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À l’École, l’homosexualité reste encore trop souvent un tabou. Pourtant, de nombreux jeunes LGBT fréquentent les établissements scolaires. L’âge des "coming out" et de l’affirmation de soi devient plus précoce en raison notamment de la visibilité grandissante de l’homosexualité dans la société, les médias, les séries télé et le cinéma, ainsi que de la possibilité croissante de s’identifier à des modèles (sportifs, acteurs, chanteurs, écrivains, proches). …
This Atlantic-commissioned case study provides a snapshot of what life is like for young lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered and intersex people (LGBTIs) in South Africa today – 17 years after the Constitution outlawed discrimination based on sexual orientation. It explores if democracy has brought greater tolerance and celebration of diversity for today’s young LGBTIs. …
This article examines lesbian teachers' negotiation of the public/private boundary in the school, focusing on identity management in the context of the heterosexualised space of this public institution. The study is based on interviews conducted with six lesbian teachers working in London secondary schools. I examine the teachers' responses, and the ways in which they mediate the ‘polite’ silences in relation to lesbian and gay sexuality, as situated in a framework of liberal tolerance found in public and political domains. …
Findings are presented from research in a teacher education course on diversity and the social studies that takes gender and sexuality as subject matter. Five themes emerge from five years of qualitative data related to teaching the course and following the experiences of graduates attempting to apply their learning to new teaching situations. The author offers ideas for infusing discussion of sexuality and homophobia into social studies teaching and teacher education as well as professional development workshops in schools.
This article provides an analysis of teachers’ perceptions of and responses to gendered harassment in Canadian secondary schools based on in-depth interviews with six teachers in one urban school district. Gendered harassment includes any behaviour that polices and reinforces traditional heterosexual gender norms such as (hetero)sexual harassment, homophobic harassment, and harassment for gender non-conformity. This study shows that educators experience a combination of external and internal influences that act as either barriers or motivators for intervention. …
The bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in schools is a significant problem in the United States. This study examined responses of youth participants at a statewide Safe Schools Summit to a survey of their experiences with school-based violence, harassment, and discrimination, and of the effects of their attendance at the Summit. Quantitative analyses found that 92% of respondents felt "more empowered" following participation in the Summit. …
This project was commissioned to establish whether agencies and services collected qualitative or quantitative data that might demonstrate links between suicidal behaviours and issues of sexuality for young people. …
An evaluation of the Pride & Prejudice program, which ran in three Tasmanian schools in 2006, suggests that students who completed the program had more positive attitudes towards gay men and lesbians. This finding parallels an earlier evaluation of the same anti-homophobia program undertaken in Victoria. The evaluation leads to a discussion about the deeper and often hidden purposes of schooling, and about the discursive formations of heteronormativity, which provide a heterosexist basis for ‘curriculum’. …
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students continue to report more often than their heterosexual peers, through repeated studies (Kosciw, et al, 2010), a much higher incidence of experiencing bullying and harassment in schools. These students also reported a higher degree of isolation and few role models in schools. This paper discusses and relates results from a 2011 study during which teachers who self-identified as LGBT completed a survey to provide information on the workplace climate. …
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the written reflections of aspiring principals in two principal-preparation courses where social justice is at the core of the content and which address sexual orientation as part of the responsibility of a social justice leader. Data Collection: Two instructors in a leadership-preparation program incorporated reflection assignments into their respective social-justice-related courses. One course was offered at the beginning of the program; the other offered at the end. …
In every world region, men who have sex with men (MSM) face significantly higher rates of HIV than the general population. Young people are also at increased risk for HIV, comprising over 40% of new HIV infections worldwide. Young MSM (YMSM) face the heightened risks of both populations, as well as a number of vulnerabilities that are unique to YMSM. Despite the clear need for intervention, YMSM are often left out of research, policy, and programs designed for general MSM, general youth, and the general population. …
This report is based on a survey conducted by the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge with young people who are lesbian, gay or bisexual (or think they might be), concerning their experiences in secondary schools and colleges across Britain. Key findings: - Homophobic bullying continues to be widespread in Britain’s schools. More than half (55 per cent) of lesbian, gay and bisexual pupils have experienced direct bullying; - The use of homophobic language is endemic. …
Action Plan on Bullying, launched by the Minister for Education and Skills, and the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, sets out twelve actions to help prevent and tackle bullying in primary and second level schools. Among the twelve actions recommended by the working group are proposals to: Support a media campaign focused on cyber bullying specifically targeted at young people as part of Safer Internet Day 2013; Establish a new national anti-bullying website; Begin development immediately of new national anti-bullying procedures for all schools. …
In this 2011 survey, the authors examine the experiences of LGBT students with regard to indicators of negative school climate: hearing biased remarks, including homophobic remarks, in school; feeling unsafe in school because of personal characteristics, such as sexual orientation, gender expression, or race/ethnicity; missing classes or days of school because of safety reasons; and experiencing harassment and assault in school. …
In the field of positive youth development programs, “empowerment” is used interchangeably with youth activism, leadership, civic participation and self-efficacy. However, few studies have captured what empowerment means to young people in diverse contexts. This article explores how youth define and experience empowerment in youth-led organizations characterized by social justice goals: high school Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs). …