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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Comisión de evaluación y recomendaciones sobre educación sexual

    A partir de importantes cambios sociales y culturales que se han producido en Chile en los últimos 10 años, y de la necesidad de evaluar las acciones y logros obtenidos por el Ministerio de Educación en el tema de la educación sexual a una década de la publicación de la Política de Educación en Sexualidad de esta repartición, el Ministro de Educación convocó a una Comisión de personalidades y actores del sistema educativo para abordar los desafíos que implica la formación de la afectividad y sexualidad de la niñez y juventud en edad escolar.

  2. El UNGASS, género y la vulnerabilidad de la mujer a la VIH/SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe

    En este documento se tratan las consecuencias de los roles de género femenino y masculino, las relaciones de poder y el comportamiento sexual en la propagación del VIH/SIDA en América Latina y el Caribe y se explora la vulnerabilidad de la mujer a la epidemia. Se abordan también otros temas, como violencia, sexo comercial y turismo sexual, tráfico de seres humanos, desplaciamento de poblaciones y crisis en el marco de la sensibilidad de las mujeres y los hombres al VIH/SIDA.

  3. Atención integral por escenarios de atención y niveles: Pautas de atención integral para personas que viven con VIH/SIDA en las América

    En este documento se presenta una definición operativa de la atención integral en materia de VIH/SIDA y se esbozan los componentes básicos de la atención para las personas aquejadas por esta enfermedad. …

  4. A world fit for children: millennium development goals, special session on children documents, the convention on the rights of the child

    The document contains the commitments that were part of the Special Session on Children: the Millennium Development Goals, early pledged to by all 189 United Nations Member States; the Children's statement, 'A World Fit for Us', delivered at the opening plenary of the Special Session by two young delegates; the consensus outcome documents of the General Assembly, 'A World Fit for Children', with goals and targets to be met; and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified, acceded to a signed by 192 countries in the 12 years since it was first ratified, and the two Optional Protocols t …

  5. Strengthening the provision of adolescent-friendly health services to meet the health and development needs of adolescents in Africa: a consensus statement

    The paper presents the consensus statement of the African Regional Consultation on Adolescent-Friendly Health Services (AFHS) facilitated by WHO, and UNICEF which was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 17 to 21 October 2000. The statement includes issues such as basic adolescent health needs, health-seeking behaviour, adolescent-friendly health services (AFHS), sustainability, resources, approaches to AFHS, and research areas.

  6. The Edinburgh Communiqué and Action Plan

    Education Ministers and representatives from forty-eight Commonwealth countries met in Edinburgh from 27-30 October 2003 for the 15th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (15CCEM). One of the six action areas discussed was mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in Education. This action plan includes their recommendations.

  7. Convention on the rights of the child: HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child

    Convention on the rights of the child: HIV/AIDS and the rights of the child

  8. Girls can't wait: why girls' education matters, and how to make it happen now

    This is the year that the world will miss the first, and most critical of all the Millennium Development Goals - gender parity in education by 2005. Over the next decade, unless world leaders take drastic action now, unacceptably slow progress on girls' education will account for over 10 million unnecessary child and maternal deaths, will cost poor countries as much as 3 percentage points in lost economic growth, and lead to at least 3.5 million avoidable cases of HIV/AIDS. …

  9. Facing the future together: Report of the Secretary General's Task Force on Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa

    For several months in 2003, the Secretary General's Task Force on Women, Girls and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa engaged in intensive on-the-ground consultations in the nine countries in the sub-region with the highest HIV prevalence rates - Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. …

  10. El VIH/SIDA y la Educación en América Latina: DECLARACIÓN DE CONSENSO

    El VIH/SIDA y la Educación en América Latina: DECLARACIÓN DE CONSENSO

  11. Consensus Statement on AIDS in Schools

    The intent of the document is to provide a fundamental outline of the major issues relating to HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in the school environment, including educational efforts and policy principles.

  12. Protocole pour l'identification de la discrimination à l'égard des personnes vivant avec le VIH

    The scope of this protocol encompasses the legal definition of discrimination as well as the identification and elimination of arbitrary discrimination -as defined by a range of important international instruments. Designed to assist National AIDS Programmes and others in detecting arbitrary discrimination, the protocol also serves as an effective human rights tool and a means of enforcing measures against such discrimination. Sources of arbitrary discrimination, and the criteria for assessing their existence, are outlined together with a detailed inductive methodology. The protocol also includes questionnaires for the assessment of arbitrary discrimination and for direct witness/key informant interviews, as well as checklists and orientation programmes for investigators.

  13. Déclaration de la Consultation sur la lutte contre le SIDA dans les prisons, Genève, 16-18 novembre 1987

    This Declaration deals with HIV/AIDS control in prisons and examines general principles concerning the provision of care health in prisons and screening for HIV infection among prisoners. It examines issues of confidentiality, and the needs for effective IEC to promote safer sexual practices.

  14. Déclaration de consensus adoptée à l'issue de la consultation sur l'épidémiologie du VIH et la prostitution, Genève, 3-6 juillet 1989

    This document is the Declaration adopted by consensus at the end of a consultation on HIV, epidemiology and prostitution. The consultation was aimed at evaluating the potential role of prostitution in the transmission of HIV and at determining possible interventions based on the prevention of HIV infection among prostitutes and their clients.

  15. Tunis Declaration on AIDS and the Child in Africa

    This paper discusses the Tunis Declaration on AIDS and the Child in Africa made by the OAU Heads of State. In spite of previous concerted actions by the OAU Heads of State with regards to HIV/AIDS, the magnitude of the problem of the HIV infection and AIDS in most African countries is on the increase especially among African children who are the most vulnerable group. This fact and accompanying considerations are discussed.


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