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Education is a vital component of the preparation for adulthood, and is closely linked to transitions into marriage and parenting. Childbearing among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa remains high, while primary school completion is far from universal. This paper uses longitudinal data from five rounds of the Malawi Schooling and Adolescent Study to investigate how becoming pregnant while attending school influences medium-term educational outcomes of young women. …
This training guide includes eight session plans, each with a facilitation guide, four handouts, two PowerPoint presentations and two short films. …
In June 2015, the UNAIDS IATT on Education, convened by UNESCO, presented evidence and explored promising approaches to support girls’ participation in quality education at a symposium entitled Good Quality Education For Adolescent Girls For An Aids-Free Future. …
The purpose of this report is to guide regional and global advocacy and inform political dialogue over the coming year, including in the contexts of the African Union Agenda 2063 and the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. …
In preparation for the Oslo Summit on Education for Development in July 2015, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) commissioned SEEK Development to conduct an evaluation of the costs and benefits of education from a health perspective. Such a study is very relevant in light of ongoing discussions around the Sustainable Development Goals and post-2015 development agenda, which emphasize the need for a stronger focus on the broader determinants of health. The study is organized around three interconnected workstreams. …
This report is intended for advocates and decision makers, to help them champion sexual and reproductive health and rights as central to advancing the empowerment of girls and women and to achieving gender equality. This report examines the links between sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender equality. It explores the different pathways of empowerment that girls and women experience, and analyzes how these pathways are affected by sexual and reproductive health and rights. …
This document is the Commonwealth Charter adopted by National Human Rights Institutions and members of the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (CFNHRI) attending a working session on the imperative to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage, on 5-6 May 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda.
This discussion paper was prepared by UNESCO for the global consultation on education sector responses to early and unintended pregnancy (EUP) held in Johannesburg in November 2014. The paper describes global and regional specificities of EUP, the causes behind it, and the implications for the education sector, highlighting the current status of the education sector response and examples of ongoing programs and initiatives aimed at preventing EUP through comprehensive sexuality education and ensuring the right to education for pregnant and parenting girls.
In a number of countries in Africa, young women who become pregnant are excluded from school. This article presents a critique of policy and practice in this area drawing partly on Diana Leonard's scholarship concerning the relational dynamic of gender, generation, social division, and household forms. Much of the policy prescription of large global organisations concerned with the expansion of secondary schooling in Africa does not sufficiently take account of the connection between the gender dynamics of the private and that of the public outlined in Leonard's work. …
Although the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia are not affected to the same extent as other world regions, adolescent pregnancy is a major challenge in parts of the region, and in particular among some population groups. The State of World Population 2013, published by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, highlights the main challenges of adolescent pregnancy and its serious impacts on girls’ education, health and long-term employment opportunities. The report also shows what can be done to curb this trend and protect girls’ human rights and well-being. …
This reports’objective is to assess the work directed at reducing unplanned teenage pregnancy and to look at what else can be done to support young people at risk of pregnancy or who have a child very young. The Health and Sport Committee Committee has considered the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty, examined the challenges to change in Scotland’s most deprived communities, asked whether services are being effectively delivered, and tried to highlight some initiatives.
This publication documents the forced pregnancy testing and expulsion of pregnant school girls in mainland Tanzania. Launched in 2013 and based on in-depth interviews with young women who have undergone these practices, as well as teachers, government officials, and health care providers, this report provides concrete evidence and compelling stories of the numerous human rights violations many Tanzanian girls face in the pursuit of education. In addition, the report provides key recommendations to the Tanzanian Government, regional human rights bodies, and the international donor community. …
Teenage pregnancy outcomes have become an increasing concern in the United States. Education and support of pregnant teens are critical factors that may determine good or poor pregnancy outcomes. Poor outcomes may include low birth weight, developmental delays, and poor academic performance. Although the number of teenagers experiencing pregnancy and parenting has declined in the U.S., school-based health clinics can be used to provide support and guidance designed to avoid the negative outcomes associated with teenage pregnancy and parenting. …
Background: South Asia has a large proportion of young people in the world and teenage pregnancy has emerged as one of the major public health problem among them. The objective of this study is to systematically review to identify the risk factors associated with teenage pregnancy in South Asian countries. Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL database (1996 to April 2007) and web-based information. Inclusion criteria were the English-language papers available in the UK and describing teenage pregnancy in South Asia. …
Our interest in understanding the determinants of adolescent childbearing and how adolescent childbearing influences educational trajectories derive from a concern about the inverse relationship between educational outcomes and adolescent fertility. Through in-depth interviews with 118 women, we contrast the educational trajectories of adolescent and adult child-bearers in urban neighborhoods in Paraguay and Peru. The findings suggest that adolescents who face obstacles that discourage academic achievement and high aspirations in life are also more likely to bear children. …