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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health-evidence-based interventions in Kenya

    In 2011, the Division of Reproductive Health (DRH) in collaboration with FHI 360 undertook a review of adolescent and youth reproductive health programs in the country that included a desk review, mapping of youth serving organizations (YSOs), and interviews with stakeholders from the YSOs and development partners. …

  2. Sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia: analysis of 2000-2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health survey data

    This report presents findings from a secondary analysis of four waves of the Cambodia Demographic and Health Surveys, 2000 to 2014, with support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Australian in Cambodia. One aim of this report was to describe the current state of the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Cambodia and this was achieved through the analysis of data on young women aged 15-24 years from the four Cambodian Demographic and Health Surveys (CDHS) conducted in 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2014. …

  3. National HIV risk reduction strategy for most at risk and especially vulnerable adolescents to HIV and AIDS in Bangladesh (2013-2015)

    The National HIV Risk Reduction Strategy for Most At Risk & Especially Vulnerable Adolescents to HIV & AIDS in Bangladesh (2013-2015) was informed by the result of the Mapping and Size Estimation of Most At Risk Adolescents in Bangladesh conducted in 2011 with support from UNICEF. This strategy emphasizes key actions to improve legislation, policy and programmes to reduce risk and protect MARA/EVA in Bangladesh from HIV and AIDS. …

  4. Putting sexuality back into comprehensive sexuality education: tips for delivering sex-positive workshops for young people

    This document is designed to complement Putting Sexuality back into Comprehensive Sexuality Education: making the case for a rights-based, sex-positive approach, and it aims to give practical tips for putting IPPF's right-based, sex-positive approach, into practice.

  5. Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people’s health and well-being. Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study: international report from the 2013/2014 survey

    Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a WHO collaborative cross-national study, has provided information about the health, well-being, social environment and health behaviour of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls for over 30 years. This latest international report from the study presents findings from the 2013/2014 survey, which collected data from almost 220 000 young people in 42 countries in Europe and North America. …

  6. Модуль: Снижение стигматизации и дискриминации людей с ВИЧ

    Violence occurs in many schools in Central Asia. It is often gender-based, targets the most vulnerable and remains unattended. To develop educators' skills in preventing and responding to violence UNESCO Almaty Cluster Office for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan has produced three training modules. …

  7. Respecting, protecting, and fulfilling our sexual and reproductive health and rights. A toolkit for young leaders

    The purpose of this toolkit is to provide you with information and guidance in order to become a impactful, expert young leader for SRHR. Whether you have been involved in the field of SRHR for years or are brand new, this toolkit highlights important aspects of SRHR and provides numerous additional resources to build your knowledge and capacity to take action. Divided into four major sections, each builds upon the previous: Section 1: Appreciating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. …

  8. Adolescents under the radar in the Asia-Pacific AIDS response

    This report is the result of a collaborative effort between members of the Asia Pacific Inter-Agency Task Team on Young Key Populations and UNICEF. It highlights the HIV crisis for vulnerable adolescents in Asia and the Pacific and what we can do to give them the support they desperately need. If we fail to do this, the world will not get to where it wants to be: ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

  9. Salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes y jóvenes en América latina: incorporando la perspectiva de derechos humanos en las inversiones de salud pública

    El gobierno de El Salvador ha priorizado el tema de Adolescentes y Jóvenes y especialmente la salud de los adolescentes dentro de sus políticas, planes y programas. El Banco Mundial, a través de su Departamento de Desarrollo Humano para América Latina y el Caribe y con el apoyo del Fondo Fiduciario Nórdico, está implementando el proyecto sobre Salud Reproductiva en los Jóvenes en Centroamérica: Incorporando una Perspectiva de Derechos Humanos y ha apoyado la realización de investigaciones sobre el tema en 3 países de la Región. …

  10. Adolescent and youth situation analysis Lao People’s Democratic Republic: "Investing in young people is investing in the future"

    This AYSA report focuses on young people aged 10-24 years. It was carried out in order to better understand the lives of young people in Lao PDR and the factors that are affecting them, both positively and negatively, with the aim of identifying priority areas for action that would improve their lives and contribute to the social and economic development of the country, now and in the future.

  11. National adolescent and youth reproductive health strategy, 2007-2015

    The Government of Ethiopia is committed to improving the reproductive health status of young Ethiopians, 10-24 years old. This adolescent and youth reproductive health strategy reaffirms that commitment by setting forth its priorities and agenda for the next decade. This strategy advances the goal of Ethiopia to provide health services to all Ethiopians and to achieve the objectives of the National Reproductive Health Policy and the Health Sector Development Plan. …

  12. LGBT bullying in Cambodia’s schools

    This research report is the outcome of nation-wide research on the bullying faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people during their attendance at school in Cambodia, and its long-term effects. The report presents the findings of the nation-wide survey, focus group discussions (FGDs), interviews, and from desk research comprising studies from around the world, and also offers recommendations on how to systematically address the issue of bullying based on sexual orientation and gender identity/expression (SOGIE) in the Cambodian education system. …

  13. Global guidance briefs: HIV interventions for young people

    A series of seven Guidance Briefs has been developed by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) and UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS in providing guidance to their staffs, governments, donors and civil society on the specifi c actions that need to be in place to respond effectively to HIV among young people. …

  14. National HIV strategy for adolescents and young people 2016-2020

    The development of a National HIV Strategy for Adolescents and Young People is in alignment with ongoing efforts to reduce HIV infection rates in Nigeria. Efforts have been made to address issues of adolescents and young people in previous plans. …

  15. Safe space kit: A guide to supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students in your school

    The Safe Space Kit is designed to help educators create a safe space for LGBT students. One of the most effective ways for an educator to create a safe space is to be a supportive ally to LGBT students. The guide is designed for school staff who wish to support LGBT students and create a safe space for all students, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.


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