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Teacher training programmes that improve teachers' capacity and confidence to address homophobia in South African schools will engender non-homophobic school contexts. Currently, there is a dearth of educational research on future teachers' preparation for homophobic school contexts. …
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some of the obstacles to effective sexuality education in rural Lesotho schools and offer some suggestions that could facilitate positive change in the current status of sexuality education. The call for education as a ‘vaccine’ against new HIV infections places teachers at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, and thus it is imperative to understand how they experience teaching about sexuality. …
Using in-depth interviews, the authors asked sexuality educators in South Africa about their own professional preparation and what they believed were necessary educator characteristics for teaching Sexuality Education. Their findings show that the teachers taught Sexuality Education without any appropriate qualification or preparation, but because they had a lighter teaching load and had room to take on more teaching hours. Nevertheless, they all mention that ‘not anybody can teach Sexuality Education’. …
The terms of reference (TOR) calling for the development of a relief teacher strategy to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in the education sector indicate that “Namibia’s teachers are at a relatively high risk of HIV infection. Projections suggest that in 2002, around one in seven (teachers) were HIV-infected (Abt Report, 2002, The report further indicates that teacher losses averaged 1.5% between 2000 and 2002, with higher rates (2%) reported in the country’s northern parts. …
El Ministerio de Educación, en el marco de las acciones orientadas al fortalecimiento de la Educación Sexual Integral en el sistema educativo peruano, elabora y distribuye materiales educativos que contribuyen a la labor pedagógica de las docentes y los docentes.La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) que se imparte en la instituciones educativas se,sustenta en los Lineamientos Educativos y Orientaciones Pedagógicas para la Educación Sexual Integral (R.D. …
Con el propósito de desarrollar las capacidades de los tutores y docentes para dicha labor, la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa ha elaborado la presente guía. La guía está dividida en cinco secciones en las cuales se aborda, desde la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa, las siguientes temáticas: detección del consumo de drogas, prevención de la violencia juvenil, promoción del buen trato y prevención del abuso sexual infantil, así como la propuesta de convivencia y disciplina escolar democrática. …
Paquete educativo orientado a abordar el tema de la no discriminación de niños y niñas VIH positivos en instituciones educativas de educación primaria.
This article aims to explore Grade 11 learners perceptions and experience of the teaching of sexuality education. A total of 270 adolescent boys (n 121) and girls (n 149) from the Heidedal suburb of the greater Mangaung Municipality, South Africa, completed an anonymously written Teaching of Sexuality Education Attitude Scale (TSEAS). The questionnaire was constructed on a six-point Likert scale with response options ranging from 1 (highly disagree) to 6 (highly agree). …
Between 2011 and 2012, 40.1% of all sexual offences in South Africa involved children under 18. Important scholarship has demonstrated how large-scale social and economic inequalities structure African girls’ risk to and experience of sexual violence leading to a condemnation of violent masculinities and the social processes that produce it. Under conditions of chronic poverty and unstable living conditions, girls’ vulnerability to sexual violence is increased. …
The module was developed as a resource to support pre–service training of teachers for the delivery of school–based sexuality education in East and Southern Africa.
Профилактика ВИЧ в школьных условиях. Пособие для преподавателей
This kit includes the information on issues surrounding the relationship between HIV/AIDS and Education as well as human rights, stigma and discrimination.
The Advocacy Toolkit provides the basic information on HIV and AIDS, identifies the role of Education in HIV prevention and gives recommendations on preventive education including monitoring and evaluation of education programmes.
HIV preventive education information kit for schools teachers Kazakhstan (in Russian)
На III Международном конгрессе «Образование личности: стандарты и ценности», который прошел в Москве 24-25 сентября 2015, было представлено пособие для руководителей и сотрудников общеобразовательных и профессиональных образовательных организаций "Школа без насилия". …