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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Interventions for adolescent substance abuse: an overview of systematic reviews

    Many unhealthy behaviors often begin during adolescence and represent major public health challenges. Substance abuse has a major impact on individuals, families, and communities, as its effects are cumulative, contributing to costly social, physical, and mental health problems. The authors conducted an overview of systematic reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to prevent substance abuse among adolescents. They report findings from a total of 46 systematic reviews focusing on interventions for smoking/tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, and combined substance abuse. …

  2. Qualité de vie à l’école : comment l’école peut-elle proposer un cadre de vie favorable à la réussite et au bien-être des élèves ?

    Le concept de la qualité de vie s’est beaucoup développé depuis les trois dernières décennies. Les systèmes éducatifs ont progressivement pris en compte des objectifs plus larges que les résultats scolaires, en intégrant l’épanouissement personnel afin d’aider l’élève à se réaliser scolairement et plus tard dans sa vie, et à devenir un citoyen accompli. De nombreuses recherches internationales ont été réalisées sur cette thématique. Mais deux domaines de la qualité de vie à l’école restaient encore peu explorés en France : la restauration et l’architecture scolaires. …

  3. A systematic review of the role of school-based healthcare in adolescent sexual, reproductive, and mental health

    Background: Accessible sexual, reproductive, and mental healthcare services are crucial for adolescent health and wellbeing. It has been reported that school-based healthcare (SBHC) has the potential to improve the availability of services particularly for young people who are normally underserved. Locating health services in schools has the potential to reduce transport costs, increase accessibility and provide links between schools and communities. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was undertaken. …

  4. Éducation à la santé : vers une démocratie sanitaire

    En tant que lieu social de vie et d’apprentissage, l’École semble être le terrain privilégié pour promouvoir auprès des élèves l’importance d’adopter des comportements « sains », d’encourager le développement équilibré de leur personnalité, de leurs aptitudes physiques et de favoriser des comportements propices à une bonne santé. …

  5. How school meals contribute to the sustainable development goals: a collection of evidence

    School meals have multiple benefits and there is hard evidence that supports this claim. However, due to the multi-faceted nature of school meals, it is difficult to obtain a complete overview of the evidence. This paper attempts to give such an overview. It collects existing, independent evidence of the benefits and impacts of school meals and uses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as thematic areas to organize the evidence. The paper also gives an indication of the specific targets to which school meals can contribute. …

  6. An agenda for policy and action to support girls through puberty and menarche

    Puberty and menstruation are a fundamental part of the second decade of girls’ lives. Yet many girls in low and middle-income countries know very little about the physical and emotional changes that are part of growing up. …

  7. Attention to menstrual hygiene management in schools: An analysis of education policy documents in low- and middle-income countries

    Recent decades have seen a push for gender parity in education in low resource countries. Attention is shifting to how school environments hinder the achievement of gender equality. One effort, primarily led by the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, includes a focus on the needs of menstruating girls.

  8. Girls in control: Compiled findings from studies on menstrual hygiene management of school girls. Ethiopia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe

    SNV launched the five-country Girls in Control menstrual hygiene pilot programme in January 2014, building on insights and experience gained from implementing school-based water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programmes in 14 countries. This report presents the findings of baseline studies on the menstrual hygiene management of schoolgirls, conducted in the five project countries: Ethiopia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

  9. Bien-être des élèves à l’école et promotion de leur santé. synthèse de la littérature internationale pour le Conseil National d’Évaluation du Système Scolaire (CNESCO)

    L’état de santé des élèves est une composante majeure de leur bien-être. A ce titre, il est nécessaire de développer chez les jeunes les connaissances et comportements favorables à leur santé. Or, l’école est le lieu le plus favorable à cela : d’une part, l’élève y passe plus d’un tiers de son temps éveillé ; d’autre part, elle est le lieu le plus indiqué pour une acquisition égalitaire des connaissances et comportements favorables à la santé, en s’adressant aux élèves issus de différents milieux familiaux et socio-économiques. …

  10. The Sexual and reproductive health needs of very young adolescents aged 10–14 in developing countries: what does the evidence show?

    This report draws on analyses of national survey data and literature review results to provide an overview of the evidence on key aspects of sexual and reproductive health among very young adolescents aged 10–14 living in developing regions.

  11. Best practices for adolescent- and youth-friendly HIV Services: a compendium of selected projects in PEPFAR-supported countries

    The goal of this compendium is to answer critical questions that move forward USAID’s mission of supporting (a) the adoption of evidence-based practices in adolescent- and youth-friendly HIV care and services to help at-risk adolescents (ages 10–19 years) and youth (ages 15–24 years) stay HIV-free, and (b) the provision of comprehensive packages of HIV prevention, care, treatment, and retention services to adolescents and youth living with HIV in order to promote their successful transition to adulthood.

  12. Strengthening comprehensive sexuality education for young people in school settings in Zambia: a review and documentation of the scale-up process

    This report documents progress on implementation of a Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)-funded UNESCO project that aims to strengthen sexuality education programmes for young people in school settings in Zambia. The project was conceptualized in line with the country’s thematic focus on broader economic and social development and is expected to reach all 9,000 government schools, 1,749,664 learners representing 100% of grades 5 to 12 learners, 40,000 in-service teachers, and 20,000 preservice teachers. …

  13. Review of policies, strategies and laws related to child marriage, adolescent health, education and employment in five countries in West Africa

    Adolescent health and development are key foundations for a country's economic development and political stability. The outcomes of adolescent health are closely linked with future adult development, infant and child mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, and even long-term economic development.

  14. School-based sexual health education interventions to prevent STI/HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    The authors reviewed evaluations of school-based sexual health education interventions in sub-Saharan Africa to assess effectiveness in reducing sexually transmitted infections and promoting condom use.

  15. Health barriers to learning: the prevalence and educational consequences in disadvantaged children: a review of the literature

    This report describes the Health Barriers to Learning and the supporting evidence base for their impact on academic success. It also describes the disproportionate prevalence of HBLs in disadvantaged children, the extent of unmet need for services for identification, management and treatment, and each HBL’s impact on learning. Screening and management for each of these should be essential to supporting school and learning readiness. …


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