When :
from Monday 18 November, 2019 09:00 to Tuesday 19 November, 2019 18:00Type of event :
Category 8-SymposiumWhere :
UNESCO Headquarters, 7, place de Fontenoy, 75007, Paris, FranceContact :
11thUNESCOYouthForum@unesco.orgThe 11th UNESCO Youth Forum – Youth Spaces in Action will take place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, on 18 and 19 November 2019, during the 40th session of UNESCO’s General Conference. This Forum will encourage dialogue, experience- and knowledge-sharing, peer learning and cooperation among young change-makers and youth representatives, with UNESCO and its Members States, and with other stakeholders.
Every two years, youth meet at UNESCO’s Headquarters to discuss the challenges we face today falling within UNESCO’s fields of competence.
This year, the Forum will be the opportunity to showcase and discuss good practices in youth engagement with UNESCO in the context of the Youth Space Initiative or other projects youth have developed with the support of the Organization.
The outcome document of the Forum will be presented by youth at the General Conference. The constitution of a Global UNESCO Youth Community of Practice (YCoP), that will be growing regularly with new engaged youth from throughout the world, will ensure a long-term relationship between UNESCO and youth and facilitate their direct involvement in the Organization’s work at all stages and in all domains of concern to young people.