. Report on the Sub-regional Meeting on HIV/AIDS and Education for UNESCO Cluster Offices in Eastern and Southern Africa

    Participants met in Harare to brief each other on the HIV/AIDS initiatives they are implementing in their regions and to discuss ways to increase collaboration and networking between UNESCO, UNESCO Cluster Offices and UNAIDS Inter-Country Team for Eastern and Southern Africa. …

  5. Preventing HIV/AIDS and Promoting Sexual Health Among Especially Vulnerable Young People

    In 1999, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) funded a five-year programme of research into young people's sexual and reproductive health in poorer country settings.Entitled the Safe Passages to Adulthood programme, and co-ordinated jointly by the centre for Sexual Health Research at the University of Southampton, the Thomas Coram Resaerch Unit at the Institute of Education, University of London and the Centre for Population Studies at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the programme supports research to enable young people to improve their sexual and reprodu …

  6. HIV in schools: Good practice guide to supporting children infected or affected by HIV

    This guide provides schools and local education authorities (LEAs) with practical information and suggestions on ways of supporting children and young people living with HIV. It addresses schools' concerns about HIV and sets out some simple ways in which a school can provide a supportive environment for infected and affected children. …

  7. Adolescents: orphaned and vulnerable in the time of HIV/AIDS

    This paper first introduces the key issues regarding orphaned and vulnerable adolescents in the time of HIV/AIDS, including the developmental needs specific to adolescents. The second chapter summarizes the limited studies and programs working primarily with adolescents orphaned due to AIDS. Following are four case studies that demonstrate different strategies for working with adolescent orphans and other youth vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, reflecting different cultural and programmatic approaches relevant to Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. …

  8. The determinants of the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Eastern Europe: [report of the symposium held in conjunction with the 12th World AIDS Conference, Veyrier du Lac, France, June 23-25 1998]

    This report describes the dynamics of HIV/AIDS epidemic in Eastern Europe. It draws upon 20 presentations prepared by epidemiologists and social scientists from seven countries of the former Soviet Union as well as experts from Denmark, United Kingdom and India. The report focuses primarily on the socioeconomic and behavioral determinants of the epidemic among specific "at risk" groups such as intravenous drug users, prison inmates, sex workers and homosexuals. It also looks at issues of general concern such as testing policies, migration...

  9. Share Rights-Shared Responsibilities

    The consultation was organized to explore the specific needs of ethnic minority communities in European countries for culturally and linguistically appropriate HIV/AIDS and sexual health services. Further, it aimed to develop a context for collaborative and integrated approaches towards improving and enhancing such services. …

  10. Planned development and evaluation of AIDS/STD education for secondary school students in The Netherlands: short term effects

    This study evaluated the short-term effects of an AIDS/STD education curriculum for 9th and 10th grade students of vocational secondary schools in the Netherlands. The findings of this study support the contention that current AIDS/STD education can be improved by the use of empirical data, the application of multiple theories from the social sciences, and the involvement of representatives within the school system in the development process.


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