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This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Sri Lanka. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the Systems Approach for Better Education Results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence-based global standards and good practice to help countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Namibia. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
This report presents an assessment of school feeding policies and institutions that affect young children in Benin. The analysis is based on a World Bank tool developed as part of the systems approach for better education results (SABER) initiative that aims to systematically assess education systems against evidence based global standards and good practice to assist countries reform their education systems for proper learning for all. SABER school feeding collects, analyzes, and disseminates comprehensive information on school feeding policies around the world. …
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) has gained global recognition as a vital effort to empower adolescents and young people; enable them to improve and protect their health, well-being and dignity; and support them in developing critical thinking skills, citizenship, and equal, healthy and positive relationships. This toolkit offers guidance and resources on ways to deliver CSE for children, adolescents, and youth in non-formal and formal settings and encourage other stakeholders to develop and implement CSE policies and programmes.
Health and education are symbiotic. What affects one affects the other. The healthy child learns better just as the educated child leads a healthier life. Similarly, a healthier environment—physically as well as socially-emotionally—provides for more effective teaching and learning. This statement is an invitation to the health sector to start a dialogue and take subsequent action as part of an overall multisector approach.
The UN International technical guidance on sexuality education was first published in 2009 as an evidence-informed approach for schools, teachers and health educators.
Recent decades have seen a push for gender parity in education in low resource countries. Attention is shifting to how school environments hinder the achievement of gender equality. One effort, primarily led by the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, includes a focus on the needs of menstruating girls.
This paper describes current trends in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It looks at issues and strategies involved in educating women about HIV/AIDS in the context of the global pandemic, focusing particularly on Canada and Vietnam. These strategies are essential steps in preventing the spread of HIV and in caring for those who have already developed AIDS. …
La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI) es una propuesta educativa fundamental para mejorar la salud sexual y reproductiva de los adolescentes (SSRA), garantizar una vivencia de la sexualidad responsable y placentera y prevenir la violencia de género. La ESI cobra particular relevancia en el Perú, país que muestra cifras críticas referidas a la SSRA. …
La oferta de información integral y oportuna sobre salud sexual, y la construcción de habilidades en la materia, son esenciales para preparar a los jóvenes para que lleven vidas sexuales y reproductivas sanas, ejerzan sus derechos y prevengan resultados negativos en su salud y sus vidas. …
Adolescent health and development are key foundations for a country's economic development and political stability. The outcomes of adolescent health are closely linked with future adult development, infant and child mortality, maternal morbidity and mortality, and even long-term economic development.
Objeto principal: Declárense de interés nacional los programas de carácter general que tengan como objeto actividades de apoyo a la promoción de la salud y la educación en la niñez y la adolescencia en el ámbito de la educación pública.
This report provides a detailed snapshot of how the policies related to sexuality education in Ghana are translated into practice and what students, teachers and heads of schools think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three regions were developed, implemented and experienced. …
This report provides a snapshot of how sexuality education policies in Kenya are translated into practice in secondary schools, and what students, teachers and principals think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three counties were developed, implemented and experienced. …
This fact sheet presents new evidence from a study conducted in Nairobi, Mombasa and Homa Bay counties in 2015. Data were collected in 78 schools from teachers, principals and students in Forms 2 and 3, as well as from key informants involved with policy and program development and implementation.