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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Educación de la sexualidad y prevención de las ITS y el VIH/SIDA desde los enfoques de género, de derechos y sociocultural: Orientaciones metodológicas formación del personal pedagógico

    Este material didáctico es un marco teórico de referencia que, en su articulación con las orientaciones metodológicas aportadas, constituyen un punto de partida que resulta indispensable para la adecuada preparación del personal pedagógico, con vistas a cumplir efectiva y científicamente la función de educadores y promotores de una sexualidad sana, plena y responsable, libre de riesgos en las niñas y niños, los y las adolescentes y jóvenes, atendiendo a las características de estos grupos etarios y las del contexto sociocultural en que se desarrollan.

  2. Educación de la sexualidad y prevención de las ITS y el VIH/SIDA desde los enfoques de género, de derechos y sociocultural: Orientaciones metodológicas educación secundaria básica, preuniversitaria técnico y profesional y adultos

    Este material didáctico es un marco teórico de referencia que, en su articulación con las orientaciones metodológicas aportadas, constituyen un punto de partida que resulta indispensable para la adecuada preparación del personal pedagógico, con vistas a cumplir efectiva y científicamente la función de educadores y promotores de una sexualidad sana, plena y responsable, libre de riesgos en las niñas y niños, los y las adolescentes y jóvenes, atendiendo a las características de estos grupos etarios y las del contexto sociocultural en que se desarrollan.

  3. Educación de la sexualidad y prevención de las ITS y el VIH/SIDA desde los enfoques de género, de derechos y sociocultural: Orientaciones metodológicas educación preescolar, primaria y especial

    Este material didáctico es un marco teórico de referencia que, en su articulación con las orientaciones metodológicas aportadas, constituyen un punto de partida que resulta indispensable para la adecuada preparación del personal pedagógico, con vistas a cumplir efectiva y científicamente la función de educadores y promotores de una sexualidad sana, plena y responsable, libre de riesgos en las niñas y niños, los y las adolescentes y jóvenes, atendiendo a las características de estos grupos etarios y las del contexto sociocultural en que se desarrollan.

  4. Life skills education in the context of HIV and AIDS

    This piece explores the role of life-skills education (LSE) in the context of HIV and AIDS, in particular in relation to its potential for contributing towards HIV prevention efforts amongst young people. LSE within the context of HIV and AIDS can occur both in school and in non-schools settings; target groups for such education include children, youth and adults. Groups particularly at risk of HIV-acquisition, include sex workers, intravenous drug users and men-who-have-sex-with-men. …

  5. Comprehensive sexuality education: the challenges and opportunities of scaling-up

    This report builds on a programme of work on sexuality education for young people initiated in 2008 by UNESCO. It is also informed by several other past and ongoing initiatives related to scaling up sexuality education, as well as drawing on case studies presented at the Bogota international consultation on sexuality education, convened by UNFPA in 2010. The report emphasizes the challenges for scaling-up in terms of integrating comprehensive sexuality education into the formal curricula of schools. …

  6. The need for reproductive health education in schools in Egypt

    Providing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) education in schools is a cost-effective way of reaching young people because the majority of adolescents are enrolled in school. This policy brief describes the current state of SRH education in schools in Egypt and presents the rationale and recommendations for improvements. It highlights portions of UNESCO’s guidelines related to SRH education and describes the pioneering work of some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) working in this field in the country.

  7. Sexuality education for HIV prevention in Latin America and the Caribbean: a regional diagnosis

    More than 25 years since the discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), preventing its transmission continues to be a challenge throughout the world; Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are not an exception. The Government of Mexico has called upon the countries of the region to sign a joint Declaration from the Ministries of Education and Health with the firm commitment to utilize a comprehensive sex education approach as a strategic tool for HIV prevention. …

  8. Comprehensive sexuality education: advancing human rights, gender equality and improved sexual and reproductive health

    In December 2010, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) organized a Global Consultation on Sexuality Education, in Bogota, Colombia, to discuss the most effective approaches to sexuality education that promote human rights, advance gender equality and improve sexual and reproductive health. The consultation brought together some 80 practitioners and programmers from more than 36 countries. …

  9. HIV/AIDS programmes: what do learners want?

    We describe how selected adolescent learners experience their current HIV/AIDS programmes in school. The rationale of the instrumental case study was that knowing, appreciating and understanding learners' preferences and experiences should inform future HIV/AIDS curriculum design. Research was conducted at three specifically selected secondary schools (cases). Focus groups and written essays were used as methods for data collection from 90 Grade 11 participants. …

  10. Support for comprehensive sexuality education: perspectives from parents of school-age youth

    Controversy about school-based sexuality education in public schools has continued over the past decade, despite mounting evidence that comprehensive sexuality education effectively promotes sexual health and that parents support these programs in public schools. The present study replicates and expands upon previous findings regarding public views on school-based sexuality education. …

  11. Imagined Futures V: 2020 Vision

    The Centre for the Study of AIDS (CSA), University of Pretoria, in collaboration with the Health and Wellness Centre and the University of Botswana, hosted the fifth Imagined Futures conference on 28 and 29 September 2010 at Willowpark Conference Centre in Gauteng, South Africa.This year’s theme was 20/20 Vision: looking to the next decade through the last. The conference looked back on a decade of HIV/AIDS programmes implemented at various universities in southern Africa, in the hopes of identifying challenges and priorities for the next decade. …

  12. Gender and Sexuality/HIV Education

    Sex/HIV education curricula have disparate effects for females and males. Review of 59 rigorous sex ed evaluations from the U.S. and developing countries. After omitting single sex programs, programs with no effect, and programs that changed only knowledge, 38 remained (25 U.S. and 13 developing country). A third of these failed to disaggregate results by gender, leaving 25. This article looks at why this is the case and how gender affects SRH outcomes.

  13. Condom Use Increases Among Namibian Youths Following HIV Training

    Namibian adolescents who received an HIV training curriculum experienced significant changes in attitudes, knowledge, intentions and behaviors concerning sexual activity and HIV. Adolescents who received training were more likely than their peers to know how pregnancy occurs and how to use a condom correctly. They also were more likely to believe that they could be intimate with a partner without having sex and that they could have a girlfriend or boyfriend for a long time without having sex. …

  14. Education and Nonuse of Contraceptives Among Poor Women in Chiapas, Mexico

    Context: Relatively little is known about how poverty and illiteracy affect women's decisions to adopt contraception, specifically their likelihood of never having practiced contraception. Methods: A random sample of 883 women in union aged 15-49 living in the Border Region of the Mexican state of Chiapas were interviewed in 1994 as part of a regional survey of reproductive health. …

  15. Ignorance Only - HIV/AIDS, Human rights and Federally funded Abstinence-only programs in the United States. Texas: A Case Study

    There is no vaccine to prevent HIV/AIDS, and the best treatment does not constitute a cure. U.S. government institutions responsible for setting public health standards have therefore repeatedly and strongly urged that providing complete and accurate information to adolescents about HIV/AIDS prevention, including the proper use of condoms as a means to reduce the risk of HIV transmission, be an important part of the government's prevention efforts. …


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