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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. NOH8 anti-bullying campaign

    NOH8 Anti-bullying campaign

  2. ¡Maricon el ultimo! Docentes que actuamos ante el acoso escolar en el instituto

    La homofobia y el sexismo están sirviendo de doble forma para acosar e intimidar a los chicos y chicas más vulnerables: por una parte, se persiguen todas las rupturas de género y sexualidad de todos, independientemente de su orientación sexual y género. Por otra parte, se recuerda a los chicos y chicas gays, lesbianas, transexuales y bisexuales que han de esconderse, que han de ocultar partes significativas de sus vidas y que si se muestran tal cual son, pueden ser objeto de el rechazo, aislamiento, burla y acoso.

  3. Rapport sur l'homophobie 2011

    Comme chaque année, le Rapport sur l'homophobie 2011 a été constitué à partir de quatre sources : - les témoignages reçus par l'association au cours de l'année 2010 (sur notre ligne d'écoute, par courrier, par courriel ou lors de certains événements auxquels participe l'association) ; - le travail des différents groupes et commissions de l'association ; - le suivi de l'actualité de janvier 2010 à décembre 2010 ; - l'analyse de la presse au cours de la même période. …

  4. Sexual identity, sex of sexual contacts, and health-risk behaviors among students in Grades 9-12: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, selected sites, United States, 2001-2009

    Sexual minority youths are youths who identify themselves as gay or lesbian, bisexual, or unsure of their sexual identity or youths who have only had sexual contact with persons of the same sex or with both sexes. …

  5. Représentations de l'homosexualité en milieu étudiant : synthèse de l'enquête SOS homophobie - CAELIF

    Cette enquête menée au printemps 2010 permet de dresser un premier panorama des perceptions de l'homosexualité et de l'homophobie dans un milieu ciblé : celui des étudiant-e-s des grandes écoles et universités d'Île-de-France. L'administration de ce questionnaire et l'analyse des résultats sont le fruit d'une collaboration entre SOS homophobie et le Caélif, fédération qui rassemble un certain nombre d'associations LGBT des grandes écoles et des universités franciliennes (et limitrophes). …

  6. Vídeo conta Homofobia do Ministério da Educação

    Vídeo para discutir nas escolas o tema Homofobia.

  7. La lutte contre l'homophobie en milieu scolaire: rapport descriptif des guides d'intervention disponibles au Québec

    Ce rapport constitue l'un des volets de la recherche sur l'impact de l'homophobie et de la violence homophobe sur la persévérance et la réussite scolaires dont les objectifs étaient de : 1) dresser un portrait du climat relativement à l'homophobie dans les établissements scolaires du secteur public offrant de l'enseignement au niveau du 2e cycle du secondaire et au niveau du collégial ; 2) examiner l'impact des expériences de victimisation vécues par des jeunes sur leur cheminement scolaire, les facteurs qui accentuent leur vulnérabilité et ceux qui facilitent leur résilience. …

  8. Pink Shirt Day 2011 with New Zealand Olympian Blake Skjellerup

    Been bullied at school? It's time to action. Join New Zealand Olympian Blake Skjellerup in writing to Prime Minister John Key to share your stories of bullying, so he can make our schools safer places for everyone - regardless of sexuality, race or gender.

  9. Stand Out: against homophobia in schools

    Stand Out is the work of Australian students who are making a change in their schools, with their information on what you can do to challenge homophobia in yours.

  10. HIV Prevention Education and HIV-Related Policies in Secondary Schools -- Selected Sites, United States, 2006

    People engaging in risky behavior are at risk for contracting HIV infection. Health education programs in schools can reduce the prevalence of such behaviors among students. School policies on HIV can also protect the rights of HIV-infected students and staff and reduce the odds of transmission to others. This report analyzed School Health Profiles from 2006 across 36 states and 13 urban school districts in the U.S. …

  11. Homofobia en el sistema educativo

    Los resultados del reciente informe 'Violencia entre compañeros en la escuela', presentado por el Centro Reina Sofía para el Estudio de la Violencia son escalofriantes. Pero igualmente escalofriante es que las autoras ni siquiera mencionen la orientación sexual o la identidad de género como factores de riesgo. …

  12. HIV/AIDS Knowledge and Sexual Behavior Among High School Students

    A 1989 Secondary School Student Health Risk Survey finds that 54% of high school students in the U.S. had HIV education in school. A questionnaire revealed that the majority of students knew the two main modes of HIV transmission (intravenous drug use and unsafe sexual activity). Students who had taken HIV education classes gave correct answers more often than those who had not. Students who had more knowledge on HIV were less likely to report having had two or more sexual partners and more likely to report consistent use of condoms.

  13. A Group Technique for Testing Knowledge about HIV/AIDS

    This paper discusses how a sociology professor at the University of Arizona coped with increasing interest among university students on AIDS. She discusses dealing with larger class sizes and the need to make sure students understood the basic biology of HIV. She designed a series of riddles that students in groups of 5 would complete in 20 minutes testing their knowledge. She would then mark the riddle answers and discuss these answers with students afterwards.

  14. Break the Silence

    Break the Silence, Wisconsin was a statewide gathering to raise awareness about the impact of bullying, homophobia, and transphobia in our schools. The LGBT Campus Center recently launched Stop the Silence: LGBTQ Anti-Bullying Campaign to address ongoing incidents in both the UW-Madison, and broader communities. Bullying toward students identified as LGBT, or those perceived to be, is a long standing issue. …

  15. Think before you speak: NBA

    NBA players Grant Hill and Jared Dudley shot a PSA for GLSEN and the Ad Council's Think Before You Speak campaign on April 12, 2011. The PSA is the first phase of a partnership between GLSEN, the NBA and the Ad Council to address anti-LGBT language among teens.


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