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Evidence shows that a focus on gender and power in sexuality/HIV education increases the likelihood of achieving positive sexual health outcomes, and international agencies have called for a shift to a gender-focused approach. However, questions remain about the implementation of such programmes, including how best to prepare teachers to deliver such curricula. In the development of the national school-based HIV prevention curriculum in Nigeria, several state governments partnered with feminist (or like-minded) non-governmental organisations to collaborate on teacher training. …
The right of access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is grounded in fundamental human rights and is a means to empower young people to protect their health, well-being and dignity. This Operational Guidance sets out UNFPA’s framework for CSE, which is one of five prongs to UNFPA’s Adolescent and Youth Strategy. …
This compelling study, comprising of a sample of eight schools in three countries in sub-Saharan Africa -Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania - examines the sources, contents and processes of children´s community-based sexual knowledges and asks how these knowledges interact with AIDS education programmes in school. Old enough to know showcases the possibilities of consulting pupils using engaging, interactive and visual methods including digital still photography, mini-video documentaries, as well as interviews and observations. …
South African national education policy is committed to promoting gender equality at school and to facilitating the successful completion of all young people’s schooling, including those who may become pregnant and parent while at school. However, the experience of being pregnant and parenting while being a learner is shaped by broader social and school-based responses to teenage pregnancy, parenting and female sexuality in general. …
This module has six sections broken down into lectures. The lectures are further broken into different parts with activities to make the content of the lecture more clear and practical to educators. The Module sections start with the title, brief introduction, and general objectives and followed by different lectures which also have objectives, content summary; learning activities; lecture summary; reflection and assessment. The sections are presented as follows: Section One is about “Creating Enabling Environment”. …
This Guide has been developed for all teachers, and supporters of learners and children in-school, who may either be infected with, or affected by, HIV. It can also be used by older children who are working with younger children in school settings, supporting them to cope with the effects of HIV, either in school, in their homes or in their communities. Learners ranging from age 7 – 17 years of age will benefit from My Big Story Book and therefore this Guide is relevant for anyone teaching or working with learners in this age group in schools. …
Cet outil pédagogique s’adresse aux enseignant-e-s du degré primaire qui prennent en charge des classes d’enfants âgés de 10 à 12 ans. Si la mission principale de l’école est de transmettre des savoirs, celle-ci est également consciente qu’il existe un lien étroit entre la santé et l’acquisition de connaissances. L’école est donc attentive à renforcer les compétences telles que l’estime de soi, l’analyse critique, la résistance à la pression du groupe; le climat de l’établissement scolaire et la réussite des élèves en bénéficieront. …
La presente Guía para docentes de 4º, 5º y 6º de primaria, junto con la Guía para docentes de 1º, 2º y 3º, y la Guía para fortalecer la gestión escolar con énfasis en prevención, dirigida a los directivos para el trabajo con los colectivos escolares, conforman la serie de materiales denominada: Orientaciones para la Prevención de Adicciones en escuelas de educación primaria. …
La presente Guía para docentes de 1º, 2º y 3º de primaria, junto con la Guía para docentes de 4º, 5º y 6º, y la Guía para fortalecer la gestión escolar con énfasis en prevención dirigida a los directivos para el trabajo con los colectivos escolares, conforman la serie de materiales denominada: Orientaciones para la Prevención de Adicciones en escuelas de educación primaria. …
El Manual presenta un panorama actualizado sobre las características del consumo de sustancias adictivas en México, particularmente en la población adolescente y las repercusiones de dicho consumo en su salud y desempeño escolar. Asimismo, se brindan las bases teóricas y metodológicas de un modelo integral para la prevención de adicciones tendiente a la promoción de habilidades y actitudes de protección frente a los riesgos que representan las drogas, así como para la construcción de un proyecto de vida, positivo y saludable. …
Para orientar el trabajo docente, este Manual para fortalecer la prevención de adicciones desde la educación secundaria brinda, por un lado, información sobre el panorama actual del fenómeno de las adicciones en México, y por otro, describe el Modelo de prevención de adicciones desde la Educación Básica y sus propósitos. El modelo preventivo aquí presentado se sustenta tanto en bases científicas como en el potencial formativo del Plan y los Programas de estudio de la Educación Básica. …
These three leaflets are addressed to students, teachers, and families, respectively. Their aim is to highlight the importance of the problem and work on the various aspects of prevention: firstly, to provide clear and accurate information about risks and social consequences that produces alcohol consumption, and secondly, to question young people about their consumption practices and social representations behind them.
Le présent document est un outil de travail destiné aux responsables régionaux des services complémentaires du Ministère pour le soutien à apporter aux organismes scolaires au cours de l'établissement de lignes de conduite concernant le VIH/sida pouvant être ou non présentées sous la forme particulière d'une politique locale. Le plan de ce document s'inspire fortement du travail effectué par certains organismes scolaires qui ont déjà établi des directives à cet égard dans une politique. …
This guide is a revision of Sexuality Education: A guide for principals, boards of trustees, and teachers (2002). The guide will assist boards of trustees, principals, and teachers in all New Zealand state and state-integrated schools to comply with the requirements of the Education Act 1989 (as amended in 2001) to consult with the school community on the way in which the health curriculum should be implemented. …
The purpose of these procedures is to give direction and guidance to school authorities and school personnel in preventing and tackling school-based bullying behaviour amongst its pupils and in dealing with any negative impact within school of bullying behaviour that occurs elsewhere. These procedures apply to all recognised primary and post primary schools and to centres for education (as defined in the Education Act 1998) which are attended by pupils under the age of 18 years.