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This study seeks to look at the influence of program-level and contextual determinants that pose a challenge to the uptake of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programs in sub-Saharan Africa. This study explore thes multilevel factors associated with "coverage in single dose nevirapine PMTCT programs." The study found that heterogeneity of nevirapine coverage between sites and programs was high- meaning that in these programs there was a high HIV prevalance, a higher proportion of persons with knowledge of PMTCT, and a lower percentage of rural population. …
The objective of the study was to examine the effect of methadone maintenance treatement on mortality in people who inject opiods and who also recieve ART for the treatment of HIV in China. The study took place between December 3, 2002 and December 31, 2011. Mortality, disease and treatment characteristics were compared in patients who received either ART and MMT or only ART. Overall, mortaliy 6 months after starting ART was lwer with ART and MMT than with only ART. …
This article is about the national methadone project launched in the United Republic of Tanzania -- the first mainland sub-Saharan country to launch such a program -- as part of a battle to fight heroin addiction and HIV infection. Heroin users contribute to the HIV pandemic in Tanzania by needle sharing, therefore, the idea behind the methadone project is to safely ween heroin users off of the drug. The program is funded by the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, as a response to Tanzania's growing epidemic of people who inject drugs. …
In this paper we argue that education policy on HIV and AIDS is policy about life. As such, the contexts and the realities of teachers and learners in the classroom need to be embedded in the policy. We make a case that HIV and AIDS policy needs to extend beyond the prevention mode to one that includes care and support in the policy context. Through the stories of three HIV positive teachers in Zimbabwean primary schools, we show the real people and the real bodies that inhabit the classrooms where policy seeks to find expression. …
India is amongst the top 10 countries in the world currently with the highest burden of pregnant women living with HIV and nearly 80% of these women do not recieve antiretroviral treatement drugs to prevent parent-to-child transmission. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study in which women were interviewed in Tamil Nadu to estimate HIV-infected women's awarness of PTCT and knowledge of ARVs as a measure to prevent PTCT. The results of the study are that 18.8% of the women with HIV interviewed had not heard of PTCT and 40% did not know that ARVs could prevent PTCT. …
While developed countries in Asia are experiencing a low-level HIV epidemic prevalence is much higher in specific populations such as men who have sex with men, sex workers, and people who use drugs. Many MSM and transgender people report discrimination which limits their access to health services and many other areas such as education, employment and legal services. …
The adoption of White Paper 6 of 2001 in South Africa on the implementation of inclusive education has become an important milestone to ensure the accommodation of the full range of learner needs in ordinary schools. This paper deals with the rights and needs of HIV-positive learners and their first line of support, namely ordinary teachers, who form the backbone of support within the inclusive classroom. At the moment, learners living with HIV miss out frequently on help and support because specialist out-of-school HIV and AIDS services are not geared towards their needs. …
The results of this Brief point to an increased significance of strengthening educational programmes and policies in the schooling sector as South Africa strives to reduce not only the prevalence of HIV and AIDS but also to develop positive learner attitudes among children of school going age. …
L’enquête, coordonnée par la Plate-forme Prévention Sida (PPS) et l’Observatoire du sida et des sexualités (OSS), avec l’appui du Centre d’études sociologiques (CES) des Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, avait pour objectif de : - préciser le profil socioéconomique des personnes vivant avec le VIH/sida, - connaître leurs principales difficultés et ressources dans leur vie quotidienne, - identifier l’ampleur, la forme et la récurrence des cas de stigmatisation et de discrimination dans différents domaines (professionnel, affectif, administratif, etc.). …
This guidebook aims to help young people living with HIV, their caregivers and their health providers start thinking about the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare. Ideas for how to start the conversation about transition and tools to help make those conversations easier are provided.
Drawing on the unique experience of young adults who are living with HIV and AIDS, Positive Speaking aims to contribute to the HIV prevention revolution in Namibia, and more specifically: To empower young people and learners with appropriate knowledge and skills about HIV prevention, gender and sexual reproductive health, based on the drivers of the current HIV epidemic, so that they can make the right decisions in future about their relationships and enjoy healthy lives; To change learners’ risk perceptions towards HIV infection, and their attitudes towards people living with HIV; To provide …
Access to antiretroviral (ARV) drugs in Sub-Saharan Africa has rapidly expanded - from fewer than 10,000 people treated in 2000 to more than 8 million in 2011. To measure the impact of this expansion, it is necessary to identify the behavioral response of individuals to drug access. This paper combines geocoded information about the timing of introduction of ARVs in all Kenyan health facilities with two waves of geocoded population surveys to estimate the impact of proximity to an ARV provider on risky sexual behavior. …
NCB has produced six Your Life leaflets for young people who have HIV and are aged between about 13 and 25. Most of the leaflets include stories from young people living with HIV, and all contain links to other sources of information and support. - Life Looking Forward. The leaflet covers: feeling safe and well, looking after yourself and being a normal young person, getting on with family members, becoming a parent, transition from children's to adults' HIV health services; - Sharing in Life. …
This article discusses the effect that the WHO guidelines for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV has had on South Africa. South Africa initiated its PMTCT programme in 2002, however political support for it has increased since 2008. Since then the proportion of HIV-exposed infants who underwent PCR tests to detected early HIV transmission has increased, and the estimated HIV transmission rate has decreased. …
The AIDS Legal Network (ALN), in collaboration with Her Rights Initiative (HRI), South Africa Positive Women Ambassadors (SAPWA), South Africa Partners, and the Mitchell’s Plain Network Opposing Abuse, engaged in a study to assess perceptions and experiences of violence and other rights abuses against women living with HIV. …