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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. HIV/AIDS towards a Strategy for Commonwealth Universities: Issues in Policy Development

    This report presents the findings of a small scale survey of Commonwealth university members' policies and perceptions on the current impact of HIV/AIDS. The first section provides a brief overview of the survey process and findings. The detailed analyses of the mapping survey forms section two. Finally, section three reviews the various elements of institutional policies relating to HIV/AIDS.

  2. HIV as part of the life of children and youth, as life expectancy increases: implications for education

    The education sector is crucial to any national response to the world epidemic of HIV and AIDS. The school age years, about 5 to15 years, make up the cross section of any population with the lowest prevalence of HIV infection. This is the "Window of Hope". Education is the social vaccine against HIV infection. But, with effective anti-viral treatment the number of infected children of school age rises, through increased survival. Schools must adapt to having many such children in class. …

  3. HIV and AIDS myth buster

    "Engaging Young People to Prevent the Spread of HIV" is a pilot project implemented by the NGO SPACE (Society for People's Awareness, Care and Empowerment) and supported by UNESCO, New Delhi. This project is currently operational in 10 colleges of Delhi University and aims to enhance knowledge and skills of young people so that they are empowered to respond effectively to the challenges posed by HIV and AIDS. This booklet is based on common myths and misconceptions prevalent among college youth about HIV and AIDS and sex and sexuality. …

  4. Expanding the field of inquiry: A cross-country study of higher education institutions' responses to HIV and AIDS

    This report compares, analyses, and summarises findings from twelve case studies commissioned by the United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in higher education institutions in Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Lebanon, Lesotho, Suriname, Thailand, and Viet Nam. …

  5. An HIV/AIDS workplace policy for the education sector in the Caribbean

    The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for addressing HIV and AIDS as a workplace issue in education sector institutions and services through social dialogue processes, in complement of other national workplace or overall education sector policies where they exist. …

  6. An HIV and AIDS workplace policy for the education sector in southern Africa

    This policy is based on the ILO code of practice on HIV/AIDS and the world of work (hereafter, "the ILO code of practice"), adopted by an international tripartite meeting convened by the ILO in 2001, and includes key concepts and principles of the ILO code of practice. Development of the Policy has resulted from collaboration between ILO and UNESCO.The Policy was carefully reviewed and modified during a tripartite workshop held in Maputo, Mozambique, 30 November - 2 December 2005, composed of representatives from seven southern African countries. …

  7. Protocole pour l'identification de la discrimination à l'égard des personnes vivant avec le VIH

    The scope of this protocol encompasses the legal definition of discrimination as well as the identification and elimination of arbitrary discrimination -as defined by a range of important international instruments. Designed to assist National AIDS Programmes and others in detecting arbitrary discrimination, the protocol also serves as an effective human rights tool and a means of enforcing measures against such discrimination. Sources of arbitrary discrimination, and the criteria for assessing their existence, are outlined together with a detailed inductive methodology. The protocol also includes questionnaires for the assessment of arbitrary discrimination and for direct witness/key informant interviews, as well as checklists and orientation programmes for investigators.

  8. Différences entre filles et garçons : une revue des indicateurs sanitaires en Afrique subsaharienne

    L'étude présente certaines différences par sexe observées chez les enfants dans les enquêtes par sondage de type EDS (DHS) ou EMF (WFS) en Afrique subsaharienne. Quatre indicateurs de résultats sont analysés : les indicateurs de mortalité des jeunes enfants (néonatale, post-natale et juvénile) et la prévalence de la malnutrition. Trois indicateurs de comportements sont analysés : la vaccination, l'utilisation de la réhydratation orale et la durée d'allaitement. Enfin, les rapports de masculinités à la naissance sont étudiés séparément.

  9. Intensification de la participation accrue des personnes infectées ou affectées par le VIH/SIDA (GIPA) en Afrique subsaharienne

    This document examines the GIPA pilot initiatives in selected African countries, which includes the United Nations Volunteer Programmes (UNV) pilot project to support people living with HIV/AIDS. It discusses the project's objectives, strategic approaches and the implementation, monitoring and evaluation processes, which include selecting pilot countries; launching the project in the selected countries; designing a monitoring and evaluation framework; selecting candidates for National United Nations Volunteer (NUNV) posts and identifying future training needs; capacity-building and translating the monitoring and evaluating framework into an operational tool for day-to-day management.

  10. Female sex worker HIV prevention projects: lessons learnt from Papua New Guinea, India and Bangladesh

    The importance of designing and implementing successful targeted interventions for sex workers as part of HIV prevention and control cannot be over-emphasised. In almost every country, sex workers comprise a focal point of the epidemic. They are the victims of discrimination, often violently intense, trafficking, legal persecution and societal ambivalence as well as one of the first occupational groups to become heavily infected. The infection passes from sex workers back to their clients and into the general population of women, men and children. One of the clearest public health lessons emerging from the HIV pandemic is that protecting the human rights of sex workers is an important means of prevention.

  11. Série de documents d'information OMS sur la santé scolaire. Document N° 6 Prévenir le VIH/SIDA et les MST et lutter contre la discrimination qu'ils entraînent : une des tâches des écoles-santé

    Ce document de la série de l'OMS consacrée aux questions de santé scolaire a pour but d'aider à appliquer des stratégies de promotion sanitaire visant à relever les niveaux de santé, prévenir le VIH/SIDA et les MST et à lutter contre les discriminations qu'ils entraînent à travers des programmes "Ecoles-santé". S'appuyant sur les recommandations de la Charte d'Ottawa pour la promotion de la santé. Il vise à aider les individus et les groupes à opter pour une nouvelle approche de la santé publique qui crée des conditions de santé durables et l'établissement d'un mode de vie sain.

  12. Aspects of the Law Relating to AIDS: HIV/AIDS and Discrimination in Schools

    This is a report which contains background information on HIV/AIDS and Education issues in South Africa. Contained in this report are copies of media statements on HIV/AIDS and schools, an extract from a working paper which discusses issues on HIV/AIDS and schools and preliminary recommendations, an extract from a committee paper, the South African Schools Act, 1996 and the National Education Policy Act of 1996.

  13. The role of stigma and discrimination in increasing the vulnerability of children and youth with and affected by HIV/AIDS

    This report clearly illustrates the powerful and negative effects of stigma on those affected by HIV/AIDS. The stories from children are particularly powerful and impacting. This report aims to put across the message that combating HIV/AIDS requires a strong and coordinated reponse from all sectors of society.

  14. Quick notes: HIV/AIDS Series: Basic Education

    This document provides an over view of international attention attaining Education for All. Education is the key to decrease in poverty and increase in health. With a focus on the girl child, there are long term implications as their increased health directory impacts on their children's increased health. These result in a depressed demand for education. Girls are a particular risk due to gender bias in the home and in the school that favours boys. Case Studies: Bangladesh: Groundbreaking work in rural education, development of relevant curricula, flexible hours and cost effectiveness. …

  15. HIV/AIDS/STDs education for prevention

    The contents of this book are drawn from contributions to the Global Conference on School Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention. Its objectives are to strengthen the awareness of teachers and education personnel on the importance of developing school health and HIV/AIDS prevention curricula, to show the specific roles of schools in promoting health, especially in relation to HIV prevention and HIV related discrimination and to develop school health especially AIDS issues.


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