Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2016. 154 p., illus.
Title other languages: 
3e rapport mondial sur l'apprentissage et l'éducation des adultes: l'impact de l'apprentissage et l'éducation des adultes sur la santé et le bien-être, l'emploi et le marché du travail, et la vie sociale, civique et communautaire
3er informe mundial sobre el aprendizaje y la educación de adultos: el impacto del aprendizaje y la educación de adultos sobre la salud y el bienestar, el empleo y el mercado de trabajo, y la vida social, cívica y comunitaria
3º relatório global sobre aprendizagem e educação de adultos: o impacto da aprendizagem e da educação de adultos na sáude e no bem-estar, no emprego e no mercado de trabalho e na vida social, cívica e comunitária
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
978-92-820-1213-0 (eng)
978-92-820-2127-9 (fre)
978-92-820-3290-9 (spa)
978-85-7652-216-4 (por)
The third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III) draws on monitoring surveys completed by 139 UNESCO Member States to develop a differentiated picture of the global state of adult learning and education (ALE). It evaluates countries’ progress in fulfilling the commitments they made in the Belém Framework for Action, which was adopted at the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI) in 2009. In addition, the report examines the impact of ALE on three major areas: health and well-being; employment and the labour market; and social, civic and community life. GRALE III provides policymakers, researchers and practitioners with compelling evidence for the wider benefits of ALE across all of these areas. In so doing, it highlights some of the major contributions that ALE can make to realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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