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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Safe haven for girls: can teachers challenge gender violence?

    Introduces a manual developed for South Africa on how to hold 8 interactive workshops with school management to increase awareness and mobilise action towards gender violence in schools. This paper discusses current challenges for government to prioritise the problem including making it part of the national curriculum

  2. Talking about AIDS in Schools: An AIDS Workshop Design for School Principals, Administrators and Teachers

    This is a document which gives guidance to a facilitator on AIDS prevention education. It gives guidance on how to design and conduct an advocacy workshop so as to initiate a process by which preventive education on AIDS/STD for adolescents will have acceptance and the full support from school principals, administrators, teachers and parents of secondary school students. The four modules covered are: Talking about HIV/AIDS, Targeting adolescent boys and girls, Understanding adolescence and Module 4 is on Developing Methodologies.


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