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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Let's decide how to measure school violence

    Violence in schools and other education settings causes serious harm to children and adolescents that can last into adulthood. As the UN World Report on Violence against Children observed, it is a global phenomenon. Policies, laws and strategies to prevent school-related violence depend on accurate knowledge of its global prevalence, trends and effects, but such evidence is lacking. This paper surveys current methods of assessing school-related violence and sets out options for improving the global evidence base.

  2. School violence and bullying: global status report

    School violence and bullying occurs throughout the world and affects a significant proportion of children and adolescents. It not only negatively impacts their educational outcomes, but harms their physical health and emotional well-being. This report aims to provide an overview of the most up-to-date available data on the nature, extent and impact of school violence and bullying and eff orts to address the problem. …

  3. Reaching out: preventing and addressing school-related gender-based violence in Viet Nam. Volume 1

    Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).

  4. Reaching out: preventing and addressing SOGIE-related school violence in Viet Nam. Volume 2

    Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).

  5. Why ending school-related gender-based violence is critical to sustainable development

    Agenda 2030 places gender equality and inclusive and equitable quality education at the heart of its concerns.

  6. Living free and equal: what states are doing to tackle violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people

    In recent years, local and national authorities in countries around the world have adopted wide-ranging measures to address human rights violations against lesbian, gay, bi, trans (LGBT) and intersex people. The present study references more than 200 such initiatives introduced in 65 countries in every region of the world. While not comprehensive, the study provides an overview of policy trends, highlighting positive developments and drawing attention to areas that require further action.

  7. Empowering the school community to prevent and respond to school related gender-based violence

    This document is designed to bring attention to the dynamics of the school community and infer policy implications to support that community. The UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education and School Health, under the direction of the Secretariat at UNESCO, conducted a research project that consisted of a literature review, a large-scale global teacher organization survey, and focus group discussions in multiple regions of the world. The intent was to look specifically at the conditions which teachers and administrators need in order to prevent and respond to gender-based violence. …

  8. Greentree II: violence against women and girls, and HIV. Report on a high-level consultation on the evidence and implications

    The STRIVE Consortium convened a high level meeting to review evidence on the links between two critical global issues: HIV and violence against women and girls (VAWG) and to identify strategies to address this nexus. The consultation brought together experts from both fields to clarify what is known about the epidemiological pathways linking violence and HIV, and to identify shared risk factors and ways to act on synergies and opportunities for common programming.

  9. Resolución Ministerial No.0201-2009-ED aprueban directiva "Procedimientos para la prevención y sanción del hostigamiento sexual en el sector educación"

    Objetivo: la prevención y sanción del hostigamiento sexual, producidos en las relaciones de dependencia – cualquiera sea la forma jurídica de esta relación – en la Sede Central del Ministerio de Educación, Direcciones Regionales de Educación, Unidades de Gestión Educativas Locales, Programas Nacionales, Órganos Descentralizados, Instituciones de Educación Superior No Universitaria Públicas e Instituciones Educativas Públicas del sector.

  10. National action plan for gender based violence for the Republic of Seychelles, January 2010 - December 2011

    The first section of this document outlines the background context. It is followed by 6 parts: 1) Awareness raising and prevention of GBV, 2) Standardised procedures, guidelines and training materials, 3) Capacity strengthening of service providers, 4) Legislation, advocacy and lobbying, 5) Rehabilitation, 6) Coordination, research, monitoring and evaluation.

  11. ‘It is not all about sex’: young people’s views about sexuality and relationships education

    The Engaging Young People in Sexuality Education (EYPSE) research project lead by Emeritus Professor Bruce Johnson addresses two questions: What are young people’s views on school-based sexuality and relationships education? In what ways could sexuality and relationships education be improved? The report focuses on findings from the first stage of the research project, consisting of an online survey of over 2,000 students in 31 secondary schools in South Australia and Victoria. The research was conducted in government secondary schools in South Australia (14) and Victoria (17). …

  12. Guía de detección del consumo de drogas y otras conductas de riesgo en la adolescencia: documento para docentes y docentes tutores de educación básica regular, alternativa y educación superior no universitaria

    Con el propósito de desarrollar las capacidades de los tutores y docentes para dicha labor, la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa ha elaborado la presente guía. La guía está dividida en cinco secciones en las cuales se aborda, desde la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa, las siguientes temáticas: detección del consumo de drogas, prevención de la violencia juvenil, promoción del buen trato y prevención del abuso sexual infantil, así como la propuesta de convivencia y disciplina escolar democrática. …

  13. Rwanda demographic and health survey 2014/2015

    The main objective of the 2014-15 RDHS was to obtain current information on demographic and health indicators, including family planning; maternal mortality; infant and child mortality; nutrition status of mothers and children; prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care; childhood diseases; and pediatric immunization. In addition, the survey was designed to measure indicators such as domestic violence, the prevalence of anemia and malaria among women and children, and the prevalence of HIV infection in Rwanda. …

  14. Kenya demographic and health survey 2014

    he 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) was designed to provide information to monitor and evaluate the population and health situations in Kenya and to be a follow-up to the previous KDHS surveys. In addition, it provides information on indicators previously not collected in KDHS surveys, such as fistula and men’s experience of domestic violence. Finally, the 2014 KDHS is the first such survey to provide estimates for selected demographic and health indicators at the county level. …

  15. Informe de la encuesta mundial de salud escolar. Chile 2013

    El presente informe está organizado de la siguiente manera: el primer capítulo explica de manera detallada la metodología utilizada durante el muestreo de casos, los instrumentos de recolección de datos utilizados, consideraciones éticas de la aplicación de la EMSE, entre otros. El segundo capítulo presenta los resultados principales mediante los subcapítulos de descripción de la muestra y datos demográficos de la población, y luego de cada módulo encuestado. …


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