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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Menstrual hygiene in schools in two countries of francophone West Africa: Burkina Faso and Niger. Case studies in 2013

    Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) has been under-researched by the WASH, health and education sectors. Menstruation is a sensitive subject and remains a taboo in many societies. Some cultural beliefs about menstruation reinforce gender inequities and have negative impact on the dignity, health and education of women and girls. There is a need to gather more information on MHM to improve WASH in schools programming and create more equal, safe and healthy school environments. …

  2. MHM in Ten: advancing the MHM agenda in WASH in schools

    In recent years, there has been growing attention to the challenges faced by menstruating schoolgirls in low- and middle-income countries. A solid body of research conducted across numerous countries and contexts has documented menstruating girls’ experiences of shame. The evidence has revealed the discriminatory nature of many school environments, with menstruating girls (and female teachers) unable to adequately manage their monthly menses with safety, dignity and privacy. This, in turn, may have negative impacts on girls’ ability to succeed and thrive within the school environment. …

  3. Menstrual hygiene management impacts girls’ school experience in the Bolivian Amazon

    The purpose of this study on menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in the Beni department of Bolivia was to better understand the challenges girls face due to menstruation; describe factors which influence girls’ experiences during menstruation; and present recommendations to create a supportive school environment for adolescent girls in Bolivia. This study complements the findings of the first MHM study undertaken in Cochabamba, Bolivia in 2012, by providing information specific to the Amazonian population of the eastern lowlands of Bolivia. …

  4. ‘It is not all about sex’: young people’s views about sexuality and relationships education

    The Engaging Young People in Sexuality Education (EYPSE) research project lead by Emeritus Professor Bruce Johnson addresses two questions: What are young people’s views on school-based sexuality and relationships education? In what ways could sexuality and relationships education be improved? The report focuses on findings from the first stage of the research project, consisting of an online survey of over 2,000 students in 31 secondary schools in South Australia and Victoria. The research was conducted in government secondary schools in South Australia (14) and Victoria (17). …

  5. Schools for Health in Ireland: co-ordinator’s handbook for developing a health promoting school. Post-primary

    This co-ordinator’s handbook has been developed to assist schools with the implementation of the framework for developing a health promoting school at post-primary level.

  6. Schools for Health in Ireland: framework for developing a health promoting school. Post- primary

    This publication offers a framework to schools against which they can look at their school, assess health needs and begin a process of working towards better health for all members of the school community. The framework outlines the Health Promoting School (HPS) concept including its aims, core values and criteria. It briefly outlines the process of work involved in becoming a Health Promoting School. The framework is written for all members of the school community – students, staff and visitors. …

  7. Schools for Health in Ireland: co-ordinator’s handbook for developing a health promoting school. Primary

    This co-ordinator’s handbook has been developed to assist schools with the implementation of the framework for developing a health promoting school at primary level.

  8. Schools for Health in Ireland: framework for developing a health promoting school. Primary

    This framework has been developed by an inter-departmental group to support and guide those interested and involved in what can be done to promote health in primary schools. It provides a brief outline of the ideas behind the Health Promoting School (HPS). In addition, it explains how and why the promotion of health and well-being in schools is important. Health promotion in schools can be defined as any activity undertaken to improve and/or protect the health of all school users. It is, therefore, a broader concept than health education. …

  9. Guía de detección del consumo de drogas y otras conductas de riesgo en la adolescencia: documento para docentes y docentes tutores de educación básica regular, alternativa y educación superior no universitaria

    Con el propósito de desarrollar las capacidades de los tutores y docentes para dicha labor, la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa ha elaborado la presente guía. La guía está dividida en cinco secciones en las cuales se aborda, desde la Tutoría y Orientación Educativa, las siguientes temáticas: detección del consumo de drogas, prevención de la violencia juvenil, promoción del buen trato y prevención del abuso sexual infantil, así como la propuesta de convivencia y disciplina escolar democrática. …

  10. Creando un ambiente seguro y amigable a los niños y niñas VIH positivos en la escuela. Guía para el docente

    Paquete educativo orientado a abordar el tema de la no discriminación de niños y niñas VIH positivos en instituciones educativas de educación primaria.

  11. Sénégal: étude sur les grossesses precoces en milieu scolaire: rapport final

    Les grossesses précoces constituent une vive préoccupation dans beaucoup d’établissements scolaires au Sénégal en raison du nombre important de cas recensés chaque année. Toutefois, même si des études se sont penchées sur la fécondité des adolescentes et les pratiques sexuelles en milieu jeune, il n’existe pas des statistiques pour cerner de façon exhaustive l’ampleur du phénomène en milieu scolaire [...]. …

  12. Informe de la encuesta mundial de salud escolar. Chile 2013

    El presente informe está organizado de la siguiente manera: el primer capítulo explica de manera detallada la metodología utilizada durante el muestreo de casos, los instrumentos de recolección de datos utilizados, consideraciones éticas de la aplicación de la EMSE, entre otros. El segundo capítulo presenta los resultados principales mediante los subcapítulos de descripción de la muestra y datos demográficos de la población, y luego de cada módulo encuestado. …

  13. Educational exclusion: drop out, push out, and the school-to-prison pipeline among LGBTQ youth

    Educational Exclusion: Drop Out, Push Out, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline among LGBTQ Youth provides an in-depth look at the conditions that effectively push LGBTQ youth out of school and potentially into the criminal justice system. The report provides specific, real world guidance to address the hostile school climates and damaging policies and practices that contribute to pushing LGBTQ youth out of their schools. …

  14. Implementation of the School-Based HIV and AIDS Education Program (SBHAEP) of the Department of Education. Department order No. 47, Series of 2012

    Implementation of the School-Based HIV and AIDS Education Program (SBHAEP) of the Department of Education. Department order No. 47, Series of 2012

  15. Violencia de género en las escuelas: caminos para su prevención y superación. Cartilla

    La promoción de una educación desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos y de igualdad de género es una prioridad para la Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE). En tal sentido, CLADE impulsa iniciativas para apoyar, promover y proteger el derecho a la educación en condiciones de igualdad, libre de estereotipos, de discriminación y de violencia. …


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