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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Is the sexual behaviour of young people in sub-Saharan Africa influenced by their peers? A systematic review

    Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa are highly vulnerable to HIV, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. Evidence for the effectiveness of individual behaviour change interventions in reducing incidence of HIV and other biological outcomes is limited, and the need to address the social conditions in which young people become sexually active is clear. Adolescents' peers are a key aspect of this social environment and could have important influences on sexual behaviour. There has not yet been a systematic review on the topic in sub-Saharan Africa. …

  2. Crecer sin VIH: prevenir con educación

    El propósito de esta publicación es ofrecerles una visión objetiva sobre el VIH, la sexualidad de las y los adolescentes en Panamá y sobre la educación integral de la sexualidad. De esta forma, nos proponemos contribuir a la sensibilización y toma de conciencia sobre la necesidad del desarrollo de estos programas, dentro de un marco de respeto a los valores, costumbres y tradiciones de la población.

  3. Sexual and reproductive health and rights, and HIV 101 workshop guide: a guide to facilitating a workshop on linking up HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights with young key populations

    This facilitator’s guide describes how to plan, deliver and evaluate the workshop effectively. The workshop is designed to take five consecutive days in one week, although it can be adapted for shorter trainings as needed. Each day covers a different area of SRHR and HIV integration, with the order and flow of sessions designed to relate back to each other. The workshop culminates with a site visit and group discussion. Sessions include suggestions, tips and reminders for facilitators, and list materials needed. References to useful resources are also provided. …

  4. Strengthening the evidence base on youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Eastern Caribbean

    The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Sub- Regional Office for the Caribbean/Barbados is working to strengthen the evidence base on adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in four countries: Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The research presented in this document aims to generate new knowledge and provide the baseline data to inform the development of programmes to support adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights. …

  5. Brighter life for all: advocacy strategy to increase access to quality health services for adolescents and young people living with HIV in Uganda 2015 - 2017

    This Advocacy Strategy focuses on reducing barriers facing Adolescents and Youth Living with HIV for improved quality of life. It emphasizes three interlinked objectives to 1) promote positive and dignified lives for AYLHIV free from stigma and discrimination; 2) enhance access to psychosocial support services; 3) increase access and utilization of friendly comprehensive package of services; and 4) improve Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention (PHDP). This holistic approach will ensure an equitable HIV response that ensures no adolescent/youth is left behind.

  6. Trans, gender variant and intersex students in schools: policy

    This Policy aims to: 1. Foster a school environment that is inclusive, safe and free from harassment and discrimination for all members of the school community, students and adults, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and/or sex characteristics; 2. Promote the learning of human diversity that is inclusive of trans, gender variant and intersex students, thus promoting social awareness, acceptance and respect; 3. …

  7. National policy: tackling substance abuse

    The overall aim of these procedures is to protect students from substance abuse in schools. In particular they aim: - To provide educational and care personnel with a practical tool that enables them to intervene in an appropriate manner when substance is found or used in schools. …

  8. Step by step: preparing for work with children and young people who inject drugs. A tool for harm reduction service providers

    This resource is intended for harm reduction service providers with limited experience of working with children and young people who inject drugs. …

  9. Effects of peer education intervention on HIV/AIDS related sexual behaviors of secondary school students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a quasi-experimental study

    Background: Worldwide, about 50 % of all new cases of HIV occur in youth between age 15 and 24 years. Studies in various sub-Saharan African countries show that both out of school and in school adolescents and youth are engaged in risky sexual behaviors. School-based health education has been a cornerstone of youth-focused HIV prevention efforts since the early 1990s. In addition, peer-based interventions have become a common method to effect important health-related behavior changes and address the HIV/AIDS pandemic. …

  10. Relationships and sexuality education guidance: an update for primary schools

    The Department of Education Circular 2013/16 requires every school to have an up-to-date written policy on how it will address the delivery of Relationships and Sexuality Education. This guidance offers advice for schools on how to develop and review their policy.

  11. Why LGBT issues matter in education

    The author analyzes how three dimensions of the school system: school climate, formal curriculum and teaching practices influence the school experiences of LGBT youth. Rendering schooling more inclusive and less discriminatory implies understanding and taking action on each of these dimensions. The arguments are organized in three angles : Angle 1. The truth about homophobia and gender-based violence in education; Angle 2. LGBT-inclusive education; Angle 3. Teachers dealing with sexual diversity.

  12. HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights: visions, voices, and priorities of young people living with and most affected by HIV

    The Link Up project, launched by a consortium of global and national partners in early 2013, is an ambitious three-year initiative that seeks to advance the SRHR of more than one million young people in five countries. Link Up distinctively works with young people most affected by HIV aged 10 to 24 years old, with a specific focus on young men who have sex with men, young people who do sex work, young people who use drugs, young transgender people, and young women and men living with HIV. …

  13. Sexual health promotion for young people delivered via digital media: a scoping review

    Background: Young people are at risk of poor sexual health and are, therefore, in need of comprehensive, effective sexual health education. Young people are confident and constant users of digital technology, such as the internet and mobile phones, and there are many innovative possibilities for sexual health education involving these technologies. …

  14. Our time to be heard: stories giving voice to young people and their experience of HIV

    This publication is a collection of stories about young people living with HIV written by citizen journalists from the Key Correspondents network. The authors hope that they bring the experiences, thoughts and reflections of young people to the growing global debates on adolescent health and HIV. Key Correspondents is a network of citizen journalists around the world writing on HIV, health and human rights, helping get the voices of those most affected into global debates.

  15. Mediation analysis of an adolescent HIV/STI/pregnancy prevention intervention

    Most interventions designed to prevent HIV/STI/pregnancy risk behaviours in young people have multiple components based on psychosocial theories (e.g. social cognitive theory) dictating sets of mediating variables to influence to achieve desired changes in behaviours. Mediation analysis is a method for investigating the extent to which a variable X (e.g. intervention indicator) influences an outcome variable Y (e.g. unprotected sex) by first influencing an intermediate variable M (e.g. …


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