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Ghana Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Gambia Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Gabon Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV & AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Democratic Republic of Congo Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Colombia Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Central African Republic Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Cambodia Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Brazil Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
Azerbaijan Country Report for the 2011-2012 Education Sector HIV and AIDS Global Progress Survey.
This publication summarizes the findings from the Reinvigorating Education Sector Responses to HIV and AIDS process in the SADC region, commissioned by UNESCO, UNICEF and the SADC Secretariat during the course of 2010. …
The 2011-2012 Global Progress Survey (GPS) is a 39 country survey of HIV and AIDS policy and programmes in the education sector. This report highlights key findings from the GPS to provide a picture of how countries’ education sectors are responding to HIV and AIDS, what progress has been made since the 2004 Global Readiness Survey, as well as pointing out the main policy implications of the current situation. …
Background: Adolescent pregnancy, occurring in girls aged 10–19 years, remains a serious health and social problem worldwide, and has been associated with numerous risk factors evident in the young people’s family, peer, school, and neighbourhood contexts. Objective: To assess the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy and associated factors in the South African context, as part of a population-based household survey that formed part of an evaluation of the impact of loveLife, South Africa’s national HIV prevention campaign for young people. …
A guide to indicators for monitoring and evaluating national HIV/AIDS prevention programmes for young people has been developed in collaboration with UNAIDS cosponsors and a wide range of other partners to provide an overview of core indicators that should be used at national level to monitor and evaluate programmes directed to HIV prevention among young people. …
This report provides a brief update of the progress made in Lesotho by the partners in the implementation of the EU funded linking HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRH) project in 2011. The project, covering seven countries, was designed to improve capacity of national systems to ensure stronger HIV/AIDS and SRH linkages. The overall objective of the project is to address barriers to efficient and effective linkages between HIV and SRHR policies and services. …
The School AIDS Education Program (SAEP) is a key intervention that aims at providing preventive education to young people in schools and is a critical component of the preventive intervention for the general community as no other institutional system reaches as many children as the school system. The main objective of the SAEP is to equip every young adult who passes out of school, with basic knowledge about HIV, so that each young person has correct knowledge and skills to protect themselves from HIV. …