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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Guía para el manejo y seguimiento de la mujer embarazada positiva al VIH o con SIDA

    La presente guía de manejo y seguimiento de la mujer embarazada VIH positiva o con SIDA tiene como objetivo estandarizar el manejo durante el embarazo, parto, puerperio y recién nacido/a de madre VIH positiva, con el fin de disminuir la transmisión madre/hijo/a y a preservar la vida de la madre.

  2. Protocolo de atención integral en salud sexual y reproductiva a mujeres viviendo con VIH. Orientaciones complementarias para el programa nacional de salud de la mujer

    Para el Ministerio de Salud es de gran relevancia presentar y poner a disposición de la Red Asistencial Pública, este Protocolo de Atención Integral en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para Mujeres Viviendo con VIH, como una contribución hacia el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida, bajo los principios del enfoque de ética, derechos, equidad y no discriminación. …

  3. Uso de drogas y VIH: Documento de trabajo con orientaciones para la intervención y la investigación

    La mayor parte de la información sobre prevalencia de infecciones transmitidas por sangre o sexualmente en usuarios de drogas de la Argentina es en la población de usuarios de drogas inyectables, aunque también existen estudios que dan cuenta de diversas infecciones entre usuarios de drogas no inyectables. Existe interacción entre consumidores de drogas por diferentes vías por lo que es necesario no limitar el trabajo preventivo a las personas que se inyectan drogas. …

  4. Vivir en positivo. Guía para las personas con VIH, sus familiares y amigos

    Como las ediciones originales, no es un manual ni intenta ser un documento académico sino que está orientada, en primer término, a las personas con VIH, a sus familiares, amigos y parejas. Los capítulos tratan de ser amplios en sus contenidos, con un lenguaje despojado de academicismo, claro y accesible. …

  5. Реализация политики в отношении ВИЧ-инфекции в учреждениях образования Украины

    Настоящие «Рекомендации по реализации политики в отношении ВИЧ-инфекции в системе образования Украины» (далее Рекомендации) призваны оказать практическую помощь руководителям исполнительной власти, осуществляющим управление в сфере образования, руководителям и работникам образовательных учреждений в решении вопросов, связанных с пребыванием в них обучающихся и сотрудников, живущих с ВИЧ или затронутых эпидемией ВИЧ-инфекции, а также в организации профилактического образования в целях предотвращения дальнейшего развития эпидемии. …

  6. NewGen Asia: Building capacity in emerging young leaders in the HIV response

    In the Asia-Pacific Region, young people bear a large proportion of new HIV infections, and there is a need to consult them about how best to tailor prevention initiatives to meet their needs. In 2010, Youth LEAD, an organization representing young HIV advocates from across the Asia-Pacific region highlighted the need to engage young people more effectively in advocacy and programming initiatives. …

  7. The impact of HIV on children's education in eastern Zimbabwe

    Little is known about how HIV impacts directly and indirectly on receiving, or particularly succeeding in, education in sub-Saharan Africa. To address this gap, we used multivariable logistic regression to determine the correlation between education outcomes in youth (aged 15–24) (being in the correct grade-for-age, primary school completion and having at least five “O” level passes) and being HIV-positive; having an HIV-positive parent; being a young carer; or being a maternal, paternal or double orphan, in five rounds (1998–2011) of a general population survey from eastern Zimbabwe. …

  8. Policy in national management of HIV and AIDS at the Ministry of Education Fiji schools

    The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework to guide the Ministry of Education, National Heritage, Culture and Arts, Fiji schools to ensure the effective prevention of HIV and AIDS and the appropriate care, treatment of students and school personnel living with HIV and AIDS. It is to also ensure the provision of a systematic and consistent information and educational material on HIV and AIDS throughout the educational system.

  9. Scaling Up the Continuum of Care for People Living with HIV in Asia and the Pacific: A Toolkit for Implementers

    The Continuum of Care (CoC) Toolkit offers guidance based on experiences with the CoC in diverse settings across the Asia-Pacific Region that will assist planners and managers to establish or strengthen their own CoCs. This Toolkit, which is structured in seven sections, provides ideas, strategies, procedures and tools for CoC managers to create networks that link care, treatment and support services for HIV in their own localities according to their own unique needs. …

  10. Life Doesn’t Wait. Romania’s Failure to Protect and Support Children and Youth Living with HIV

    More than 7,200 Romanian children and youth age fifteen to nineteen are living with HIV—the largest such group in any European country. The vast majority were infected with HIV between 1986 and 1991 as a direct result of government policies that exposed them to contaminated needles and “microtransfusions” of unscreened blood. Despite Romania’s progressive expansion of access to antiretroviral drugs, these children and youth face pervasive stigma and discrimination that often impedes their enjoyment of basic rights and services. …

  11. In a life: linking HIV and sexual and reproductive health in people’s lives

    IPPF’s comprehensive response to HIV is situated within a wider sexual and reproductive health framework. It links prevention with treatment, care and support; reduces HIV-related stigma and discrimination; and responds to the unique regional and national characteristics of the HIV epidemic. These real-life testimonies highlight how our work – shaped and pioneered by the efforts of thousands of committed staff, volunteers and partners – makes the vital links between HIV, sexual and reproductive health and rights.

  12. E-discussion - Young people and HIV

    E-discussion questions included: 1.What do you see as the challenges for young people in accessing services such as HIV testing and how can we overcome this? 2.Given that CAFOD’s HIV prevention approach is to give ‘full and accurate information on all forms on the effectiveness and limitations of all means of reducing the risks of HIV infection’ – what challenges does this lead to when working with young people? What HIV prevention work have you or partners done with young people? 3.Where is the best place for young people to access information on HIV and AIDS? …

  13. Lost in transitions: Current issues faced by adolescents living with HIV in Asia Pacific

    Across the Asia Pacific region, adolescents aged 10 – 19 years who are living with HIV face unique challenges as they transition from childhood to adolescence and into adulthood. This report aims to document and capture some of the experiences of adolescents living with HIV as they disclose their HIV status, deal with life-long antiretroviral treatment (ART), move from pediatric to adult health care services, navigate sexuality and relationships and build their independent lives. …

  14. Having sex, becoming somebody: A qualitative study assessing (sexual) identity development of adolescents living with HIV/AIDS

    A growing number of adolescents are living with HIV/AIDS. For their well-being and for prevention, age- and culturally appropriate interventions become increasingly important. This qualitative study was conducted as the first step to develop a sexual and reproductive health (SRH) intervention. The study's objective was to assess the impact of HIV and related contextual conditions on identity formation of adolescents living with HIV/AIDS (ALH) in the domains of physical, cognitive, social, and sexual development. Data were collected using focus group discussions (FGDs). …

  15. La situación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH en Argentina: Un diagnóstico colectivo del estado de la respuesta en los servicios de salud

    Con el objetivo de mejorar el conocimiento sobre la situación epidemiológica de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH en Argentina y ampliar el saber sobre el estado de la respuesta que se ofrece desde los servicios de salud, la Dirección de SIDA y ETS del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (DS y ETS) y la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría (SAP) organizaron un encuentro con los referentes de los servicios donde se atiende a la mayor parte de esa población, incluyendo a los principales laboratorios que participan del proceso de diagnóstico pediátrico. …


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