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El Mejunje es, ante todo, un Proyecto de Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario con una profunda vocación humanista, donde cualquier capa, grupo, sector social o persona, se puede sentir identificado, acogido y respetado: obreros, intelectuales, jóvenes, niños y adultos mayores, heterosexuales, homosexuales, bisexuales, travestís y lesbianas, roqueros, ex-presidiarios, personas con VIH, profesionales y aficionados, amas de casa y trabajadores, políticos, legos y especialistas campesinos, citadinos u otros.
In order to achieve quality education and gender equality, schools must become places children want to attend, and safe spaces where they can receive a relevant and meaningful education. Gender-based violence in schools is a problem affecting school quality in many countries and it receives little attention, yet threatens to erase hard-won gains. This publication aims to provide a better understanding of the nature of SRGBV in the Jamaican context.
This report presents the findings from the 1832 primary and secondary school respondents across Britain, a subsection of the total sample of 2163 teaching and non-teaching staff in schools and colleges surveyed by YouGov. The survey asked staff about their experiences of homophobic bullying of pupils in their schools and the inclusion of sexual orientation issues in their classrooms. The respondents are from a range of school types including maintained schools, independent schools, academies and free schools. …
Every student has a right to learn in a safe environment. Yet for students who face bullying and harassment, schools and other educational settings can be fundamentally unsafe places. Bullying can take multiple forms, including: teasing, name-calling and labelling, physical abuse, sexual assault and social exclusion. Bullying not only threatens a child’s right to education, but it undermines other fundamental rights to health, safety, dignity and freedom from discrimination. Bullying occurs at all levels of education, including in primary schools. …
A “Orientação técnica internacional sobre educação em sexualidade: uma abordagem baseada em evidências para escolas, professores e educadores em saúde” foi publicada pela UNESCO em dois volumes. O volume I cobre as razões para a introdução deste tema, abordando aspectos de aconselhamento técnico e as características a que devem obedecer os programas para serem considerados efetivos. …
The objectives of the study were as follows: To gather evidence on the nature, scale and impact of bullying targeting students who are or are perceived to be same-sex attracted or transgender, attending general secondary schools in 5 provinces of Thailand; To study various aspects of the lifestyles of secondary school students that might be linked to bullying behaviours; To document the availability of existing prevention and support interventions on bullying targeting students who are or are perceived to be same-sex attracted or transgender, including accountability measures for those perpetr …
This report presents an analysis of public education policies and considers where these policies intersect with programmes aimed at preventing and reducing discrimination and violence against LGBT people. The first part of the report details the current Brazilian social context focusing on: levels of inequality and poverty; educational indicators; data on homophobic violence; and an assessment of dogmatic religious discourses that are increasingly affecting policymaking and implementation in areas pertaining to sexuality. …
In February 2013, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO) commissioned Eleanor Formby from Sheffield Hallam University (in the UK) to carry out research on the impact of homophobic and transphobic bullying on education and employment in Europe. An online survey used, specifically targeted at a range of countries: Croatia, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Poland. The research extends existing literature that often focuses on impacts on mental health and emotional wellbeing. …
This research has been commissioned by the Department of Education as part of their statutory duty to promote equality of opportunity under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998). Analysis of the Census 2001 indicates that between 2 and 10% of the population may be lesbian, gay or bisexual. This would indicated that there are between 12,190 and 60,953 LGB people under 25 years in Northern Ireland. …
The Skool's Out initiative was aimed at encouraging effective responses to homophobic harassment and violence in and around schools, both public and private, in New South Wales, Australia. The focus was on safety and security in the school environment for all students, teachers, parents and community members. It was held as part of the 2002 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and comprised three events: a public Forum, an entry in the Parade and a stall for the Mardi Gras Fair Day. A report and an information card were also produced. …
L’école a toujours été gênée par la dimension intime de l’éducation à la sexualité. Au-delà de l’acte en soi, la sexualité renvoie de façon plus ou moins explicite aux rapports entre les sexes, à leurs tabous et à la myriade de stéréotypes qui vont avec. Si l’école reconnaît la portée sociale de l’éducation à la sexualité, est-elle pour autant prête à mettre en place une véritable éducation au genre ?
The lessons contained in this packet provide a means for educators to begin to address homophobic bullying in their school setting. The four activities proposed are aimed at both primary and secondary level classes. A list of resources from other organizations for teachers, for all subjects and all grades is included to enable greater choice of possible activities. …
In order to accommodate the education needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students American schools need to do more than add LGBT information to the curriculum in sex education class. …
This article introduces a conceptual framework for thinking about the development of anti‐homophobia education in teacher education and schooling contexts. The authors bring the safe, positive, and queering moments framework to bear on three distinct anti‐homophobia education practices: coming out stories, homophobic name‐calling analysis, and Pride Week activities. The analysis of these education practices through the lens of our conceptual framework illuminates its usefulness for thinking through both the intent and impact of anti homophobia education within classrooms. …
This report gives an overview of what it means to be gay and African in the early part of the 21st century. Commissioned by The Atlantic Philanthropies and the OTHER Foundation, it also highlights organisations working to improve the situation and the funders supporting such activities. This is not an academic publication. It is meant to provide information about the conditions facing gay people throughout the continent and show that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are often pawns, vulnerable pawns, for those seeking power. …