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Teaching HIV/AIDS related issues are a big challenge to all teachers. Sometimes it is easy, but then there are days when you feel that you do not know what to do next. This book will give you some ideas on how to teach HIV/AIDS related issues. It will not focus on the basic facts only. The aim is to go a little bit deeper with a few HIV/AIDS related issues. For example exploring the issues around having someone in your neighbourhood with HIV/AIDS. If you feel that you would like to have more information about teaching the basic facts of HIV/AIDS, there are lots of books available, e.g. …
The aim of this article is to hear the voices of HIV- and AIDS-affected educators regarding their experiences of the psychosocial effect that the HIV and AIDS pandemic has on them as well as to voice their experiences of how Resilient Educators (REds), a support programme to enable educators affected by HIV and AIDS towards resilience, enabled them. A qualitative study was undertaken with 100 affected educators from different provinces in South Africa. Open-ended questionnaires were used to collect data prior to and after exposure to REds. …
Our research shows that social science university trained Ghanaian student/teachers do have the knowledge, confidence, and willingness to address HIV/AIDS issues in their teaching, yet they do not. The reason, we argue, is that teachers have little incentive to address contentious issues in the classroom. Questionnaires were administered to 382 University of Education, Winneba students, 61 of whom were just returning from year-long placements. …
Life Orientation teachers play a critical role in the teaching and learning of sexuality education in South African schools. Using an experiential participatory approach with 125 teachers in the Motheo district, Free State, I explored three questions: What messages did the teachers learn about sex and sexuality? How do these messages inform the teachers’ values? How do the teachers teach sexuality education? Despite its own problems and limitations, the participatory approach exploits and reinforces the life-space model proposed by Kurt Lewin. …
This study was aimed at assessing the perception of students, teachers and perception in Calabar south local government area of Cross River State, Nigeria. A cross sectional survey was employed and a structured questionnaire was used to generate both qualitative and quantitative data from 850 respondents using the multi-stage stratified sampling technique. Most students were within the age bracket of 13-18 476 (95.2%), teachers were mostly within 25-29 years 54 (27.0%) and parents were mostly 40-44 years of age 22 (22.0%). …
To better understand the current situation of sexuality education at school and the barriers for implementing effective programs, more research on educators and their experiences within the context of professional development is needed. Thus, we reviewed the broader curriculum and policy content for sex education in Australian tertiary teaching institutions, as well as the availability and content of pre-service teacher training.
This article presents the results of a research about the implementation of sex education in the public schools of Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 124 teachers from 56 public schools. The Discourse of the Collective Subject method was applied to analyse the interviews. The results show that sex education is not a crosscutting theme in schools, and that it is mostly dominated by the biomedical discourse. …
This guide for promoting SHN is intended to: Provide information on the SHN Programme and how to establish a Health Promoting School; Provide basic information and procedures on the drugs for treatment of intestinal worms, bilharzia and micronutrient supplements like Vitamin A and Iron; Provide the knowledge and skills in the use of the bilharzia questionnaire, tablet pole, SHN card, monitoring tool, treatment forms, drug request and retirement forms: Provide basic information on school community partnership and how to develop action plans to promote SHN; Assist teachers in treating at least 7 …
In Kenya, one of the most significant public health concerns is the spread of HIV. Additionally, 13,000 girls drop out of school every year due to pregnancy. Although the Kenyan Ministry of Education and other independent organisations have tried to implement various means of developing puberty and sexual health education for young people, the situation is not improving. Aims: To explore the opinions of teachers and parents in rural Kenya about delivering puberty and sex education and to identify their perceptions of barriers to young people accessing this education. …
The purpose of this Teachers’ Handbook is to enable teachers to internalize the content of the Curriculum. The handbook also provides a variety of suggested activities teachers can benefit from to facilitate reflection, and to develop life skills within themselves and among learners.
Life skills have been defined by the World Health Organization as abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Every education system, thus, has a duty to support the development of life skills among its clients in order to enable them function effectively in society. A study conducted to establish the extent to which teachers in primary schools were able to support learners in the development of Life skills revealed that many of them lacked the necessary competence to do so. …
Background: Considering the significant impact of school-based HIV/AIDS education, in 2007, a curriulum on HIV/AIDS was incorporated in the national curriculum for high school students of Bangladesh through the Government’s HIV-prevention program. Based on the curriculum, an intervention was designed to train teachers responsible for teaching HIV/AIDS in classes. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with teachers to understand their ability, skills, and confidence in conducting HIV/AIDS classes. …
This framework sets a standard for training providers and in-service coordinators to help plan, deliver and evaluate training in HIV/AIDS, STIs, reproductive health, peer education and life skills. The training pathways aim to guide teachers to the appropriate training course for their experience and previous professional development. The purpose of the framework is to: 1. Support schools planning in-service on Personal Development or HIV/AIDS & STIs; 2. Guide training providers and partner organisations in delivering in-service training.
Background: South African communities have high rates of people living with HIV and AIDS. Universities, particularly those in rural regions are examples of communities noted to be high risk areas of these infections. HIV/AIDS strategies were developed and implemented by higher education institutions to address this concern. Despite this, the prevalence and incidence of HIV and AIDS remain high in academic settings. Yet studies in this area in South Africa are rare. …
Curriculum management can only be effective when the curriculum content and expected learning outcomes are clearly stated for the actual implementers. The implementers on their side especially the teachers and the school administration must ensure that the stated contents, instructional methodologies and the time lines are followed appropriately. This paper examines the extent at which the HIV/AIDS curriculum is being implemented at the Secondary School level in Kenya. …