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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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Search results

  1. Comprehensive sexuality education: the challenges and opportunities of scaling-up

    This publication is part of an ongoing programme of work initiated by UNESCO in 2008 to provide technical guidance and implementation support for sexuality education programmes, as a platform for HIV prevention, treatment and care. It emphasizes the challenges and opportunities for scaling up comprehensive sexuality education in school settings. Building on indepth interviews with key informants involved in past and ongoing work on sexuality education, this publication provides conceptual and practical guidance on definitions and strategies for scaling-up. …

  2. School based sex education and HIV prevention in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Objectives: School-based sex education is a cornerstone of HIV prevention for adolescents who continue to bear a disproportionally high HIV burden globally. We systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed the existing evidence for schoolbased sex education interventions in low- and middle-income countries to determine the efficacy of these interventions in changing HIV-related knowledge and risk behaviors. Methods: We searched five electronic databases, PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, CINAHL, and Sociological Abstracts, for eligible articles. …

  3. What can a teacher do with a cellphone? Using participatory visual research to speak back in addressing HIV and AIDS

    The ubiquity of cellphones in South Africa, a country ravaged by HIV and AIDS, makes cellphones an easily accessible tool to use in participatory approaches to addressing HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) issues, particularly in school contexts. In this article we explore a participatory visual approach undertaken with a group of rural teachers, to uncover and address HIV and AIDS related issues. Drawing on our experience in using participatory video, we used cellphones to produce cellphilms about youth and risk in the context of HIV and AIDS. …

  4. Education Strategic Plan 2009 -2013

    The Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2009- 2009-2013 review aims to ensure linkages between education policies and strategies with development programs and actions as well as between planning and budgeting. …

  5. Effectiveness of a school-based AIDS education program among rural students in HIV high epidemic area of China

    Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a life-planning skills training program using participatory methods among rural senior high school students in Shangcai County, Henan Province, China. Methods: The study was a quasi-experimental study conducted in three Shangcai County senior high schools with comparable socioculture–economic and demographic characteristics (two interventions and one control). …

  6. Differences among male/female adolescents participating in a school-based teenage education program (STEP) focusing on HIV prevention in India

    With the rising threat of HIV in India, youth are an important group to reach for prevention education. This pilot study tested the efficacy of STEP (School-based Teenage Education Program focusing on HIV Prevention) for school children. This pilot study randomized 25 schools in Mumbai. …

  7. Is peer education the best approach for HIV prevention in schools? Findings from a randomized controlled trial

    The purpose of the research was to evaluate the effectiveness of peer education when compared to teacher-led curricula in AIDS prevention programs conducted in schools in Rome, Italy. The only apparent benefit of the peer-led intervention, compared to that led by teachers, was a greater improvement in knowledge of HIV. Neither of the interventions induced changes in sexual behavior. However, the role of possible biases and methodological problems must be considered when interpreting these results.

  8. Efficacy of an American alcohol and hiv prevention curriculum adapted for use in South Africa: results of a pilot study in five township schools

    The high prevalence of HIV among young people in African countries underscores a pressing need for effective prevention interventions. Adapting school–based prevention programs developed in the United States for use in African schools may present an alternative to the time–consuming process of developing home–grown programs. The researchers report the results of a pretest–posttest field trial of an alcohol/ HIV prevention curriculum adapted from an American model and delivered to ninth-grade students in five South African township schools. …

  9. Education au genre : l’école est-elle prête ?

    L’école a toujours été gênée par la dimension intime de l’éducation à la sexualité. Au-delà de l’acte en soi, la sexualité renvoie de façon plus ou moins explicite aux rapports entre les sexes, à leurs tabous et à la myriade de stéréotypes qui vont avec. Si l’école reconnaît la portée sociale de l’éducation à la sexualité, est-elle pour autant prête à mettre en place une véritable éducation au genre ?

  10. Implementing HIV/AIDS education: impact of teachers’ training on HIV/AIDS education in Bangladesh

    School-based HIV/AIDS education is a common and well-proven intervention strategy for providing information on HIV/AIDS to young people. However, lack of skills among teachers for imparting sensitive information to students can lead to programme failure in terms of achieving goals. A cross-sectional study was conducted among teachers to identify the factors that support or hinder their role in HIV/AIDS education. A self-administered questionnaire was used for interviewing teachers from randomly-selected schools in two adjacent districts in Bangladesh. …

  11. Synthesis of multi-country study on the impact of HIV and AIDS on teachers and teaching in formal and non formal education in Benin, Ghana, Guinea and Niger

    This multi-country study on the impact of HIV and AIDS on the education sector was carried out in four countries in order to identify current practices and to explore their strengths and weaknesses. The study revealed that the various stakeholders in the education system had limited knowledge of national HIV and AIDS and education policies and as a result actions aimed at mitigating the impact of HIV and AIDS were largely ineffective. HIV and AIDS affect the offer, demand and quality of education due to an absence of administrative measures to manage infected and affected persons. …

  12. Impact of a School-based Peer Sexual Health Intervention on Normative Beliefs, Risk Perceptions, and Sexual Behavior of Zambian Adolescents

    To determine whether adolescents’ normative beliefs about abstinence and condoms, their personal risk perception, and safer sex practices changed after the implementation of a peer sexual health education intervention implemented in Zambian secondary schools.

  13. The association between sex education and youth’s engagement in sexual intercourse, age at first intercourse, and birth control use at first sex

    Purpose: Sex education is intended to provide youth with the information and skills needed to make healthy and informed decisions about sex. This study examined whether exposure to formal sex education is associated with three sexual behaviors: ever had sexual intercourse, age at first episode of sexual intercourse, and use of birth control at first intercourse. Methods: Data used were from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, a nationally representativesurvey. The sample included 2019 never-married males and females aged 15–19 years. …

  14. Application of the information, motivation and behavioural skills model for targeting HIV risk behaviour amongst adolescent learners in South Africa

    This paper discusses the application of an information, motivation and behavioural skills (IMB) model in a school-based programme for the reduction of HIV risk behaviour among 259 Grade 11 learners in two high schools in Alexandra township, Johannesburg. School 1 was the Experimental group, while School 2 was the Control group. After a baseline study (Time 1) at both schools, a 3-week intervention programme was conducted at School 1. A post-test (Time 2) was conducted at both schools. The intervention was repeated at School 2, followed by another post-test (Time 3) at both schools. …

  15. The World Starts With Me: using intervention mapping for the systematic adaptation and transfer of schoolbased sexuality education from Uganda to Indonesia

    Evidence-based health promotion programmes, including HIV/AIDS prevention and sexuality education programmes, are often transferred to other cultures, priority groups and implementation settings. Challenges in this process include the identification of retaining core elements that relate to the programme’s effectiveness while making changes that enhances acceptance in the new context and for the new priority group. This paper describes the use of a systematic approach to programme adaptation using a case study as an example. …


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